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Functions in Nagios Monitoring 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_nagios_check ./ Drush command callback: nagios-check.
drush_nagios_list ./ Drush command callback: nagios-list.
drush_nagios_updates ./ Drush command callback: nagios-updates.
hook_nagios ./nagios.api.php Does the actual work of checking something.
hook_nagios_info ./nagios.api.php Implementing this hook generates a checkbox in the Nagios settings page.
hook_nagios_settings ./nagios.api.php Form API elements to be included on the /admin/config/system/nagios page.
nagios_check ./ Helper function for drush_nagios_check(). 1
nagios_check_cron ./nagios.module Check when the Drupal cron system was last invoked. 1
nagios_check_elysia_cron ./nagios.module Check when the Drupal cron system was last invoked.
nagios_check_maintenance ./nagios.module Check when the site is in maintenance mode.
nagios_check_modules ./nagios.module
nagios_check_nodes ./nagios.module Report the number of published nodes.
nagios_check_requirements ./nagios.module Check is all Drupal requirenemts are satisfied.
nagios_check_session_anon ./nagios.module Report the number of anonymous sessions.
nagios_check_session_auth ./nagios.module Report the number of logged in sessions.
nagios_check_themes ./nagios.module Report the number of enabled modules.
nagios_check_users ./nagios.module Report the number of active user accounts.
nagios_check_watchdog ./nagios.module Check Drupal {watchdog} table recent entries.
nagios_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
nagios_form_system_theme_settings_alter ./nagios.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
nagios_functions ./nagios.module Functions to be performed by the base nagios module. 5
nagios_hook_test_module_nagios tests/modules/nagios_hook_test_module/nagios_hook_test_module.module Implements hook_nagios().
nagios_hook_test_module_nagios_info tests/modules/nagios_hook_test_module/nagios_hook_test_module.module Implements hook_nagios_info().
nagios_hook_test_module_requirements tests/modules/nagios_hook_test_module/nagios_hook_test_module.module Implements hook_requirements().
nagios_invoke_all ./nagios.module Custom invoke function checking our config for which modules to include. 5
nagios_nagios ./nagios.module Implements hook_nagios().
nagios_nagios_check ./nagios.module Implements hook_nagios_check().
nagios_nagios_checks ./nagios.module Implements hook_nagios_checks().
nagios_nagios_info ./nagios.module Implements hook_nagios_info()
nagios_nagios_settings ./nagios.module Implements hook_nagios_settings().
nagios_post_update_rename_config_key____ ./nagios.module Implements hook_post_update_NAME().
nagios_session_count ./nagios.module Counts how many users are active on the site. 2
nagios_status ./nagios.module Mapping of defines to text strings that Nagios understands. 3
nagios_system_theme_settings_form_submit ./nagios.module Additional system theme settings form submit handler. 1
nagios_updates ./ Helper function for drush_nagios_updates(). 1
_nagios_updates_sort_by_severity ./nagios.module Helper function to sort modules by severity with usort(). 1
_nagios_update_os_user ./nagios.module Update the information under which operating system user PHP is currently running. This helps to detect permission problems when CLI and web users differ. 4

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