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function _nagios_update_calculate_project_data in Nagios Monitoring 7

Wrapper function to ensure update_calculate_project_data() can always be accessed, even if the core update module is disabled.

Return value

array An array of installed projects with current update status information.

1 call to _nagios_update_calculate_project_data()
nagios_check_requirements in ./nagios.module
Check all Drupal requirements are satisfied.


./nagios.module, line 1360


function _nagios_update_calculate_project_data($available = []) {
  if (!module_exists('update')) {

    // update_calculate_project_data() relies on the update module to have been installed, not just the code to be available
    if (db_table_exists('cache_update')) {
      module_load_include('inc', 'update', '');
      return update_calculate_project_data($available);
    watchdog('nagios', t('The core update module was never installed so we cannot use update check features.'));
  else {
    return update_calculate_project_data($available);
  return [];