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function _owl_default_settings in Multipurpose Corporate Profile 8

Default settings for owl

3 calls to _owl_default_settings()
Owl::defineOptions in modules/contrib/owl/src/Plugin/views/style/Owl.php
Set default options
OwlFieldFormatter::defaultSettings in modules/contrib/owl/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/OwlFieldFormatter.php
Defines the default settings for this plugin.
OwlFieldFormatter::viewElements in modules/contrib/owl/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/OwlFieldFormatter.php
Builds a renderable array for a field value.


modules/contrib/owl/owl.module, line 100
Contains owl.module..


function _owl_default_settings($key = NULL) {
  $settings = array(
    'image_style' => '',
    'image_link' => '',
    'items' => 5,
    'itemsDesktop' => '[1199,4]',
    'itemsDesktopSmall' => '[979,3]',
    'itemsTablet' => '[768,2]',
    'itemsMobile' => '[479,1]',
    'singleItem' => FALSE,
    'itemsScaleUp' => FALSE,
    'slideSpeed' => 200,
    'paginationSpeed' => 800,
    'rewindSpeed' => 1000,
    'autoPlay' => FALSE,
    'stopOnHover' => FALSE,
    'navigation' => FALSE,
    'navigationText' => '["prev","next"]',
    'prevText' => t('prev')
    'nextText' => t('next')
    'rewindNav' => TRUE,
    'scrollPerPage' => FALSE,
    'pagination' => TRUE,
    'paginationNumbers' => FALSE,
    'responsive' => TRUE,
    'responsiveRefreshRate' => 200,
    'mouseDrag' => TRUE,
    'touchDrag' => TRUE,
    'transitionStyle' => 'fade',
  return isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : $settings;