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13 calls to _module_builder_get_hooks_directory() in Module Builder 6.2

module_builder_admin_update in includes/
Admin hook update form.
module_builder_callback_get_data_dir in drush/
Callback to output the location of the data directory.
module_builder_callback_hook_analyze in drush/
Callback to list hook implementations found in a given module.
module_builder_callback_hook_download in drush/
Callback for downloading hook data.
module_builder_callback_hook_list in drush/
Callback to list known hooks.
module_builder_get_doc_files in includes/
Retrieve list of documentation files containing hook definitions.
module_builder_get_hook_data in includes/
Retrieve hook data from storage file.
module_builder_get_hook_data_last_updated in includes/
Get the timestamp of the processed file.
module_builder_process_hook_data in includes/
Builds complete hook data array from downloaded files and stores in a file.
module_builder_update_documentation in includes/
Updates hook documentation files.
module_builder_update_documentation in includes/
Updates hook documentation files.
_module_builder_check_hook_data in includes/
Check hook data is available in storage file.
_module_builder_get_hook_file_urls in includes/
Get list of hook file URLS from any modules that declare them.