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Files in Multiselect 7

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multiselect-rtl.css multiselect-rtl.css .field-widget-multiselect { } .multiselect_labels .label_selected { margin-left: 145px; margin-right: 0; float: left; } .multiselect_labels .label_unselected { float: right; } .form-item.form-type-select.form-item-field-categorize-und { … Admin page callbacks.
multiselect.css multiselect.css select.multiselect_unsel { width: 250px; } select.multiselect_sel { width: 250px; } /* LABELS ABOVE FIELDS */ .multiselect_labels { font-weight: bold; color: #999; width: 575px; } .multiselect_labels .label_unselected { float:… name = Multiselect description = Defines a multiple selection field widget, to allow easier multi-selection for users. package = Fields core = "7.x" version = VERSION files[] = multiselect.module
multiselect.module multiselect.module Allows users to select multiple items in an easier way than the normal node-reference widget. multiselect_fapi_example/ name = Multiselect FAPI Example description = Example usage of the Multiselect module via Form API calls. package = Example modules core = "7.x" version = VERSION files[] = multiselect_fapi_example.module
multiselect_fapi_example.module multiselect_fapi_example/multiselect_fapi_example.module
README.txt README.txt // $Id $ Description ------- The Multiselect module defines a CCK and Form API multiple selection field widget, to allow easier multi-selection for users. Multiselect was by Mark W. Jarrell (attheshow) at Fleet Thought…

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