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Functions in Measured Value Field 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
mvf_content_diff_values includes/ Implementation of hook_content_diff_values()
mvf_content_is_empty ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
mvf_disable ./mvf.install Implementation of hook_disable().
mvf_elements ./mvf.module Implementation of FAPI hook_elements().
mvf_enable ./mvf.install Implementation of hook_enable().
mvf_field ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_field().
mvf_field_formatter_info ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
mvf_field_info ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_field_info().
mvf_field_settings ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
mvf_get_widget_units ./mvf.module Build unit options for the given field/widget. 1
mvf_init ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_init().
mvf_install ./mvf.install Implementation of hook_install().
mvf_mvf_get_display_modes_range ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_mvf_get_display_modes_range().
mvf_mvf_get_display_modes_single ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_mvf_get_display_modes_single().
mvf_requirements ./mvf.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
mvf_theme ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_theme().
mvf_uninstall ./mvf.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
mvf_validate_field_value ./mvf.module Validate a single value (row) of measured value field and indicate errors. 1
mvf_views_api ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
mvf_views_handlers includes/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers() to register all of the basic handlers views uses.
mvf_widget ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_widget().
mvf_widget_info ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_widget_info().
mvf_widget_process ./mvf.module Process an individual MVF element. 1
mvf_widget_settings ./mvf.module Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
mvf_widget_validate ./mvf.module FAPI validation of an individual Measured Value field. 1
theme_mvf_field ./mvf.module Display an value and unit with the given display options.
theme_mvf_formatter_generic ./mvf.module Display a MVF field (formatted). 1
theme_mvf_formatter_unformatted ./mvf.module Display a MVF field (unformatted).
theme_mvf_widget ./mvf.module Display a MVF field (widget).

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