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function mobile_tools_detection_configuration_options in Mobile Tools 5

Helper function to return the configuration options

1 call to mobile_tools_detection_configuration_options()
mobile_tools_detection_configuration_form in ./mobile_tools.module
Configuration form for the mobile device detection, redirection and notification


./mobile_tools.module, line 401
Mobile Tools provides a range of functionality assisting in creating a mobile drupal site . this functionality contains:


function mobile_tools_detection_configuration_options($configuration) {
  switch ($configuration) {
    case 'device handling':
      $options = array(
        'nothing' => t('Do nothing, just provide the $_SESSION[\'mobile_device\'] variable'),
        'redirect' => t('Automatic redirection to mobile or desktop site (requires a seperate mobile and desktop url!)'),
        'notification' => t('Display a block notification with link to mobile site (requires a seperate mobile and destkop url!)'),
        'theme-switch' => t('Switch the theme when a mobile user visits the site (only 1 url for both mobile and desktop url). Enable and configure the mobile theme !here', array(
          '!here' => l('here', 'admin/settings/mobile-tools/themes'),
    case 'site type':
      $options = array(
        'mobile' => t('Only the mobile site'),
        'desktop' => t('only the deskop site'),
        'mobile-desktop' => t('for both mobile and desktop site'),
  return $options;