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Functions in N1ED - Visual editor as CKEditor plugin with Bootstrap support 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
includeFile vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php Scope isolated include. 1
n1ed_admin_form ./n1ed.module Admin form to configurable welcome message. 1
n1ed_ckeditor_plugin ./n1ed.module Implementation of hook_ckeditor_plugin
n1ed_ckeditor_settings_alter ./n1ed.module Removing 'iframe' plugin due to N1ED handles IFrames better and will conflict with default add-on
n1ed_flmngr ./n1ed.module Handler for Flmngr requests 1
n1ed_form_alter ./n1ed.module Implemnetation of hook_form_alter
n1ed_install ./n1ed.install Called when installed: attaches N1ED to appropriate formats.
n1ed_menu ./n1ed.module Implementation of hook_menu
n1ed_preprocess_page ./n1ed.module Implementation of hook_preprocess_page
n1ed_setApiKey ./n1ed.module Handler for setting API key and access token for N1ED 1

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