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function hook_mpac_selection_plugin_info in Multi-path autocomplete 8

Declares information about additional selection plugins.

Any module can define selection plugins to list custom results in autocomplete fields controlled by Multi-path autocomplete.

Return value

array An associative array of plugin definitions. The keys of the array are the IDs of the plugins and each corresponding value is an associative array with the following key-value pairs:

  • 'label': The human readable name of the plugin, which should be passed through the t() function for translation.
1 invocation of hook_mpac_selection_plugin_info()
mpac_selection_plugin_info in ./mpac.module
Collect information about selection plugins provided by other modules.


./mpac.api.php, line 21
Hooks provided by the Multi-path autocomplete module.


function hook_mpac_selection_plugin_info() {
  return array(
    'test' => array(
      'label' => t('Test selection'),