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14 calls to _name_translations() in Name Field 8

Name::getInfo in src/Element/Name.php
Returns the element properties for this element.
Name::preRender in src/Element/Name.php
This function themes the element and controls the title display.
NameFieldSettingsTrait::getDefaultNameFieldSettingsForm in src/Traits/NameFieldSettingsTrait.php
Returns a form for the default settings defined above.
NameFieldSettingsTrait::validateMinimumComponents in src/Traits/NameFieldSettingsTrait.php
Helper function to validate minimum components.
NameFieldTest::testFieldEntry in tests/src/Functional/NameFieldTest.php
The most basic test.
NameFormDisplaySettingsTrait::getDefaultNameFormDisplaySettingsForm in src/Traits/NameFormDisplaySettingsTrait.php
Returns a form for the default settings defined above.
NameFormSettingsHelperTrait::fieldSettingsFormPreRender in src/Traits/NameFormSettingsHelperTrait.php
Themes up the field settings into a table.
NameItem::activeComponents in src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/NameItem.php
Get a list of active components.
NameWidget::formElement in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/NameWidget.php
Returns the form for a single field widget.
NameWidget::massageFormValues in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/NameWidget.php
Massages the form values into the format expected for field values.
NameWidget::settingsForm in src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/NameWidget.php
Returns a form to configure settings for the widget.
name_element_expand in ./name.module
The #process callback to create the element.
name_element_validate in ./name.module
A custom validator to check the components of a name element.
name_element_validate_is_empty in ./name.module
Check if the name element is empty or not.