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class EntityReferenceRevisionsItem in Multiversion 8

Alternative entity reference revisions base field item type class.


Expanded class hierarchy of EntityReferenceRevisionsItem


src/EntityReferenceRevisionsItem.php, line 11


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class EntityReferenceRevisionsItem extends ContribEntityReferenceRevisionsItem {
  use EntityReferenceFieldTrait {
    preSave as entityReferencePreSave;

   * Change the logic around saving auto-created entities.
   * @see \Drupal\multiversion\EntityReferenceFieldTrait::preSave()
   * @see \Drupal\entity_reference_revisions\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::preSave()
  public function preSave() {
    if (!$this
      ->parentIsEnabledEntityType()) {

      // Call source class method if parent entity isn't supported by Multiversion.
    $has_new = $this

    // If it is a new entity, parent will save it.
    if (!$has_new) {

      // Create a new revision if it is a composite entity in a host with a new
      // revision.
      $host = $this
      $needs_save = $this->entity instanceof EntityNeedsSaveInterface && $this->entity
      if (!$host
        ->isNew() && $host
        ->isNewRevision() && $this->entity && $this->entity
        ->get('entity_revision_parent_id_field')) {
        if ($host
          ->isDefaultRevision()) {
        $needs_save = TRUE;
      if ($needs_save) {

        // Delete the paragraph when the host entity is deleted.
        if ($host->_deleted->value == TRUE) {
        elseif ($host->_rev->new_edit == FALSE) {

          /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\MultiversionManagerInterface $multiversion_manager */
          $multiversion_manager = \Drupal::service('multiversion.manager');
          $entity_type = $this->entity
          if ($multiversion_manager
            ->isEnabledEntityType($entity_type)) {

            /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager */
            $entity_type_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager');

            /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Storage\ContentEntityStorageInterface $storage */
            $storage = $entity_type_manager
            $entities = $storage
              'uuid' => $this->entity
            $entity = reset($entities);
            if ($entity) {
              $parent_id = $this->entity
                ->set($parent_id, $this->entity
              $this->entity = $entity;
        else {
    if ($this->entity) {
      $this->target_revision_id = $this->entity

   * Change the logic around revisions handling.
   * By default multiversion storage forces new revision on entity save.
   * But this should be not done on "postSave" call, as we will finish the save
   * process only after this method call.
   * @see \Drupal\entity_reference_revisions\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::postSave()
   * @see \Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Storage\ContentEntityStorageTrait::saveWithoutForcingNewRevision()
  public function postSave($update) {
    $needs_save = FALSE;

    // If any of entity, parent type or parent id is missing then return.
    if (!$this->entity || !$this->entity
      ->get('entity_revision_parent_type_field') || !$this->entity
      ->get('entity_revision_parent_id_field')) {
    if (!$this
      ->parentIsEnabledEntityType()) {

      // Call source class method if parent entity isn't supported by Multiversion.
    $entity = $this->entity;
    $parent_entity = $this

    // If the entity has a parent field name get the key.
    if ($entity
      ->get('entity_revision_parent_field_name_field')) {
      $parent_field_name = $entity

      // If parent field name has changed then set it.
      if ($entity
        ->get($parent_field_name)->value != $this
        ->getName()) {
          ->set($parent_field_name, $this
        $needs_save = TRUE;
    $parent_type = $entity
    $parent_id = $entity

    // If the parent type has changed then set it.
    if ($entity
      ->get($parent_type)->value != $parent_entity
      ->getEntityTypeId()) {
        ->set($parent_type, $parent_entity
      $needs_save = TRUE;

    // If the parent id has changed then set it.
    if ($entity
      ->get($parent_id)->value != $parent_entity
      ->id()) {
        ->set($parent_id, $parent_entity
      $needs_save = TRUE;
    if ($needs_save) {

      // Check if any of the keys has changed, save it, do not create a new
      // revision.

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager */
      $entity_type_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager');

      /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\MultiversionManagerInterface $multiversion_manager */
      $multiversion_manager = \Drupal::service('multiversion.manager');
      $entity_type_id = $entity
      $entity_type = $entity_type_manager
      if ($multiversion_manager
        ->isEnabledEntityType($entity_type)) {

        /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Storage\ContentEntityStorageInterface $storage */
        $storage = $entity_type_manager

   * Checks whether parent entity is supported by Multiversion or not.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if parent entity is supported by Multiversion, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function parentIsEnabledEntityType() {
    $parent_entity = $this
    $parent_entity_type = $parent_entity
    if (\Drupal::service('multiversion.manager')
      ->isEnabledEntityType($parent_entity_type)) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
EntityReferenceFieldTrait::preSave public function Aliased as: entityReferencePreSave
EntityReferenceItem::calculateDependencies public static function Calculates dependencies for field items. Overrides FieldItemBase::calculateDependencies
EntityReferenceItem::calculateStorageDependencies public static function Calculates dependencies for field items on the storage level. Overrides FieldItemBase::calculateStorageDependencies
EntityReferenceItem::defaultFieldSettings public static function Defines the field-level settings for this plugin. Overrides FieldItemBase::defaultFieldSettings 1
EntityReferenceItem::defaultStorageSettings public static function Defines the storage-level settings for this plugin. Overrides FieldItemBase::defaultStorageSettings 1
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsAjaxProcess public static function Render API callback: Processes the field settings form and allows access to the form state.
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsAjaxProcessElement public static function Adds entity_reference specific properties to AJAX form elements from the field settings form.
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsForm public function Returns a form for the field-level settings. Overrides FieldItemBase::fieldSettingsForm 1
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsFormValidate public static function Form element validation handler; Invokes selection plugin's validation.
EntityReferenceItem::formProcessMergeParent public static function Render API callback: Moves entity_reference specific Form API elements (i.e. 'handler_settings') up a level for easier processing by the validation and submission handlers.
EntityReferenceItem::getConstraints public function Gets a list of validation constraints. Overrides TypedData::getConstraints
EntityReferenceItem::getPossibleOptions public function Returns an array of possible values with labels for display. Overrides OptionsProviderInterface::getPossibleOptions
EntityReferenceItem::getPossibleValues public function Returns an array of possible values. Overrides OptionsProviderInterface::getPossibleValues
EntityReferenceItem::getRandomBundle protected static function Gets a bundle for a given entity type and selection options.
EntityReferenceItem::getSettableOptions public function Returns an array of settable values with labels for display. Overrides OptionsProviderInterface::getSettableOptions
EntityReferenceItem::getSettableValues public function Returns an array of settable values. Overrides OptionsProviderInterface::getSettableValues
EntityReferenceItem::hasNewEntity public function Determines whether the item holds an unsaved entity.
EntityReferenceItem::mainPropertyName public static function Returns the name of the main property, if any. Overrides FieldItemBase::mainPropertyName
EntityReferenceItem::settingsAjax public static function Ajax callback for the handler settings form.
EntityReferenceItem::settingsAjaxSubmit public static function Submit handler for the non-JS case.
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::delete public function Defines custom delete behavior for field values. Overrides FieldItemBase::delete
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::deleteRevision public function Defines custom revision delete behavior for field values. Overrides FieldItemBase::deleteRevision
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::generateSampleValue public static function Generates placeholder field values. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::generateSampleValue
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::getPreconfiguredOptions public static function Returns preconfigured field options for a field type. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::getPreconfiguredOptions
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::getValue public function Gets the data value. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::getValue
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::isEmpty public function Determines whether the data structure is empty. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::isEmpty
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::onChange public function React to changes to a child property or item. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::onChange
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::onDependencyRemoval public static function Informs the plugin that a dependency of the field will be deleted. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::onDependencyRemoval
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::parentIsEnabledEntityType protected function Checks whether parent entity is supported by Multiversion or not.
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::postSave public function Change the logic around revisions handling. Overrides EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::postSave
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::preSave public function Change the logic around saving auto-created entities. Overrides EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::preSave
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::propertyDefinitions public static function Defines field item properties. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::propertyDefinitions
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::schema public static function Returns the schema for the field. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::schema
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::setValue public function Sets the data value. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::setValue
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::storageSettingsForm public function Returns a form for the storage-level settings. Overrides EntityReferenceItem::storageSettingsForm
FieldItemBase::fieldSettingsFromConfigData public static function Returns a settings array in the field type's canonical representation. Overrides FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsFromConfigData 1
FieldItemBase::fieldSettingsToConfigData public static function Returns a settings array that can be stored as a configuration value. Overrides FieldItemInterface::fieldSettingsToConfigData 1
FieldItemBase::getEntity public function Gets the entity that field belongs to. Overrides FieldItemInterface::getEntity
FieldItemBase::getFieldDefinition public function Gets the field definition. Overrides FieldItemInterface::getFieldDefinition
FieldItemBase::getLangcode public function Gets the langcode of the field values held in the object. Overrides FieldItemInterface::getLangcode
FieldItemBase::getSetting protected function Returns the value of a field setting.
FieldItemBase::getSettings protected function Returns the array of field settings.
FieldItemBase::storageSettingsFromConfigData public static function Returns a settings array in the field type's canonical representation. Overrides FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsFromConfigData 2
FieldItemBase::storageSettingsToConfigData public static function Returns a settings array that can be stored as a configuration value. Overrides FieldItemInterface::storageSettingsToConfigData 2
FieldItemBase::view public function Returns a renderable array for a single field item. Overrides FieldItemInterface::view
FieldItemBase::writePropertyValue protected function Different to the parent Map class, we avoid creating property objects as far as possible in order to optimize performance. Thus we just update $this->values if no property object has been created yet. Overrides Map::writePropertyValue
FieldItemBase::__construct public function Constructs a TypedData object given its definition and context. Overrides TypedData::__construct 1
FieldItemBase::__get public function Magic method: Gets a property value. Overrides FieldItemInterface::__get 2
FieldItemBase::__isset public function Magic method: Determines whether a property is set. Overrides FieldItemInterface::__isset
FieldItemBase::__set public function Magic method: Sets a property value. Overrides FieldItemInterface::__set 1
FieldItemBase::__unset public function Magic method: Unsets a property. Overrides FieldItemInterface::__unset
Map::$definition protected property The data definition. Overrides TypedData::$definition
Map::$properties protected property The array of properties.
Map::$values protected property An array of values for the contained properties.
Map::applyDefaultValue public function Applies the default value. Overrides TypedData::applyDefaultValue 4
Map::get public function Gets a property object. Overrides ComplexDataInterface::get
Map::getIterator public function
Map::getProperties public function Gets an array of property objects. Overrides ComplexDataInterface::getProperties
Map::getString public function Returns a string representation of the data. Overrides TypedData::getString
Map::set public function Sets a property value. Overrides ComplexDataInterface::set
Map::toArray public function Returns an array of all property values. Overrides ComplexDataInterface::toArray 1
Map::__clone public function Magic method: Implements a deep clone.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
TypedData::$name protected property The property name.
TypedData::$parent protected property The parent typed data object.
TypedData::createInstance public static function Constructs a TypedData object given its definition and context. Overrides TypedDataInterface::createInstance
TypedData::getDataDefinition public function Gets the data definition. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getDataDefinition
TypedData::getName public function Returns the name of a property or item. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getName
TypedData::getParent public function Returns the parent data structure; i.e. either complex data or a list. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getParent
TypedData::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition
TypedData::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId
TypedData::getPropertyPath public function Returns the property path of the data. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getPropertyPath
TypedData::getRoot public function Returns the root of the typed data tree. Overrides TypedDataInterface::getRoot
TypedData::setContext public function Sets the context of a property or item via a context aware parent. Overrides TypedDataInterface::setContext
TypedData::validate public function Validates the currently set data value. Overrides TypedDataInterface::validate
TypedDataTrait::$typedDataManager protected property The typed data manager used for creating the data types.
TypedDataTrait::getTypedDataManager public function Gets the typed data manager. 2
TypedDataTrait::setTypedDataManager public function Sets the typed data manager. 2