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function hook_mongodb_block_ui_info_alter in MongoDB 7

Act on mongodb_block_uis prior to rendering.

This hook allows you to add, remove or modify mongodb_block_uis in the mongodb_block_ui list. The mongodb_block_ui list contains the mongodb_block_ui definitions not the rendered mongodb_block_uis. The mongodb_block_uis are rendered after the modules have had a chance to manipulate the mongodb_block_ui list. Alternatively you can set $mongodb_block_ui->content here, which will override the content of the mongodb_block_ui and prevent hook_mongodb_block_ui_view() from running.

This example shows how to achieve language specific visibility setting for mongodb_block_uis.


array $mongodb_block_uis: An array of $mongodb_block_uis, keyed by $bid.


mongodb_block_ui/mongodb_block_ui.api.php, line 262
Hooks provided by the Block module.


function hook_mongodb_block_ui_info_alter(array &$mongodb_block_uis) {
  global $language, $theme_key;
  $result = db_query('SELECT module, delta, language FROM {my_table}');
  $mongodb_block_ui_languages = array();
  foreach ($result as $record) {
    $mongodb_block_ui_languages[$record->module][$record->delta][$record->language] = TRUE;
  foreach ($mongodb_block_uis as $key => $mongodb_block_ui) {

    // Any module using this alter should inspect the data before changing it,
    // to ensure it is what they expect.
    if (!isset($mongodb_block_ui->theme) || !isset($mongodb_block_ui->status) || $mongodb_block_ui->theme != $theme_key || $mongodb_block_ui->status != 1) {

      // This mongodb_block_ui was added by a contrib module, leave it in the
      // list.
    if (!isset($mongodb_block_ui_languages[$mongodb_block_ui->module][$mongodb_block_ui->delta])) {

      // No language setting for this mongodb_block_ui, leave it in the list.
    if (!isset($mongodb_block_ui_languages[$mongodb_block_ui->module][$mongodb_block_ui->delta][$language->language])) {

      // This mongodb_block_ui should not be displayed with the active language,
      // remove from the list.