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function _mobile_tools_site_detection in Mobile Tools 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 mobile_tools.module \_mobile_tools_site_detection()
  2. 6 mobile_tools.module \_mobile_tools_site_detection()
1 call to _mobile_tools_site_detection()
mobile_tools_is_mobile_site in ./mobile_tools.module
Detection of the site type . the values comes out the configuration form.


./mobile_tools.module, line 744
Mobile Tools provides a range of functionality assisting in creating a mobile drupal site . this functionality contains:


function _mobile_tools_site_detection() {
  global $base_url;

  // first check if the url is a m.* or .mobi url!!
  $server_domain_elements = explode('.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
  if (count($server_domain_elements) > 0) {
    if ($server_domain_elements[0] == 'm') {

      // check for m.* domain
      return 'mobile';
    if ($server_domain_elements[count($server_domain_elements) - 1] == 'mobi') {

      // check for *.mobi
      return 'mobile';

  // If this doesn't return an answer, we will have to do a comparison of the mobile and desktop url!
  $mobile_url = parse_url(variable_get('mobile_tools_mobile_url', mobile_tools_create_mobile_url($base_url)));
  $mobile_url['host'] = mobile_tools_prepare_url($mobile_url['host']);
  $desktop_url = parse_url(variable_get('mobile_tools_desktop_url', $base_url));
  $desktop_url['host'] = mobile_tools_prepare_url($desktop_url['host']);
  if (!array_key_exists('path', $desktop_url)) {
    $desktop_url['path'] = '';
  if (!array_key_exists('path', $mobile_url)) {
    $mobile_url['path'] = '';
  $server_name = mobile_tools_prepare_url($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);

  // Check domain first
  if ($mobile_url['host'] == $server_name && $desktop_url['host'] != $server_name) {
    return 'mobile';
  else {
    if ($mobile_url['host'] != $server_name && $desktop_url['host'] == $server_name) {
      return 'desktop';
    else {
      if ($mobile_url['host'] == $server_name && $desktop_url['host'] == $server_name) {
        $significant = strlen($mobile_url['path']) > strlen($desktop_url['path']) ? 'mobile' : 'desktop';

        //we check the most significatn url (with the longest path)
        if (preg_match('|' . $desktop_url['path'] . '|', request_uri())) {
          if (preg_match('|' . $mobile_url['path'] . '|', request_uri())) {
            return $significant;

            // if both patterns match, return the significant
          return 'desktop';
        else {
          return 'mobile';
      else {
        return 'desktop';