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class SensorRunner in Monitoring 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/SensorRunner.php \Drupal\monitoring\SensorRunner

Instantiate and run requested sensors.

@todo more


  • class \Drupal\monitoring\SensorRunner implements \Drupal\monitoring\IteratorAggregate

Expanded class hierarchy of SensorRunner

5 files declare their use of SensorRunner in ./
Admin page/form callbacks.
monitoring.module in ./monitoring.module
Monitoring bootstrap file.
monitoring.ui.test in test/tests/monitoring.ui.test
Contains \MonitoringUITest.
monitoring_icinga.module in modules/monitoring_icinga/monitoring_icinga.module
Monitoring Nagios module bootstrap file.
monitoring_munin.module in modules/monitoring_munin/monitoring_munin.module
Monitoring Munin module bootstrap file.


lib/Drupal/monitoring/SensorRunner.php, line 18
Contains \Drupal\monitoring\SensorRunner.


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class SensorRunner implements \IteratorAggregate {

   * Sensor manager.
   * @var \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\SensorManager
  protected $sensorManager;

   * Internal sensor result cache.
   * @var array
  protected $cache = array();

   * List of sensors info keyed by sensor name that are meant to run.
   * @var \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\SensorInfo[]
  protected $sensors = array();

   * Flag to force sensor run.
   * @var bool
  protected $forceRun = FALSE;

   * Flag to switch the collecting of verbose output.
   * @var bool
  protected $verbose = FALSE;

   * Result logging mode.
   * Possible values: none, on_request, all
   * @var string
  protected $loggingMode = 'none';

   * Constructs a SensorRunner.
   * @param \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\SensorInfo[] $sensors
   *   Associative array of sensor names => sensor info. Only enabled sensors
   *   may be passed.
  public function __construct(array $sensors = array()) {
    $this->sensors = $sensors;
    $this->sensorManager = monitoring_sensor_manager();
    if (empty($sensors)) {
      $this->sensors = $this->sensorManager

    // @todo LOW Cleanly variable based installation should go into a factory.
    $this->loggingMode = variable_get('monitoring_sensor_call_logging', 'on_request');

   * Forces to run sensors even there is cached data available.
   * @param bool $force
  public function forceRun($force = TRUE) {
    $this->forceRun = $force;

   * Sets flag to collect verbose info.
   * @param bool $verbose
   *   Verbose flag.
  public function verbose($verbose = TRUE) {
    $this->verbose = $verbose;

   * Sets result logging mode.
   * @param string $mode
   *   (NULL, on_request, all)
  public function setLoggingMode($mode) {
    $this->loggingMode = $mode;

   * Loads available sensor results from cache.
  public function loadCache() {
    $cids = array();

    // Only load sensor caches if they define caching.
    foreach ($this->sensors as $name => $sensor_info) {
      if ($sensor_info
        ->getCachingTime()) {
        $cids[] = $this
    if ($cids) {
      foreach (cache_get_multiple($cids) as $cache) {
        if ($cache->expire > REQUEST_TIME) {
          $this->cache[$cache->data['name']] = $cache->data;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getIterator() {
    $results = $this
    return new \ArrayIterator($results);

   * Runs the defined sensors.
   * @return \Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface[]
   *   Array of sensor results.
   * @throws \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\DisabledSensorException
   *   Thrown if any of the passed sensors is not enabled.
   * @see \Drupal\monitoring\SensorRunner::runSensor()
  public function runSensors() {
    $results = array();
    foreach ($this->sensors as $name => $info) {
      if ($result = $this
        ->runSensor($info)) {
        $results[$name] = $result;
    return $results;

   * Run a single given sensor.
   * @param SensorInfo $sensor_info
   *   Sensor info
   * @return SensorResultInterface
   *   Sensor result.
   * @throws \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\DisabledSensorException
   *   Thrown if the passed sensor is not enabled.
   * @see \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\SensorInterface::runSensor()
  protected function runSensor(SensorInfo $sensor_info) {
    $sensor = $this

    // Check if sensor is enabled.
    if (!$sensor
      ->isEnabled()) {
      throw new DisabledSensorException(format_string('Sensor @sensor_name is not enabled and must not be run.', array(
        '@sensor_name' => $sensor_info
    $result = $this

    // In case result is not yet cached run sensor.
    if (!$result
      ->isCached()) {
      try {
      } catch (\Exception $e) {

        // In case the sensor execution results in an exception, mark it as
        // critical and set the sensor status message.
          ->setMessage(get_class($e) . ': ' . $e

        // Log the error to watchdog.
        watchdog_exception('monitoring_exception', $e);

        // @todo Improve logging by e.g. integrating with past or save the
        //   backtrace as part of the sensor verbose output.
      $timer = timer_stop($sensor_info

      // Capture verbose output if requested and if we are able to do so.
      if ($this->verbose && $sensor_info
        ->isExtendedInfo()) {
      try {
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
          ->setMessage(get_class($e) . ': ' . $e
    return $result;

   * Log results if needed.
   * @param \Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface[] $results
   *   Results to be saved.
  protected function logResults(array $results) {
    foreach ($results as $result) {

      // Skip if the result is cached.
      if ($result
        ->isCached()) {
      $old_status = NULL;

      // Try to load the previous log result for this sensor.
      if ($last_result = monitoring_sensor_result_last($result
        ->getSensorName())) {
        $old_status = $last_result->sensor_status;

      // Check if we need to log the result.
      if ($this
        ->needsLogging($result, $old_status, $result
        ->getStatus())) {

   * Checks if sensor results should be logged.
   * @param \Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface $result
   *   The sensor result.
   * @param string $old_status
   *   The old sensor status.
   * @param string $new_status
   *   Thew new sensor status.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the result should be logged, FALSE if not.
  protected function needsLogging($result, $old_status = NULL, $new_status = NULL) {
    $log_activity = $result
      ->getSetting('result_logging', FALSE);

    // We log if requested or on status change.
    if ($this->loggingMode == 'on_request') {
      return $log_activity || $old_status != $new_status;

    // We are logging all.
    if ($this->loggingMode == 'all') {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Cache results if caching applies.
   * @param \Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface[] $results
   *   Results to be cached.
  protected function cacheResults(array $results) {

    // @todo: Cache in a single array, with per item expiration?
    foreach ($results as $result) {
      $definition = $result
      if ($definition
        ->getCachingTime() && !$result
        ->isCached()) {
        $data = array(
          'name' => $result
          'sensor_status' => $result
          'sensor_message' => $result
          'sensor_expected_value' => $result
          'sensor_value' => $result
          'execution_time' => $result
          'timestamp' => $result
          ->getSensorName()), $data, 'cache', REQUEST_TIME + $definition

   * Instantiates sensor object.
   * @param SensorInfo $sensor_info
   *   Sensor info.
   * @return \Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\SensorInterface
   *   Instantiated sensor.
  protected function getSensorObject(SensorInfo $sensor_info) {
    $sensor_class = $sensor_info
    $sensor = new $sensor_class($sensor_info);
    return $sensor;

   * Instantiates sensor result object.
   * @param SensorInfo $sensor_info
   *   Sensor info.
   * @return \Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface
   *   Instantiated sensor result object.
  protected function getResultObject(SensorInfo $sensor_info) {
    $result_class = $sensor_info
    if (!$this->forceRun && isset($this->cache[$sensor_info
      ->getName()])) {
      $result = new $result_class($sensor_info, $this->cache[$sensor_info
    else {
      $result = new $result_class($sensor_info);
    return $result;

   * Gets sensor cache id.
   * @param string $sensor_name
   * @return string
   *   Cache id.
  protected static function getSensorCid($sensor_name) {
    return 'monitoring_sensor_result:' . $sensor_name;

   * Reset sensor result caches.
   * @param array $sensor_names
   *   (optional) Array of sensors to reset the cache for. An empty array clears
   *   all results, which is the default.
  public static function resetCache(array $sensor_names = array()) {
    if (empty($sensor_names)) {

      // No sensor names provided, clear all caches.
      cache_clear_all('monitoring_sensor_result:', 'cache', TRUE);
    else {
      foreach ($sensor_names as $sensor_name) {
        cache_clear_all(self::getSensorCid($sensor_name), 'cache');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SensorRunner::$cache protected property Internal sensor result cache.
SensorRunner::$forceRun protected property Flag to force sensor run.
SensorRunner::$loggingMode protected property Result logging mode.
SensorRunner::$sensorManager protected property Sensor manager.
SensorRunner::$sensors protected property List of sensors info keyed by sensor name that are meant to run.
SensorRunner::$verbose protected property Flag to switch the collecting of verbose output.
SensorRunner::cacheResults protected function Cache results if caching applies.
SensorRunner::forceRun public function Forces to run sensors even there is cached data available.
SensorRunner::getIterator public function
SensorRunner::getResultObject protected function Instantiates sensor result object.
SensorRunner::getSensorCid protected static function Gets sensor cache id.
SensorRunner::getSensorObject protected function Instantiates sensor object.
SensorRunner::loadCache public function Loads available sensor results from cache.
SensorRunner::logResults protected function Log results if needed.
SensorRunner::needsLogging protected function Checks if sensor results should be logged.
SensorRunner::resetCache public static function Reset sensor result caches.
SensorRunner::runSensor protected function Run a single given sensor.
SensorRunner::runSensors public function Runs the defined sensors.
SensorRunner::setLoggingMode public function Sets result logging mode.
SensorRunner::verbose public function Sets flag to collect verbose info.
SensorRunner::__construct public function Constructs a SensorRunner.