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class MongodbMenuTreeStorage in MongoDB 8


Expanded class hierarchy of MongodbMenuTreeStorage

1 file declares its use of MongodbMenuTreeStorage
MongodbMenuTreeStorageTest.php in src/Tests/Menu/MongodbMenuTreeStorageTest.php
Contains \Drupal\mongodb\Tests\Menu\MenuTreeStorageTest.
1 string reference to 'MongodbMenuTreeStorage' in ./
1 service uses MongodbMenuTreeStorage in ./


src/MongodbMenuTreeStorage.php, line 18
Contains \Drupal\mongodb\MongodbMenuTreeStorage .


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class MongodbMenuTreeStorage extends MenuTreeStorage {
  function __construct(MongoCollectionFactory $mongo, CacheBackendInterface $menu_cache_backend, CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $cache_tags_invalidator, $table, array $options = array()) {
    parent::__construct(new FakeConnection([]), $menu_cache_backend, $cache_tags_invalidator, $table);
    $this->collection = $table;
    $this->mongo = $mongo;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadByRoute($route_name, array $route_parameters = array(), $menu_name = NULL) {

    // Sort the route parameters so that the query string will be the same.

    // Since this will be urlencoded, it's safe to store and match against a
    // text field.
    // @todo Standardize an efficient way to load by route name and parameters
    //   in place of system path.
    $param_key = $route_parameters ? UrlHelper::buildQuery($route_parameters) : '';
    $fields = array_map(function ($x) {
      return "value.{$x}";
    }, $this
    $query = [
      'value.route_name' => $route_name,
      'value.route_param_key' => $param_key,
    if ($menu_name) {
      $query['value.menu_name'] = $menu_name;

    // Make the ordering deterministic.
    $sort = [
      'value.depth' => 1,
      'value.weight' => 1,
      '' => 1,
    $loaded = [];
    foreach ($this
      ->find($query, $fields)
      ->sort($sort) as $link) {
      $loaded[$link['value']['id']] = $this
    return $loaded;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function loadLinks($menu_name, MenuTreeParameters $parameters) {
    $query = [];

    // Allow a custom root to be specified for loading a menu link tree. If
    // omitted, the default root (i.e. the actual root, '') is used.
    if ($parameters->root !== '') {
      $root = $this

      // If the custom root does not exist, we cannot load the links below it.
      if (!$root) {
        return array();

      // When specifying a custom root, we only want to find links whose
      // parent IDs match that of the root; that's how we ignore the rest of the
      // tree. In other words: we exclude everything unreachable from the
      // custom root.
      $query['value.p'] = new \MongoRegex('/^' . preg_quote($root['p'], '/') . '/');

      // When specifying a custom root, the menu is determined by that root.
      $menu_name = $root['menu_name'];

      // If the custom root exists, then we must rewrite some of our
      // parameters; parameters are relative to the root (default or custom),
      // but the queries require absolute numbers, so adjust correspondingly.
      if (isset($parameters->minDepth)) {
        $parameters->minDepth += $root['depth'];
      else {
        $parameters->minDepth = $root['depth'];
      if (isset($parameters->maxDepth)) {
        $parameters->maxDepth += $root['depth'];

    // If no minimum depth is specified, then set the actual minimum depth,
    // depending on the root.
    if (!isset($parameters->minDepth)) {
      if ($parameters->root !== '' && !empty($root)) {
        $parameters->minDepth = $root['depth'];
      else {
        $parameters->minDepth = 1;
    $query['value.menu_name'] = $menu_name;
    if (!empty($parameters->expandedParents)) {
      $query['value.parent']['$in'] = array_values($parameters->expandedParents);
    if (isset($parameters->minDepth) && $parameters->minDepth > 1) {
      $query['value.depth']['$gte'] = $parameters->minDepth;
    if (isset($parameters->maxDepth)) {
      $query['value.depth']['$lte'] = $parameters->maxDepth;

    // Add custom query conditions, if any were passed.
    if (!empty($parameters->conditions)) {

      // Only allow conditions that are testing definition fields.
      $parameters->conditions = array_intersect_key($parameters->conditions, array_flip($this
      foreach ($parameters->conditions as $column => $value) {
        $query["value.{$column}"] = $value;
    $links = [];
    foreach ($this
      'value.p' => 1,
    ]) as $link) {
      $links[$link['value']['id']] = $link['value'];
    return $links;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getExpanded($menu_name, array $parents) {
    $id_query['value.menu_name'] = $menu_name;
    $id_query['']['$in'] = array_values($parents);
    $ps = [];
    foreach ($this
      ->find($id_query, [
      'value.p' => 1,
    ]) as $link) {
      $ps[] = preg_quote($link['value']['p'], '/') . '.';
    $query['value.menu_name'] = $menu_name;
    $query['value.expanded'] = 1;
    $query['value.has_children'] = 1;
    $query['value.enabled'] = 1;
    $query['value.p'] = new \MongoRegex('/^' . implode('|', $ps) . '/');
    return $this
  protected function doSave(array $link) {
    $original = $this

    // @todo Should we just return here if the link values match the original
    //   values completely?
    $affected_menus = array();
    if ($original) {
      $mlid = $original['mlid'];
      $link['has_children'] = $original['has_children'];
      $affected_menus[$original['menu_name']] = $original['menu_name'];
    else {

      // Generate a new mlid.
      $mlid = $this->mongo
    $link['mlid'] = $mlid;
    $fields = $this
      ->preSave($link, $original);
    $fields['mlid'] = $mlid;

    // We may be moving the link to a new menu.
    $affected_menus[$fields['menu_name']] = $fields['menu_name'];
    $newobj['$set']['value'] = $fields;
      'value.mlid' => $fields['mlid'],
    ], $newobj, [
      'upsert' => TRUE,
    if ($original) {
    return $affected_menus;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setParents(array &$fields, $parent, array $original) {
    if ($parent) {
      $fields['depth'] = $parent['depth'] + 1;
      $prefix = $parent['p'];
    else {
      $fields['depth'] = 1;
      $prefix = '';
    $fields['p'] = $prefix . $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function encode128($number) {
    $encoded = $this
    return $this
      ->doEncode128(strlen($encoded)) . $encoded;

   * @param $number
   * @return string
  protected function doEncode128($number) {
    $encoded = '';
    while ($number) {
      $encoded = chr($number & 0x7f) . $encoded;
      $number = $number >> 7;
    return $encoded;

   * @param $encoded
   * @return array
  protected function decode128($encoded) {
    $i = 0;
    $numbers = [];
    while (isset($encoded[$i])) {
      $number = 0;
      $current_end = $i + ord($encoded[$i]);
      for ($i++; $i <= $current_end; $i++) {
        $number = ($number << 7) + ord($encoded[$i]);
      $numbers[] = $number;
    return $numbers;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function updateParentalStatus(array $link) {

    // If parent is empty, there is nothing to update.
    if (!empty($link['parent'])) {
      $query = [
        'value.menu_name' => $link['menu_name'],
        'value.parent' => $link['parent'],
        'value.enabled' => 1,
      $update['$set']['value.has_children'] = (int) (bool) $this
        ->findOne($query, []);
        '' => $link['parent'],
      ], $update);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function findNoLongerExistingLinks(array $definitions) {
    $result = [];
    if ($definitions) {
      $find['']['$nin'] = array_keys($definitions);
      $find['value.discovered'] = 1;
      foreach ($this
        ->find($find, [
        'value.depth' => -1,
      ]) as $link) {
        $id = $link['value']['id'];
        $result[$id] = $id;
    return $result;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function loadFullMultiple(array $ids) {
    $loaded = [];
    $query['']['$in'] = array_values($ids);
    foreach ($this
      ->find($query) as $link) {
      $link = $link['value'];
      foreach ($this
        ->serializedFields() as $name) {
        $link[$name] = unserialize($link[$name]);
      $loaded[$link['id']] = $link;
    return $loaded;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getMenuNames() {
    $menu_names = $this
    return array_combine($menu_names, $menu_names);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getRootPathIds($id) {
    $p = $this
      '' => $id,
    ], [
      'value.p' => 1,
    if ($p) {
      $query['value.mlid']['$in'] = $this
      return $this
        ->getIds($query, [
        'value.depth' => -1,
    return [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function doFindChildrenRelativeDepth(array $original) {
    $max_depth = 0;
    foreach ($this
      ->getChildrenQuery($original), [
      'value.depth' => -1,
      ->limit(1) as $link) {
      if ($link['value']['depth'] > $original['depth']) {
        $max_depth = $link['value']['depth'] - $original['depth'];
    return $max_depth;

   * Re-parents a link's children when the link itself is moved.
   * @param array $fields
   *   The changed menu link.
   * @param array $original
   *   The original menu link.
  protected function moveChildren($fields, $original) {
    $query = $this
    $shift = $fields['depth'] - $original['depth'];
    $hex = function ($string) {
      return '\\x' . implode('\\x', str_split(bin2hex($string), 2));
    $map = new \MongoCode("function () {\n      this.value['p'] = this.value['p'].replace('" . $hex($original['p']) . "', '" . $hex($fields['p']) . "');\n      this.value['menu_name'] = '" . $fields['menu_name'] . "';\n      this.value['depth'] += {$shift};\n      emit(this._id, this.value);\n    }");
    $collection = $this
    $reduce = new \MongoCode("function () { }");
    $collection_name = $collection
      'mapreduce' => $collection_name,
      'map' => $map,
      'reduce' => $reduce,
      'out' => [
        'merge' => $collection_name,
      'query' => $query,
      'sort' => [
        '_id' => 1,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadMultiple(array $ids) {
    $missing_ids = array_diff($ids, array_keys($this->definitions));
    if ($missing_ids) {
      $query['']['$in'] = array_values($missing_ids);
      foreach ($this
        ->find($query) as $link) {
        $link = $link['value'];
        $this->definitions[$link['id']] = $this
    return array_intersect_key($this->definitions, array_flip($ids));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadByProperties(array $properties) {
    $query = [];
    foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
      if (!in_array($name, $this
        ->definitionFields(), TRUE)) {
        $fields = implode(', ', $this
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(String::format('An invalid property name, @name was specified. Allowed property names are: @fields.', array(
          '@name' => $name,
          '@fields' => $fields,
      $query["value.{$name}"] = $value;
    $loaded = [];
    foreach ($this
      ->find($query) as $link) {
      $loaded[$link['value']['id']] = $this
    return $loaded;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function menuNameInUse($menu_name) {
    $query = $this->connection
      ->select($this->table, $this->options);
      ->addField($this->table, 'mlid');
      ->condition('menu_name', $menu_name);
      ->range(0, 1);
    return (bool) $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function countMenuLinks($menu_name = NULL) {
    $query = [];
    if ($menu_name) {
      $query['menu_name'] = $menu_name;
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAllChildIds($id) {
    $root = $this
    if (!$root) {
      return array();
    return $this

   * Returns a query to find the children of a link but not the link itself.
   * @param $link
   * @return array
  protected function getChildrenQuery($link) {
    $query['value.menu_name'] = $link['menu_name'];
    $query['value.p'] = new \MongoRegex('/^' . preg_quote($link['p'], '/') . './');
    return $query;

   * @param array $query
   * @param array|null $sort
   * @return array
  protected function getIds(array $query, array $sort = NULL) {
    $cursor = $this
      ->find($query, [
      '' => 1,
    if (isset($sort)) {
    $ids = [];
    foreach ($cursor as $link) {
      $ids[$link['value']['id']] = $link['value']['id'];
    return $ids;

   * @return \MongoCollection
  protected function mongoCollection() {
    return $this->mongo



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MenuTreeStorage::$cacheTagsInvalidator protected property The cache tags invalidator.
MenuTreeStorage::$connection protected property The database connection.
MenuTreeStorage::$definitionFields protected property List of plugin definition fields.
MenuTreeStorage::$definitions protected property Stores definitions that have already been loaded for better performance.
MenuTreeStorage::$menuCacheBackend protected property Cache backend instance for the extracted tree data.
MenuTreeStorage::$options protected property Additional database connection options to use in queries.
MenuTreeStorage::$serializedFields protected property List of serialized fields.
MenuTreeStorage::$table protected property The database table name.
MenuTreeStorage::collectRoutesAndDefinitions protected function Traverses the menu tree and collects all the route names and definitions.
MenuTreeStorage::definitionFields protected function Determines fields that are part of the plugin definition.
MenuTreeStorage::delete public function Deletes a menu link definition from the storage. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::delete
MenuTreeStorage::doBuildTreeData protected function Prepares the data for calling $this->treeDataRecursive().
MenuTreeStorage::doCollectRoutesAndDefinitions protected function Collects all the route names and definitions.
MenuTreeStorage::doDeleteMultiple protected function Purge menu links from the database.
MenuTreeStorage::ensureTableExists protected function Checks if the tree table exists and create it if not.
MenuTreeStorage::findParent protected function Loads the parent definition if it exists.
MenuTreeStorage::getSubtreeHeight public function Finds the height of a subtree rooted by the given ID. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::getSubtreeHeight
MenuTreeStorage::load public function Loads a menu link plugin definition from the storage. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::load
MenuTreeStorage::loadAllChildren public function Loads all the enabled menu links that are below the given ID. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::loadAllChildren
MenuTreeStorage::loadFull protected function Loads all table fields, not just those that are in the plugin definition.
MenuTreeStorage::loadSubtreeData public function Loads a subtree rooted by the given ID. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::loadSubtreeData
MenuTreeStorage::loadTreeData public function Loads a menu link tree from the storage. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::loadTreeData
MenuTreeStorage::maxDepth public function The maximum depth of tree the storage implementation supports. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::maxDepth
MenuTreeStorage::MAX_DEPTH constant The maximum depth of a menu links tree.
MenuTreeStorage::prepareLink protected function Prepares a link by unserializing values and saving the definition.
MenuTreeStorage::preSave protected function Fills in all the fields the database save needs, using the link definition.
MenuTreeStorage::purgeMultiple protected function Purges multiple menu links that no longer exist.
MenuTreeStorage::rebuild public function Rebuilds the stored menu link definitions. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::rebuild
MenuTreeStorage::resetDefinitions public function Clears all definitions cached in memory. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::resetDefinitions
MenuTreeStorage::safeExecuteSelect protected function Executes a select query while making sure the database table exists.
MenuTreeStorage::save public function Saves a plugin definition to the storage. Overrides MenuTreeStorageInterface::save
MenuTreeStorage::saveRecursive protected function Saves menu links recursively.
MenuTreeStorage::schemaDefinition protected static function Defines the schema for the tree table.
MenuTreeStorage::serializedFields protected function Determines serialized fields in the storage.
MenuTreeStorage::treeDataRecursive protected function Builds the data representing a menu tree.
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::countMenuLinks public function Counts the total number of menu links in one menu or all menus. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::countMenuLinks
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::decode128 protected function
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::doEncode128 protected function
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::doFindChildrenRelativeDepth protected function Finds the relative depth of this link's deepest child. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::doFindChildrenRelativeDepth
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::doSave protected function Saves a link without clearing caches. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::doSave
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::encode128 protected function
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::findNoLongerExistingLinks protected function Find any previously discovered menu links that no longer exist. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::findNoLongerExistingLinks
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::getAllChildIds public function Loads all the IDs for menu links that are below the given ID. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::getAllChildIds
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::getChildrenQuery protected function Returns a query to find the children of a link but not the link itself.
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::getExpanded public function Finds expanded links in a menu given a set of possible parents. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::getExpanded
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::getIds protected function
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::getMenuNames public function Returns the used menu names in the tree storage. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::getMenuNames
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::getRootPathIds public function Returns all the IDs that represent the path to the root of the tree. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::getRootPathIds
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::loadByProperties public function Loads multiple plugin definitions from the storage based on properties. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::loadByProperties
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::loadByRoute public function Loads multiple plugin definitions from the storage based on route. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::loadByRoute
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::loadFullMultiple protected function Loads all table fields for multiple menu link definitions by ID. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::loadFullMultiple
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::loadLinks protected function Loads links in the given menu, according to the given tree parameters. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::loadLinks
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::loadMultiple public function Loads multiple plugin definitions from the storage. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::loadMultiple
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::menuNameInUse public function Determines whether a specific menu name is used in the tree. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::menuNameInUse
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::mongoCollection protected function
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::moveChildren protected function Re-parents a link's children when the link itself is moved. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::moveChildren
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::setParents protected function Sets the materialized path field values based on the parent. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::setParents
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::updateParentalStatus protected function Sets has_children for the link's parent if it has visible children. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::updateParentalStatus
MongodbMenuTreeStorage::__construct function Constructs a new \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuTreeStorage. Overrides MenuTreeStorage::__construct