public static function MostPopularService::fetchByModule in Drupal Most Popular 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7 classes/services.php \MostPopularService::fetchByModule()
Fetches the service with the given module and delta.
string $module: The module defining the service.
string $delta: The delta of the service within the module.
Return value
MostPopularService The service with the given service ID, or null if none could be found.
1 call to MostPopularService::fetchByModule()
- mostpopular_get_sid_for_module in ./
mostpopular.api.php - Gets the service ID for the service defined by the given module and delta.
- classes/
services.php, line 142 - Defines a wrapper for the mostpopular_services table.
- MostPopularService
- @file Defines a wrapper for the mostpopular_services table.
public static function fetchByModule($module, $delta) {
if (isset(self::$availableList[$module][$delta])) {
return self::$availableList[$module][$delta];
return NULL;