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function mobile_tools_redirection_disabled in Mobile Tools 7.3

Check if the redirection is disabled or not

Return value

boolean Return TRUE to disable the redirect, FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to mobile_tools_redirection_disabled()
mobile_tools_init in ./mobile_tools.module
Implements hook_init().
mobile_tools_skip_redirect in ./mobile_tools.module
Disable the redirection for the given user


./mobile_tools.module, line 550
Functionality to ease the creation of mixed device environments.


function mobile_tools_redirection_disabled($clear = FALSE, $forced_state = NULL) {

  // Check if the state has been predefined
  if (!is_null($forced_state) and is_bool($forced_state)) {
    $disable = $forced_state;
  else {
    $disable =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  // Check the active providers if the state hasn't been predefined
  if (($disable or $clear) and is_null($forced_state)) {
    $active = purl_active()
    $disable = _mobile_tools_get_active_purl_provider($active, MOBILE_TOOLS_PURL_PROVIDER_SKIP_REDIRECT);
  return $disable;