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class TopController in MongoDB 8.2

The Top403/Top404 controllers.


Expanded class hierarchy of TopController


modules/mongodb_watchdog/src/Controller/TopController.php, line 19


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class TopController extends ControllerBase {
  const TYPES = [
    'page not found',
    'access denied',
  const TYPE_MAP = [
    'root' => TopResult::class,

   * The database holding the logger collections.
   * @var \MongoDB\Database
  protected $database;

   * TopController constructor.
   * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
   *   The logger service, to log intervening events.
   * @param \Drupal\mongodb_watchdog\Logger $watchdog
   *   The MongoDB logger, to load stored events.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig $config
   *   The module configuration.
   * @param \MongoDB\Database $database
   *   Needed because there is no group() command in phplib yet.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Pager\PagerManagerInterface $pagerManager
   *   The core pager.manager service.
   * @see
  public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, Logger $watchdog, ImmutableConfig $config, Database $database, PagerManagerInterface $pagerManager) {
    parent::__construct($logger, $watchdog, $pagerManager, $config);
    $this->database = $database;

   * Controller.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
   *   The current request.
   * @param string $type
   *   The type of top report to produce.
   * @return array
   *   A render array.
  public function build(Request $request, string $type) : array {
    $top = $this
    $rows = $this
      ->getRowData($request, $type);
    $main = empty($rows) ? $this
      ->t('No "%type" message found', [
      '%type' => $type,
    ])) : $this
    $ret = $this
      ->buildDefaults($main, $top);
    return $ret;

   * Build the main table.
   * @param array $rows
   *   The event data.
   * @return array
   *   A render array for the main table.
  protected function buildMainTable(array $rows) : array {
    $ret = [
      '#header' => $this
      '#rows' => $this
      '#type' => 'table',
    return $ret;

   * Build the main table header.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup[]
   *   A table header array.
  protected function buildMainTableHeader() : array {
    $header = [
    return $header;

   * Build the main table rows.
   * @param array[] $counts
   *   The array of counts per 403/404 page.
   * @return array
   *   A render array for a table.
  protected function buildMainTableRows(array $counts) : array {
    $rows = [];

    /** @var \Drupal\mongodb_watchdog\Controller\TopResult $result */
    foreach ($counts as $result) {
      $row = [
      $rows[] = $row;
    return $rows;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) : self {

    /** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger */
    $logger = $container

    /** @var \Drupal\mongodb_watchdog\Logger $watchdog */
    $watchdog = $container

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig $config */
    $config = $container

    /** @var \MongoDB\Database $database */
    $database = $container

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Pager\PagerManagerInterface $pagerManager */
    $pagerManager = $container
    return new static($logger, $watchdog, $config, $database, $pagerManager);

   * Obtain the data from the logger.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
   *   The current request. Needed for paging.
   * @param string $type
   *   The type of top list to retrieve.
   * @return array
   *   The data array.
  protected function getRowData(Request $request, string $type) : array {

    // Find _id for the error type.
    $templateCollection = $this->watchdog
    $template = $templateCollection
      'type' => $type,
    ], [
    if (empty($template)) {
      return [];

    // Find occurrences of error type.
    $collectionName = $template['_id'];
    $eventCollection = $this->watchdog
    $counts = $this
      ->group($eventCollection, 'variables.@uri', []);
    $page = $this
      ->setupPager($request, count($counts));
    $skip = $page * $this->itemsPerPage;
    $counts = array_slice($counts, $skip, $this->itemsPerPage);
    return $counts;

   * Command wrapper for removed MongoDB group() method/command.
   * @param \MongoDB\Collection $collection
   *   The collection on which to perform the command.
   * @param string $key
   *   The grouping key.
   * @param array $cond
   *   The condition.
   * @return array
   *   An array of stdClass rows with the following properties:
   *   - _id: the URL
   *   - count: the number of occurrences.
   *   It may be empty.
   * @throws \MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException
   * @throws \MongoDB\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
   * @throws \MongoDB\Exception\UnexpectedValueException
   * @throws \MongoDB\Exception\UnsupportedException
  public function group(Collection $collection, string $key, array $cond) : array {
    $pipeline = [];
    if (!empty($cond)) {
      $pipeline[] = [
        '$match' => $cond,
    if (!empty($key)) {
      $pipeline[] = [
        '$group' => [
          '_id' => "\${$key}",
          'count' => [
            '$sum' => 1,
    $pipeline[] = [
      '$sort' => [
        'count' => -1,
        '_id' => 1,

    // Aggregate always returns a cursor since MongoDB 3.6.

    /** @var \MongoDB\Driver\CursorInterface $res */
    $res = $collection
    $ret = $res
    return $ret;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ControllerBase::$configFactory protected property The configuration factory.
ControllerBase::$currentUser protected property The current user service. 1
ControllerBase::$entityFormBuilder protected property The entity form builder.
ControllerBase::$entityManager protected property The entity manager.
ControllerBase::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity type manager.
ControllerBase::$formBuilder protected property The form builder. 2
ControllerBase::$itemsPerPage protected property The items_per_page configuration value.
ControllerBase::$keyValue protected property The key-value storage. 1
ControllerBase::$languageManager protected property The language manager. 1
ControllerBase::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler. 2
ControllerBase::$pagerManager protected property The pager.manager service.
ControllerBase::$stateService protected property The state service.
ControllerBase::$watchdog protected property The MongoDB logger, to load events.
ControllerBase::buildDefaults protected function The default build() implementation.
ControllerBase::buildEmpty protected function Build markup for a message about the lack of results.
ControllerBase::cache protected function Returns the requested cache bin.
ControllerBase::config protected function Retrieves a configuration object.
ControllerBase::container private function Returns the service container.
ControllerBase::currentUser protected function Returns the current user. 1
ControllerBase::entityFormBuilder protected function Retrieves the entity form builder.
ControllerBase::entityManager Deprecated protected function Retrieves the entity manager service.
ControllerBase::entityTypeManager protected function Retrieves the entity type manager.
ControllerBase::formBuilder protected function Returns the form builder service. 2
ControllerBase::getPage public static function Return a reliable page number based on available data.
ControllerBase::getTop protected function Return the top element: empty by default. 3
ControllerBase::keyValue protected function Returns a key/value storage collection. 1
ControllerBase::languageManager protected function Returns the language manager service. 1
ControllerBase::moduleHandler protected function Returns the module handler. 2
ControllerBase::redirect protected function Returns a redirect response object for the specified route. Overrides UrlGeneratorTrait::redirect
ControllerBase::setupPager public function Set up the pager.
ControllerBase::state protected function Returns the state storage service.
LinkGeneratorTrait::$linkGenerator protected property The link generator. 1
LinkGeneratorTrait::getLinkGenerator Deprecated protected function Returns the link generator.
LinkGeneratorTrait::l Deprecated protected function Renders a link to a route given a route name and its parameters.
LinkGeneratorTrait::setLinkGenerator Deprecated public function Sets the link generator service.
LoggerChannelTrait::$loggerFactory protected property The logger channel factory service.
LoggerChannelTrait::getLogger protected function Gets the logger for a specific channel.
LoggerChannelTrait::setLoggerFactory public function Injects the logger channel factory.
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
RedirectDestinationTrait::$redirectDestination protected property The redirect destination service. 1
RedirectDestinationTrait::getDestinationArray protected function Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with \Drupal\Core\Url.
RedirectDestinationTrait::getRedirectDestination protected function Returns the redirect destination service.
RedirectDestinationTrait::setRedirectDestination public function Sets the redirect destination service.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
TopController::$database protected property The database holding the logger collections.
TopController::build public function Controller.
TopController::buildMainTable protected function Build the main table.
TopController::buildMainTableHeader protected function Build the main table header.
TopController::buildMainTableRows protected function Build the main table rows.
TopController::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides ControllerBase::create
TopController::getRowData protected function Obtain the data from the logger.
TopController::group public function Command wrapper for removed MongoDB group() method/command.
TopController::TYPES constant
TopController::TYPE_MAP constant
TopController::__construct public function TopController constructor. Overrides ControllerBase::__construct
UrlGeneratorTrait::$urlGenerator protected property The url generator.
UrlGeneratorTrait::getUrlGenerator Deprecated protected function Returns the URL generator service.
UrlGeneratorTrait::setUrlGenerator Deprecated public function Sets the URL generator service.
UrlGeneratorTrait::url Deprecated protected function Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters.