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class XMLSecurityDSig in SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider 7


Expanded class hierarchy of XMLSecurityDSig


includes/XMLSecurityKey.php, line 752

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class XMLSecurityDSig {
  const XMLDSIGNS = '';
  const SHA1 = '';
  const SHA256 = '';
  const SHA384 = '';
  const SHA512 = '';
  const RIPEMD160 = '';
  const C14N = '';
  const C14N_COMMENTS = '';
  const EXC_C14N = '';
  const EXC_C14N_COMMENTS = '';
  const template = '<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:SignatureMethod />
  const BASE_TEMPLATE = '<Signature xmlns="">
    <SignatureMethod />

  /** @var DOMElement|null */
  public $sigNode = null;

  /** @var array */
  public $idKeys = array();

  /** @var array */
  public $idNS = array();

  /** @var string|null */
  private $signedInfo = null;

  /** @var DomXPath|null */
  private $xPathCtx = null;

  /** @var string|null */
  private $canonicalMethod = null;

  /** @var string */
  private $prefix = '';

  /** @var string */
  private $searchpfx = 'secdsig';

   * This variable contains an associative array of validated nodes.
   * @var array|null
  private $validatedNodes = null;

   * @param string $prefix
  public function __construct($prefix = 'ds') {
    $template = self::BASE_TEMPLATE;
    if (!empty($prefix)) {
      $this->prefix = $prefix . ':';
      $search = array(
      $replace = array(
      $template = str_replace($search, $replace, $template);
    $sigdoc = new DOMDocument();
    $this->sigNode = $sigdoc->documentElement;

   * Reset the XPathObj to null
  private function resetXPathObj() {
    $this->xPathCtx = null;

   * Returns the XPathObj or null if xPathCtx is set and sigNode is empty.
   * @return DOMXPath|null
  private function getXPathObj() {
    if (empty($this->xPathCtx) && !empty($this->sigNode)) {
      $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->sigNode->ownerDocument);
        ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
      $this->xPathCtx = $xpath;
    return $this->xPathCtx;

   * Generate guid
   * @param string $prefix Prefix to use for guid. defaults to pfx
   * @return string The generated guid
  public static function generateGUID($prefix = 'pfx') {
    $uuid = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
    $guid = $prefix . substr($uuid, 0, 8) . "-" . substr($uuid, 8, 4) . "-" . substr($uuid, 12, 4) . "-" . substr($uuid, 16, 4) . "-" . substr($uuid, 20, 12);
    return $guid;

   * Generate guid
   * @param string $prefix Prefix to use for guid. defaults to pfx
   * @return string The generated guid
   * @deprecated Method deprecated in Release 1.4.1
  public static function generate_GUID($prefix = 'pfx') {
    return self::generateGUID($prefix);

   * @param DOMDocument $objDoc
   * @param int $pos
   * @return DOMNode|null
  public function locateSignature($objDoc, $pos = 0) {
    if ($objDoc instanceof DOMDocument) {
      $doc = $objDoc;
    else {
      $doc = $objDoc->ownerDocument;
    if ($doc) {
      $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
        ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
      $query = ".//secdsig:Signature";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $objDoc);
      $this->sigNode = $nodeset
      $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
      if ($nodeset->length > 1) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid structure - Too many SignedInfo elements found");
      return $this->sigNode;
    return null;

   * @param string $name
   * @param null|string $value
   * @return DOMElement
  public function createNewSignNode($name, $value = null) {
    $doc = $this->sigNode->ownerDocument;
    if (!is_null($value)) {
      $node = $doc
        ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $this->prefix . $name, $value);
    else {
      $node = $doc
        ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $this->prefix . $name);
    return $node;

   * @param string $method
   * @throws Exception
  public function setCanonicalMethod($method) {
    switch ($method) {
      case '':
      case '':
      case '':
      case '':
        $this->canonicalMethod = $method;
        throw new Exception('Invalid Canonical Method');
    if ($xpath = $this
      ->getXPathObj()) {
      $query = './' . $this->searchpfx . ':SignedInfo';
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
      if ($nodeset->length > 1) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid structure - Too many SignedInfo elements found");
      if ($sinfo = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
        $query = './' . $this->searchpfx . 'CanonicalizationMethod';
        $nodeset = $xpath
          ->query($query, $sinfo);
        if (!($canonNode = $nodeset
          ->item(0))) {
          $canonNode = $this
            ->insertBefore($canonNode, $sinfo->firstChild);
          ->setAttribute('Algorithm', $this->canonicalMethod);

   * @param DOMNode $node
   * @param string $canonicalmethod
   * @param null|array $arXPath
   * @param null|array $prefixList
   * @return string
  private function canonicalizeData($node, $canonicalmethod, $arXPath = null, $prefixList = null) {
    $exclusive = false;
    $withComments = false;
    switch ($canonicalmethod) {
      case '':
        $exclusive = false;
        $withComments = false;
      case '':
        $withComments = true;
      case '':
        $exclusive = true;
      case '':
        $exclusive = true;
        $withComments = true;
    if (is_null($arXPath) && $node instanceof DOMNode && $node->ownerDocument !== null && $node
      ->isSameNode($node->ownerDocument->documentElement)) {

      /* Check for any PI or comments as they would have been excluded */
      $element = $node;
      while ($refnode = $element->previousSibling) {
        if ($refnode->nodeType == XML_PI_NODE || $refnode->nodeType == XML_COMMENT_NODE && $withComments) {
        $element = $refnode;
      if ($refnode == null) {
        $node = $node->ownerDocument;
    return $node
      ->C14N($exclusive, $withComments, $arXPath, $prefixList);

   * @return null|string
  public function canonicalizeSignedInfo() {
    $doc = $this->sigNode->ownerDocument;
    $canonicalmethod = null;
    if ($doc) {
      $xpath = $this
      $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
      if ($signInfoNode = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
        $query = "./secdsig:CanonicalizationMethod";
        $nodeset = $xpath
          ->query($query, $signInfoNode);
        if ($canonNode = $nodeset
          ->item(0)) {
          $canonicalmethod = $canonNode
        $this->signedInfo = $this
          ->canonicalizeData($signInfoNode, $canonicalmethod);
        return $this->signedInfo;
    return null;

   * @param string $digestAlgorithm
   * @param string $data
   * @param bool $encode
   * @return string
   * @throws Exception
  public function calculateDigest($digestAlgorithm, $data, $encode = true) {
    switch ($digestAlgorithm) {
      case self::SHA1:
        $alg = 'sha1';
      case self::SHA256:
        $alg = 'sha256';
      case self::SHA384:
        $alg = 'sha384';
      case self::SHA512:
        $alg = 'sha512';
      case self::RIPEMD160:
        $alg = 'ripemd160';
        throw new Exception("Cannot validate digest: Unsupported Algorithm <{$digestAlgorithm}>");
    $digest = hash($alg, $data, true);
    if ($encode) {
      $digest = base64_encode($digest);
    return $digest;

   * @param $refNode
   * @param string $data
   * @return bool
  public function validateDigest($refNode, $data) {
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($refNode->ownerDocument);
      ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
    $query = 'string(./secdsig:DigestMethod/@Algorithm)';
    $digestAlgorithm = $xpath
      ->evaluate($query, $refNode);
    $digValue = $this
      ->calculateDigest($digestAlgorithm, $data, false);
    $query = 'string(./secdsig:DigestValue)';
    $digestValue = $xpath
      ->evaluate($query, $refNode);
    return $digValue === base64_decode($digestValue);

   * @param $refNode
   * @param DOMNode $objData
   * @param bool $includeCommentNodes
   * @return string
  public function processTransforms($refNode, $objData, $includeCommentNodes = true) {
    $data = $objData;
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($refNode->ownerDocument);
      ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
    $query = './secdsig:Transforms/secdsig:Transform';
    $nodelist = $xpath
      ->query($query, $refNode);
    $canonicalMethod = '';
    $arXPath = null;
    $prefixList = null;
    foreach ($nodelist as $transform) {
      $algorithm = $transform
      switch ($algorithm) {
        case '':
        case '':
          if (!$includeCommentNodes) {

            /* We remove comment nodes by forcing it to use a canonicalization
             * without comments.
            $canonicalMethod = '';
          else {
            $canonicalMethod = $algorithm;
          $node = $transform->firstChild;
          while ($node) {
            if ($node->localName == 'InclusiveNamespaces') {
              if ($pfx = $node
                ->getAttribute('PrefixList')) {
                $arpfx = array();
                $pfxlist = explode(" ", $pfx);
                foreach ($pfxlist as $pfx) {
                  $val = trim($pfx);
                  if (!empty($val)) {
                    $arpfx[] = $val;
                if (count($arpfx) > 0) {
                  $prefixList = $arpfx;
            $node = $node->nextSibling;
        case '':
        case '':
          if (!$includeCommentNodes) {

            /* We remove comment nodes by forcing it to use a canonicalization
             * without comments.
            $canonicalMethod = '';
          else {
            $canonicalMethod = $algorithm;
        case '':
          $node = $transform->firstChild;
          while ($node) {
            if ($node->localName == 'XPath') {
              $arXPath = array();
              $arXPath['query'] = '(.//. | .//@* | .//namespace::*)[' . $node->nodeValue . ']';
              $arXPath['namespaces'] = array();
              $nslist = $xpath
                ->query('./namespace::*', $node);
              foreach ($nslist as $nsnode) {
                if ($nsnode->localName != "xml") {
                  $arXPath['namespaces'][$nsnode->localName] = $nsnode->nodeValue;
            $node = $node->nextSibling;
    if ($data instanceof DOMNode) {
      $data = $this
        ->canonicalizeData($objData, $canonicalMethod, $arXPath, $prefixList);
    return $data;

   * @param DOMNode $refNode
   * @return bool
  public function processRefNode($refNode) {
    $dataObject = null;

     * Depending on the URI, we may not want to include comments in the result
     * See:
    $includeCommentNodes = true;
    if ($uri = $refNode
      ->getAttribute("URI")) {
      $arUrl = parse_url($uri);
      if (empty($arUrl['path'])) {
        if ($identifier = $arUrl['fragment']) {

          /* This reference identifies a node with the given id by using
           * a URI on the form "#identifier". This should not include comments.
          $includeCommentNodes = false;
          $xPath = new DOMXPath($refNode->ownerDocument);
          if ($this->idNS && is_array($this->idNS)) {
            foreach ($this->idNS as $nspf => $ns) {
                ->registerNamespace($nspf, $ns);
          $iDlist = '@Id="' . XPath::filterAttrValue($identifier, XPath::DOUBLE_QUOTE) . '"';
          if (is_array($this->idKeys)) {
            foreach ($this->idKeys as $idKey) {
              $iDlist .= " or @" . XPath::filterAttrName($idKey) . '="' . XPath::filterAttrValue($identifier, XPath::DOUBLE_QUOTE) . '"';
          $query = '//*[' . $iDlist . ']';
          $dataObject = $xPath
        else {
          $dataObject = $refNode->ownerDocument;
    else {

      /* This reference identifies the root node with an empty URI. This should
       * not include comments.
      $includeCommentNodes = false;
      $dataObject = $refNode->ownerDocument;
    $data = $this
      ->processTransforms($refNode, $dataObject, $includeCommentNodes);
    if (!$this
      ->validateDigest($refNode, $data)) {
      return false;
    if ($dataObject instanceof DOMNode) {

      /* Add this node to the list of validated nodes. */
      if (!empty($identifier)) {
        $this->validatedNodes[$identifier] = $dataObject;
      else {
        $this->validatedNodes[] = $dataObject;
    return true;

   * @param DOMNode $refNode
   * @return null
  public function getRefNodeID($refNode) {
    if ($uri = $refNode
      ->getAttribute("URI")) {
      $arUrl = parse_url($uri);
      if (empty($arUrl['path'])) {
        if ($identifier = $arUrl['fragment']) {
          return $identifier;
    return null;

   * @return array
   * @throws Exception
  public function getRefIDs() {
    $refids = array();
    $xpath = $this
    $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo[1]/secdsig:Reference";
    $nodeset = $xpath
      ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
    if ($nodeset->length == 0) {
      throw new Exception("Reference nodes not found");
    foreach ($nodeset as $refNode) {
      $refids[] = $this
    return $refids;

   * @return bool
   * @throws Exception
  public function validateReference() {
    $docElem = $this->sigNode->ownerDocument->documentElement;
    if (!$docElem
      ->isSameNode($this->sigNode)) {
      if ($this->sigNode->parentNode != null) {
    $xpath = $this
    $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo/secdsig:Reference";
    $nodeset = $xpath
      ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
    if ($nodeset->length == 0) {
      throw new Exception("Reference nodes not found");

    /* Initialize/reset the list of validated nodes. */
    $this->validatedNodes = array();
    foreach ($nodeset as $refNode) {
      if (!$this
        ->processRefNode($refNode)) {

        /* Clear the list of validated nodes. */
        $this->validatedNodes = null;
        throw new Exception("Reference validation failed");
    return true;

   * @param DOMNode $sinfoNode
   * @param DOMDocument $node
   * @param string $algorithm
   * @param null|array $arTransforms
   * @param null|array $options
  private function addRefInternal($sinfoNode, $node, $algorithm, $arTransforms = null, $options = null) {
    $prefix = null;
    $prefix_ns = null;
    $id_name = 'Id';
    $overwrite_id = true;
    $force_uri = false;
    if (is_array($options)) {
      $prefix = empty($options['prefix']) ? null : $options['prefix'];
      $prefix_ns = empty($options['prefix_ns']) ? null : $options['prefix_ns'];
      $id_name = empty($options['id_name']) ? 'Id' : $options['id_name'];
      $overwrite_id = !isset($options['overwrite']) ? true : (bool) $options['overwrite'];
      $force_uri = !isset($options['force_uri']) ? false : (bool) $options['force_uri'];
    $attname = $id_name;
    if (!empty($prefix)) {
      $attname = $prefix . ':' . $attname;
    $refNode = $this
    if (!$node instanceof DOMDocument) {
      $uri = null;
      if (!$overwrite_id) {
        $uri = $prefix_ns ? $node
          ->getAttributeNS($prefix_ns, $id_name) : $node
      if (empty($uri)) {
        $uri = self::generateGUID();
          ->setAttributeNS($prefix_ns, $attname, $uri);
        ->setAttribute("URI", '#' . $uri);
    elseif ($force_uri) {
        ->setAttribute("URI", '');
    $transNodes = $this
    if (is_array($arTransforms)) {
      foreach ($arTransforms as $transform) {
        $transNode = $this
        if (is_array($transform) && !empty($transform['']) && !empty($transform['']['query'])) {
            ->setAttribute('Algorithm', '');
          $XPathNode = $this
            ->createNewSignNode('XPath', $transform['']['query']);
          if (!empty($transform['']['namespaces'])) {
            foreach ($transform['']['namespaces'] as $prefix => $namespace) {
                ->setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:{$prefix}", $namespace);
        else {
            ->setAttribute('Algorithm', $transform);
    elseif (!empty($this->canonicalMethod)) {
      $transNode = $this
        ->setAttribute('Algorithm', $this->canonicalMethod);
    $canonicalData = $this
      ->processTransforms($refNode, $node);
    $digValue = $this
      ->calculateDigest($algorithm, $canonicalData);
    $digestMethod = $this
      ->setAttribute('Algorithm', $algorithm);
    $digestValue = $this
      ->createNewSignNode('DigestValue', $digValue);

   * @param DOMDocument $node
   * @param string $algorithm
   * @param null|array $arTransforms
   * @param null|array $options
  public function addReference($node, $algorithm, $arTransforms = null, $options = null) {
    if ($xpath = $this
      ->getXPathObj()) {
      $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
      if ($sInfo = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
          ->addRefInternal($sInfo, $node, $algorithm, $arTransforms, $options);

   * @param array $arNodes
   * @param string $algorithm
   * @param null|array $arTransforms
   * @param null|array $options
  public function addReferenceList($arNodes, $algorithm, $arTransforms = null, $options = null) {
    if ($xpath = $this
      ->getXPathObj()) {
      $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
      if ($sInfo = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
        foreach ($arNodes as $node) {
            ->addRefInternal($sInfo, $node, $algorithm, $arTransforms, $options);

   * @param DOMElement|string $data
   * @param null|string $mimetype
   * @param null|string $encoding
   * @return DOMElement
  public function addObject($data, $mimetype = null, $encoding = null) {
    $objNode = $this
    if (!empty($mimetype)) {
        ->setAttribute('MimeType', $mimetype);
    if (!empty($encoding)) {
        ->setAttribute('Encoding', $encoding);
    if ($data instanceof DOMElement) {
      $newData = $this->sigNode->ownerDocument
        ->importNode($data, true);
    else {
      $newData = $this->sigNode->ownerDocument
    return $objNode;

   * @param null|DOMNode $node
   * @return null|XMLSecurityKey
  public function locateKey($node = null) {
    if (empty($node)) {
      $node = $this->sigNode;
    if (!$node instanceof DOMNode) {
      return null;
    if ($doc = $node->ownerDocument) {
      $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
        ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
      $query = "string(./secdsig:SignedInfo/secdsig:SignatureMethod/@Algorithm)";
      $algorithm = $xpath
        ->evaluate($query, $node);
      if ($algorithm) {
        try {
          $objKey = new XMLSecurityKey($algorithm, array(
            'type' => 'public',
        } catch (Exception $e) {
          return null;
        return $objKey;
    return null;

   * Returns:
   *  Bool when verifying HMAC_SHA1;
   *  Int otherwise, with following meanings:
   *    1 on succesful signature verification,
   *    0 when signature verification failed,
   *   -1 if an error occurred during processing.
   * NOTE: be very careful when checking the int return value, because in
   * PHP, -1 will be cast to True when in boolean context. Always check the
   * return value in a strictly typed way, e.g. "$obj->verify(...) === 1".
   * @param XMLSecurityKey $objKey
   * @return bool|int
   * @throws Exception
  public function verify($objKey) {
    $doc = $this->sigNode->ownerDocument;
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
      ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
    $query = "string(./secdsig:SignatureValue)";
    $sigValue = $xpath
      ->evaluate($query, $this->sigNode);
    if (empty($sigValue)) {
      throw new Exception("Unable to locate SignatureValue");
    return $objKey
      ->verifySignature($this->signedInfo, base64_decode($sigValue));

   * @param XMLSecurityKey $objKey
   * @param string $data
   * @return mixed|string
  public function signData($objKey, $data) {
    return $objKey

   * @param XMLSecurityKey $objKey
   * @param null|DOMNode $appendToNode
  public function sign($objKey, $appendToNode = null) {

    // If we have a parent node append it now so C14N properly works
    if ($appendToNode != null) {
      $this->sigNode = $appendToNode->lastChild;
    if ($xpath = $this
      ->getXPathObj()) {
      $query = "./secdsig:SignedInfo";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $this->sigNode);
      if ($sInfo = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
        $query = "./secdsig:SignatureMethod";
        $nodeset = $xpath
          ->query($query, $sInfo);
        $sMethod = $nodeset
          ->setAttribute('Algorithm', $objKey->type);
        $data = $this
          ->canonicalizeData($sInfo, $this->canonicalMethod);
        $sigValue = base64_encode($this
          ->signData($objKey, $data));
        $sigValueNode = $this
          ->createNewSignNode('SignatureValue', $sigValue);
        if ($infoSibling = $sInfo->nextSibling) {
            ->insertBefore($sigValueNode, $infoSibling);
        else {
  public function appendCert() {

   * @param XMLSecurityKey $objKey
   * @param null|DOMNode $parent
  public function appendKey($objKey, $parent = null) {

   * This function inserts the signature element.
   * The signature element will be appended to the element, unless $beforeNode is specified. If $beforeNode
   * is specified, the signature element will be inserted as the last element before $beforeNode.
   * @param DOMNode $node The node the signature element should be inserted into.
   * @param DOMNode $beforeNode The node the signature element should be located before.
   * @return DOMNode The signature element node
  public function insertSignature($node, $beforeNode = null) {
    $document = $node->ownerDocument;
    $signatureElement = $document
      ->importNode($this->sigNode, true);
    if ($beforeNode == null) {
      return $node
    else {
      return $node
        ->insertBefore($signatureElement, $beforeNode);

   * @param DOMNode $parentNode
   * @param bool $insertBefore
   * @return DOMNode
  public function appendSignature($parentNode, $insertBefore = false) {
    $beforeNode = $insertBefore ? $parentNode->firstChild : null;
    return $this
      ->insertSignature($parentNode, $beforeNode);

   * @param string $cert
   * @param bool $isPEMFormat
   * @return string
  public static function get509XCert($cert, $isPEMFormat = true) {
    $certs = self::staticGet509XCerts($cert, $isPEMFormat);
    if (!empty($certs)) {
      return $certs[0];
    return '';

   * @param string $certs
   * @param bool $isPEMFormat
   * @return array
  public static function staticGet509XCerts($certs, $isPEMFormat = true) {
    if ($isPEMFormat) {
      $data = '';
      $certlist = array();
      $arCert = explode("\n", $certs);
      $inData = false;
      foreach ($arCert as $curData) {
        if (!$inData) {
          if (strncmp($curData, '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE', 22) == 0) {
            $inData = true;
        else {
          if (strncmp($curData, '-----END CERTIFICATE', 20) == 0) {
            $inData = false;
            $certlist[] = $data;
            $data = '';
          $data .= trim($curData);
      return $certlist;
    else {
      return array(

   * @param DOMElement $parentRef
   * @param string $cert
   * @param bool $isPEMFormat
   * @param bool $isURL
   * @param null|DOMXPath $xpath
   * @param null|array $options
   * @throws Exception
  public static function staticAdd509Cert($parentRef, $cert, $isPEMFormat = true, $isURL = false, $xpath = null, $options = null) {
    if ($isURL) {
      $cert = file_get_contents($cert);
    if (!$parentRef instanceof DOMElement) {
      throw new Exception('Invalid parent Node parameter');
    $baseDoc = $parentRef->ownerDocument;
    if (empty($xpath)) {
      $xpath = new DOMXPath($parentRef->ownerDocument);
        ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
    $query = "./secdsig:KeyInfo";
    $nodeset = $xpath
      ->query($query, $parentRef);
    $keyInfo = $nodeset
    $dsig_pfx = '';
    if (!$keyInfo) {
      $pfx = $parentRef
      if (!empty($pfx)) {
        $dsig_pfx = $pfx . ":";
      $inserted = false;
      $keyInfo = $baseDoc
        ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'KeyInfo');
      $query = "./secdsig:Object";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $parentRef);
      if ($sObject = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
          ->insertBefore($keyInfo, $sObject);
        $inserted = true;
      if (!$inserted) {
    else {
      $pfx = $keyInfo
      if (!empty($pfx)) {
        $dsig_pfx = $pfx . ":";

    // Add all certs if there are more than one
    $certs = self::staticGet509XCerts($cert, $isPEMFormat);

    // Attach X509 data node
    $x509DataNode = $baseDoc
      ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'X509Data');
    $issuerSerial = false;
    $subjectName = false;
    if (is_array($options)) {
      if (!empty($options['issuerSerial'])) {
        $issuerSerial = true;
      if (!empty($options['subjectName'])) {
        $subjectName = true;

    // Attach all certificate nodes and any additional data
    foreach ($certs as $X509Cert) {
      if ($issuerSerial || $subjectName) {
        if ($certData = openssl_x509_parse("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . chunk_split($X509Cert, 64, "\n") . "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")) {
          if ($subjectName && !empty($certData['subject'])) {
            if (is_array($certData['subject'])) {
              $parts = array();
              foreach ($certData['subject'] as $key => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                  foreach ($value as $valueElement) {
                    array_unshift($parts, "{$key}={$valueElement}");
                else {
                  array_unshift($parts, "{$key}={$value}");
              $subjectNameValue = implode(',', $parts);
            else {
              $subjectNameValue = $certData['issuer'];
            $x509SubjectNode = $baseDoc
              ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'X509SubjectName', $subjectNameValue);
          if ($issuerSerial && !empty($certData['issuer']) && !empty($certData['serialNumber'])) {
            if (is_array($certData['issuer'])) {
              $parts = array();
              foreach ($certData['issuer'] as $key => $value) {
                array_unshift($parts, "{$key}={$value}");
              $issuerName = implode(',', $parts);
            else {
              $issuerName = $certData['issuer'];
            $x509IssuerNode = $baseDoc
              ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'X509IssuerSerial');
            $x509Node = $baseDoc
              ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'X509IssuerName', $issuerName);
            $x509Node = $baseDoc
              ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'X509SerialNumber', $certData['serialNumber']);
      $x509CertNode = $baseDoc
        ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'X509Certificate', $X509Cert);

   * @param string $cert
   * @param bool $isPEMFormat
   * @param bool $isURL
   * @param null|array $options
  public function add509Cert($cert, $isPEMFormat = true, $isURL = false, $options = null) {
    if ($xpath = $this
      ->getXPathObj()) {
      self::staticAdd509Cert($this->sigNode, $cert, $isPEMFormat, $isURL, $xpath, $options);

   * This function appends a node to the KeyInfo.
   * The KeyInfo element will be created if one does not exist in the document.
   * @param DOMNode $node The node to append to the KeyInfo.
   * @return DOMNode The KeyInfo element node
  public function appendToKeyInfo($node) {
    $parentRef = $this->sigNode;
    $baseDoc = $parentRef->ownerDocument;
    $xpath = $this
    if (empty($xpath)) {
      $xpath = new DOMXPath($parentRef->ownerDocument);
        ->registerNamespace('secdsig', self::XMLDSIGNS);
    $query = "./secdsig:KeyInfo";
    $nodeset = $xpath
      ->query($query, $parentRef);
    $keyInfo = $nodeset
    if (!$keyInfo) {
      $dsig_pfx = '';
      $pfx = $parentRef
      if (!empty($pfx)) {
        $dsig_pfx = $pfx . ":";
      $inserted = false;
      $keyInfo = $baseDoc
        ->createElementNS(self::XMLDSIGNS, $dsig_pfx . 'KeyInfo');
      $query = "./secdsig:Object";
      $nodeset = $xpath
        ->query($query, $parentRef);
      if ($sObject = $nodeset
        ->item(0)) {
          ->insertBefore($keyInfo, $sObject);
        $inserted = true;
      if (!$inserted) {
    return $keyInfo;

   * This function retrieves an associative array of the validated nodes.
   * The array will contain the id of the referenced node as the key and the node itself
   * as the value.
   * Returns:
   *  An associative array of validated nodes or null if no nodes have been validated.
   * @return array Associative array of validated nodes
  public function getValidatedNodes() {
    return $this->validatedNodes;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
XMLSecurityDSig::$canonicalMethod private property @var string|null
XMLSecurityDSig::$idKeys public property @var array
XMLSecurityDSig::$idNS public property @var array
XMLSecurityDSig::$prefix private property @var string
XMLSecurityDSig::$searchpfx private property @var string
XMLSecurityDSig::$signedInfo private property @var string|null
XMLSecurityDSig::$sigNode public property @var DOMElement|null
XMLSecurityDSig::$validatedNodes private property This variable contains an associative array of validated nodes.
XMLSecurityDSig::$xPathCtx private property @var DomXPath|null
XMLSecurityDSig::add509Cert public function
XMLSecurityDSig::addObject public function
XMLSecurityDSig::addReference public function
XMLSecurityDSig::addReferenceList public function
XMLSecurityDSig::addRefInternal private function
XMLSecurityDSig::appendCert public function
XMLSecurityDSig::appendKey public function
XMLSecurityDSig::appendSignature public function
XMLSecurityDSig::appendToKeyInfo public function This function appends a node to the KeyInfo.
XMLSecurityDSig::BASE_TEMPLATE constant
XMLSecurityDSig::C14N constant
XMLSecurityDSig::C14N_COMMENTS constant
XMLSecurityDSig::calculateDigest public function
XMLSecurityDSig::canonicalizeData private function
XMLSecurityDSig::canonicalizeSignedInfo public function
XMLSecurityDSig::createNewSignNode public function
XMLSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N constant
XMLSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N_COMMENTS constant
XMLSecurityDSig::generateGUID public static function Generate guid
XMLSecurityDSig::generate_GUID Deprecated public static function Generate guid
XMLSecurityDSig::get509XCert public static function
XMLSecurityDSig::getRefIDs public function
XMLSecurityDSig::getRefNodeID public function
XMLSecurityDSig::getValidatedNodes public function This function retrieves an associative array of the validated nodes.
XMLSecurityDSig::getXPathObj private function Returns the XPathObj or null if xPathCtx is set and sigNode is empty.
XMLSecurityDSig::insertSignature public function This function inserts the signature element.
XMLSecurityDSig::locateKey public function
XMLSecurityDSig::locateSignature public function
XMLSecurityDSig::processRefNode public function
XMLSecurityDSig::processTransforms public function
XMLSecurityDSig::resetXPathObj private function Reset the XPathObj to null
XMLSecurityDSig::RIPEMD160 constant
XMLSecurityDSig::setCanonicalMethod public function
XMLSecurityDSig::SHA1 constant
XMLSecurityDSig::SHA256 constant
XMLSecurityDSig::SHA384 constant
XMLSecurityDSig::SHA512 constant
XMLSecurityDSig::sign public function
XMLSecurityDSig::signData public function
XMLSecurityDSig::staticAdd509Cert public static function
XMLSecurityDSig::staticGet509XCerts public static function
XMLSecurityDSig::template constant
XMLSecurityDSig::validateDigest public function
XMLSecurityDSig::validateReference public function
XMLSecurityDSig::verify public function Returns: Bool when verifying HMAC_SHA1; Int otherwise, with following meanings: 1 on succesful signature verification, 0 when signature verification failed, -1 if an error occurred during processing.
XMLSecurityDSig::XMLDSIGNS constant
XMLSecurityDSig::__construct public function