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function monitoring_sensor_run in Monitoring 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 monitoring.module \monitoring_sensor_run()

The sensor runner function.

Note that in case there is a cached result for given sensor name, the sensor will not run and the cached result will be returned.


string $sensor_name: The name of the sensor that is to be run.

bool $force_run: Set to TRUE to force the run. Defaults to FALSE.

bool $verbose: (optional) Set to TRUE to enable verbose execution, defaults to FALSE.

Return value

\Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface A single result object.


\Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\NonExistingSensorException Thrown if the requested sensor does not exist.

\Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\DisabledSensorException Thrown if any of the passed sensor names is not enabled.

7 calls to monitoring_sensor_run()
DisappearedSensorsSensorPlugin::buildConfigurationForm in src/Plugin/monitoring/SensorPlugin/DisappearedSensorsSensorPlugin.php
Adds UI to clear the missing sensor status.
MonitoringApiTest::testAPI in tests/src/Kernel/MonitoringApiTest.php
Test the base class if info is set and passed correctly.
MonitoringServicesTest::assertSensorResult in tests/src/Functional/MonitoringServicesTest.php
Do sensor result assertions.
MonitoringTestTrait::runSensor in tests/src/Functional/MonitoringTestTrait.php
Executes a sensor and returns the result.
MonitoringUiJavascriptTest::testSensorInstalledModulesUI in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/MonitoringUiJavascriptTest.php
Tests the UI/settings of the installed modules sensor.

... See full list


./monitoring.module, line 138
Monitoring bootstrap file.


function monitoring_sensor_run($sensor_name, $force_run = FALSE, $verbose = FALSE) {
  $results = monitoring_sensor_run_multiple(array(
  ), $force_run, $verbose);
  return reset($results);