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function module_builder_process_hook_data in Module Builder 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \module_builder_process_hook_data()

Builds complete hook data array from downloaded files and stores in a file.


hook_file_data: An array of data about the files to process, keyed by (safe) filename: [MODULE.FILENAME] => Array // eg system.core.php [path] => full path to the file [destination] => %module.module [group] => GROUP // eg core [hook_destinations] => array( => hook_foo, etc) This is the same format as returned by

Return value

An array keyed by originating file of the following form: [GROUP] => array( // grouping for UI. [{i}] => array( [name] => hook_foo [definition] => function hook_foo($node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) [description] => Description. [destination] => Destination module file for hook code from this file.

1 call to module_builder_process_hook_data()
module_builder_update_data in includes/
Update hook files and process them to our data file.


includes/, line 139
Module builder code processing code.


function module_builder_process_hook_data($hook_file_data) {

  // Get list of hook documentation files
  $files = module_builder_get_doc_files($directory);
  if (!isset($files)) {
    return NULL;


  // check file_exists?
  // Build list of hooks
  $hook_groups = array();
  foreach ($hook_file_data as $file => $file_data) {
    $hook_data_raw = _module_builder_process_hook_file($file_data['path']);
    $file_name = basename($file, '.php');
    $group = $file_data['group'];

    // Create an array in the form of:
    // array(
    //   'filename' => array(
    //     array('hook' => 'hook_foo', 'description' => 'hook_foo description'),
    //     ...
    //   ),
    //   ...
    // );
    foreach ($hook_data_raw['names'] as $key => $hook) {

      // The destination is possibly specified per-hook; if not, then given
      // for the whole file.
      if (isset($file_data['hook_destinations'][$hook])) {
        $destination = $file_data['hook_destinations'][$hook];
      else {
        $destination = $file_data['destination'];
      $hook_groups[$group][$key] = array(
        'name' => $hook,
        'definition' => $hook_data_raw['definitions'][$key],
        'description' => $hook_data_raw['descriptions'][$key],
        'destination' => $destination,


    // foreach hook_data

  // foreach files



  // Write the processed data to a file.
  $directory = _module_builder_get_hooks_directory();
  file_put_contents("{$directory}/hooks_processed.php", serialize($hook_groups));
  return $hook_groups;