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function _mostpopular_invoke in Drupal Most Popular 7

3 calls to _mostpopular_invoke()
mostpopular_refresh in ./mostpopular.module
Refreshes data from each service by invoking the refresh callback for each service.
mostpopular_service_config_form in ./
mostpopular_service_config_form_submit in ./


./mostpopular.module, line 348
The main file for the Most Popular module.


function _mostpopular_invoke($callback, $info, &$arg1 = NULL, &$arg2 = NULL, &$arg3 = NULL) {
  if (is_array($info)) {
    $info = (object) $info;
  if (isset($info->file)) {
    include $info->file;
  $function = _mostpopular_callback($callback, $info);
  if ($function) {
    return $function($info, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3);
  return FALSE;