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function hook_device_groups_info in Mobile Tools 6.2

Group similar devices together.

This hook can be used to implement custom device groups. Certain mobile options are able to be configured per device group. The available Device groups will be displayed and made selectable wherever an appropriate configuration option is found.

2 functions implement hook_device_groups_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

mobile_tools_detection_device_groups_info in modules/mobile_tools_detection/mobile_tools_detection.module
Implementation of the hook_device_groups_info().
mt_browscap_device_groups_info in modules/mt_browscap/mt_browscap.module
Implementatation of hook_device_groups_info().
2 invocations of hook_device_groups_info()
mobile_tools_device_groups in ./mobile_tools.module
Get a list of device groups.
mobile_tools_themes_configuration_form in ./
Configuration form for configuring the mobile context in the theming system


./mobile_tools.api.php, line 42
Hooks provided by the Mobile Tools module.


function hook_device_groups_info() {
  return array(
    'apple' => 'Apple',
    'microsoft' => 'Microsoft',
    'google' => 'Google',
    'rim' => 'RIM',