function theme_nagios_modules_fieldset in Nagios Monitoring 7
Returns HTML for the modules form.
This was copied from which was in turn copied from theme_system_modules_fieldset() and modified to handle additional links.
@todo Create an issue for this and get this function into D8.
array $variables: An associative array containing the key:
- form: A render element representing the form.
Return value
- ./
nagios.module, line 1230
function theme_nagios_modules_fieldset($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
// Individual table headers.
$rows = [];
// Iterate through all of the modules to Determine the available operations.
$children = element_children($form);
$operations = drupal_map_assoc([
foreach ($children as $key) {
$links = array_filter(array_keys($form[$key]['links']), function ($var) {
return $var && $var[0] != '#';
if ($links) {
$operations += drupal_map_assoc($links);
// Iterate through all the modules.
foreach ($children as $key) {
// Stick it into $module for easier accessing.
$module = $form[$key];
$row = [];
$row[] = [
'class' => [
'data' => drupal_render($module['enable']),
$label = '<label';
if (isset($module['enable']['#id'])) {
$label .= ' for="' . $module['enable']['#id'] . '"';
$row[] = $label . '><strong>' . drupal_render($module['name']) . '</strong></label>';
$row[] = drupal_render($module['version']);
// Add the description, along with any modules it requires.
$description = drupal_render($module['description']);
if ($module['#requires']) {
$description .= '<div class="admin-requirements">' . t('Requires: !module-list', [
'!module-list' => implode(', ', $module['#requires']),
]) . '</div>';
if ($module['#required_by']) {
$description .= '<div class="admin-requirements">' . t('Required by: !module-list', [
'!module-list' => implode(', ', $module['#required_by']),
]) . '</div>';
$row[] = [
'data' => $description,
'class' => [
// Display links (such as help or permissions) in their own columns.
foreach ($operations as $key_inner) {
$row[] = [
'data' => drupal_render($module['links'][$key_inner]),
'class' => [
$form['#header'][4]['colspan'] = count($operations);
$rows[] = $row;
return theme('table', [
'header' => $form['#header'],
'rows' => $rows,