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function mongodb_cache_requirements in MongoDB 7

Implements hook_requirements().


mongodb_cache/mongodb_cache.install, line 11
Install file for MongoDB cache plugin.


function mongodb_cache_requirements($phase) {
  $t = get_t();
  $requirements = [
    'mongodb_cache_plugin' => [
      'title' => $t('MongoDB cache plugin'),
  $section =& $requirements['mongodb_cache_plugin'];

  // Confirm that mongodb_cache_plugin.php has been included.
  if (class_exists('\\Drupal\\mongodb_cache\\Cache', TRUE)) {
    $section += [
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_OK,
      'value' => $t('Enabled'),
  else {
    $readme = '';
    $path = function_exists('advanced_help_menu') && function_exists('markdown_filter_info') ? "help/mongodb/{$readme}" : drupal_get_path('module', 'mongodb') . "/{$readme}";
    $section += [
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'value' => $t('Disabled'),
      'description' => $t('The module cannot work without the MongoDB cache plugin being installed. Check <a href="!readme"></a> and ensure that <code>mongodb_cache_plugin.php</code> is configured correctly in <code>settings.php</code>.', [
        '!readme' => url($path),
  return $requirements;