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26 calls to _name_translations() in Name Field 7

name_autocomplete in ./
Menu callback for the name autocomplete.
name_element_expand in ./name.module
The #process callback to create the element.
name_element_info in ./name.module
Implements hook_element_info().
name_element_pre_render in ./name.module
This function themes the element and controls the title display.
name_element_validate in ./name.module
A custom validator to check the components of a name_element element.
name_feeds_processor_targets_alter in ./
Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().
Name_FieldTestCase::testFieldEntry in tests/name.test
The most basic test. This should only fail if there is a change to the Drupal API.
name_field_formatter_settings_summary in ./name.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
name_field_info in ./name.module
Implements hook_field_info().
name_field_is_empty in ./name.module
Implements hook_field_is_empty().
name_field_load in ./name.module
Implements hook_field_load().
name_field_schema in ./name.install
Implements hook_field_schema().
name_tokens in ./
Implements hook_tokens().
name_token_info in ./
Implements hook_token_info().
name_views_data_alter in ./
Implements hook_views_data_alter().
theme_name_component_required_marker in ./name.module
Returns HTML for a marker for required name components.
_name_field_components_validate in includes/
_name_field_instance_settings_form in includes/
Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form().
_name_field_instance_settings_pre_render in ./
Themes the instance settings of the name component into a nice table, rather than a long list of individual elements.
_name_field_minimal_component_requirements in ./name.module
Checks that a component is not selected as a minimal component when the component is not selected.
_name_field_settings_form in includes/
Implements hook_field_settings_form().
_name_field_settings_pre_render in ./
Themes the global field settings of the name component into a nice table, rather than a long list of individual elements.
_name_field_widget_form in includes/
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
_webform_csv_headers_name in includes/
Implements Webform callback _webform_csv_headers_COMPONENT().
_webform_defaults_name in includes/
Implements Webform callback _webform_defaults_COMPONENT().
_webform_edit_name in includes/
Implements Webform callback _webform_edit_COMPONENT().