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function name_field_schema in Name Field 7

Implements hook_field_schema().

There is no path backwards in Drupal 7 when it comes to dropping columns or reducing the size of the columns (via coresponence mid 2010). So as a varchar is just the data + a terminator byte, all fields get all columns with vc(255).


./name.install, line 15
Standard installation functions for name.


function name_field_schema($field) {
  module_load_include('module', 'name');
  $columns = array();
  foreach (_name_translations() as $key => $title) {
    $columns[$key] = array(
      'type' => 'varchar',
      'length' => 255,
      'not null' => FALSE,
  return array(
    'columns' => $columns,
    'indexes' => array(
      'given' => array(
      'family' => array(