class Tasks in MongoDB 8
Expanded class hierarchy of Tasks
- drivers/
lib/ Drupal/ Driver/ Database/ mongodb/ Install/ Tasks.php, line 10
Drupal\Driver\Database\mongodb\InstallView source
class Tasks extends BaseTasks {
* Structure that describes each task to run.
* @var array
* Each value of the tasks array is an associative array defining the function
* to call (optional) and any arguments to be passed to the function.
protected $tasks = array(
'function' => 'checkEngineVersion',
'arguments' => array(),
'function' => 'installSettings',
'arguments' => array(),
* Return the human-readable name of the driver.
public function name() {
return t('MongoDB');
public function runTasks() {
if (!Settings::get('bootstrap_config_storage')) {
->addPsr4('Drupal\\mongodb\\', 'modules/mongodb/src');
protected function hasPdoDriver() {
throw new \LogicException('I am not supposed to be called.');
public function installable() {
return extension_loaded('mongo') && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/modules/mongodb/src/MongoCollectionFactory.php');
public function getFormOptions(array $database) {
$form = parent::getFormOptions($database);
// Remove the options that only apply to client/server style databases.
unset($form['username'], $form['password'], $form['advanced_options']['host'], $form['advanced_options']['port']);
// Make the text more accurate for MongoDB.
$form['database']['#title'] = t('Connection string');
$form['database']['#description'] = t('The connection string to the MongoDB install/cluster where @drupal data will be stored.', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
$default_database = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
$form['database']['#default_value'] = empty($database['database']) ? $default_database : $database['database'];
return $form;
protected function installSettings() {
if (Settings::get('bootstrap_config_storage')) {
$conf_path = conf_path(FALSE);
copy(__DIR__ . '/settings.php', "{$conf_path}/settings.testing.php");
$settingsfile = "{$conf_path}/settings.php";
file_put_contents($settingsfile, "include __DIR__ . '/settings.testing.php';\n", FILE_APPEND);
// Now re-read settings.php.
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerKernel $kernel */
$kernel = \Drupal::service('kernel');
$class_loader = \Drupal::service('class_loader');
$site_path = $kernel
for ($dir = __DIR__; $dir && !is_dir("{$dir}/core"); $dir = dirname($dir)) {
// Invalidate settings.php before loading it.
// Now reload settings.php.
Settings::initialize($dir, $site_path, $class_loader);
// And make the next rebuild utilize the new bootstrap config storage.
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
Tasks:: |
protected | property | The name of the PDO driver this database type requires. | 3 |
Tasks:: |
protected | property | Results from tasks. | |
Tasks:: |
protected | property |
Structure that describes each task to run. Overrides Tasks:: |
Tasks:: |
protected | function | Check the engine version. | 1 |
Tasks:: |
protected | function | Check if we can connect to the database. | 3 |
Tasks:: |
final public | function | Checks engine version requirements for the status report. | |
Tasks:: |
protected | function | Assert test as failed. | |
Tasks:: |
public | function |
Return driver specific configuration options. Overrides Tasks:: |
Tasks:: |
protected | function |
Ensure the PDO driver is supported by the version of PHP in use. Overrides Tasks:: |
Tasks:: |
public | function |
Check whether Drupal is installable on the database. Overrides Tasks:: |
Tasks:: |
protected | function | ||
Tasks:: |
public | function | Return the minimum required version of the engine. | 3 |
Tasks:: |
public | function |
Return the human-readable name of the driver. Overrides Tasks:: |
Tasks:: |
protected | function | Assert test as a pass. | |
Tasks:: |
public | function |
Run database tasks and tests to see if Drupal can run on the database. Overrides Tasks:: |
Tasks:: |
protected | function | Run SQL tests to ensure the database can execute commands with the current user. | |
Tasks:: |
public | function | Validates driver specific configuration settings. |