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function _mobile_tools_message in Mobile Tools 5

Helper function returning the configurable message for the notification

1 call to _mobile_tools_message()
mobile_tools_block in ./mobile_tools.module
Implementation of hook_block() Provides the blocks that can be used to show a message to the user to go to the mobile or desktop version.


./mobile_tools.module, line 162
Mobile Tools provides a range of functionality assisting in creating a mobile drupal site . this functionality contains:


function _mobile_tools_message() {
  if ($_SESSION['mobile-tools-mobile-device']['type'] == 'mobile') {
    return token_replace(variable_get('mobile_notification', MOBILE_NOTIFICATION), 'mobile_tools');
  else {
    return token_replace(variable_get('desktop_notification', DESKTOP_NOTIFICATION), 'mobile_tools');