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function mongodb_block_ui_help in MongoDB 7

Implements hook_help().


mongodb_block_ui/mongodb_block_ui.module, line 11
Controls the visual building mongodb_block_uis a page is constructed with.


function mongodb_block_ui_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#mongodb_block':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('The Block module allows you to create boxes of content, which are rendered into an area, or region, of one or more pages of a website. The core Seven administration theme, for example, implements the regions "Content", "Help", "Dashboard main", and "Dashboard sidebar", and a mongodb_block_ui may appear in any one of these regions. The <a href="@blocks">Blocks administration page</a> provides a drag-and-drop interface for assigning a mongodb_block_ui to a region, and for controlling the order of mongodb_block_uis within regions. For more information, see the online handbook entry for <a href="@mongodb_block_ui">Block module</a>.', array(
        '@block' => '',
        '@blocks' => url('admin/structure/mongodb_block'),
      )) . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Uses') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<dl>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Positioning content') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('When working with mongodb_block_uis, remember that all themes do <em>not</em> implement the same regions, or display regions in the same way. Blocks are positioned on a per-theme basis. Users with the <em>Administer mongodb blocks</em> permission can disable mongodb_block_uis. Disabled mongodb_block_uis are listed on the <a href="@mongodb_block_uis">Blocks administration page</a>, but are not displayed in any region.', array(
        '@mongodb_block_ui' => '',
        '@mongodb_block_uis' => url('admin/structure/mongodb_block_ui'),
      )) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Controlling visibility') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('Blocks can be configured to be visible only on certain pages, only to users of certain roles, or only on pages displaying certain <a href="@content-type">content types</a>. Administrators can also allow specific mongodb_block_uis to be enabled or disabled by users when they edit their <a href="@user">My account</a> page. Some dynamic mongodb_block_uis, such as those generated by modules, will be displayed only on certain pages.', array(
        '@content-type' => url('admin/structure/types'),
        '@user' => url('user'),
      )) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Creating custom mongodb_block_uis') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('Users with the <em>Administer mongodb blocks</em> permission can <a href="@mongodb_block_ui-add">add custom mongodb_block_uis</a>, which are then listed on the <a href="@mongodb_block_uis">Blocks administration page</a>. Once created, custom mongodb_block_uis behave just like default and module-generated mongodb_block_uis.', array(
        '@mongodb_block_uis' => url('admin/structure/mongodb_block_ui'),
        '@mongodb_block_ui-add' => url('admin/structure/mongodb_block_ui/add'),
      )) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '</dl>';
      return $output;
    case 'admin/structure/mongodb_block/add':
      return '<p>' . t('Use this page to create a new custom mongodb_block_ui.') . '</p>';