class SAML2_Assertion in SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider 7
- class \SAML2_Assertion
Expanded class hierarchy of SAML2_Assertion
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Assertion.php, line 20
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class SAML2_Assertion {
private $id;
private $issueInstant;
private $issuer;
private $nameId;
private $encryptedNameId;
private $encryptedAttribute;
private $encryptionKey;
private $notBefore;
private $notOnOrAfter;
private $validAudiences;
private $sessionNotOnOrAfter;
private $sessionIndex;
private $authnInstant;
private $authnContextClassRef;
private $authnContextDecl;
private $authnContextDeclRef;
private $AuthenticatingAuthority;
private $attributes;
private $nameFormat;
private $signatureKey;
private $certificates;
private $signatureData;
private $requiredEncAttributes;
private $SubjectConfirmation;
protected $wasSignedAtConstruction = FALSE;
public function __construct(DOMElement $xml = NULL) {
$this->id = Utilities::generateId();
$this->issueInstant = Utilities::generateTimestamp();
$this->issuer = '';
$this->authnInstant = Utilities::generateTimestamp();
$this->attributes = array();
$this->nameFormat = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified';
$this->certificates = array();
$this->AuthenticatingAuthority = array();
$this->SubjectConfirmation = array();
if ($xml === NULL) {
if ($xml->localName === 'EncryptedAssertion') {
$data = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './xenc:EncryptedData');
$encryptedMethod = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './xenc:EncryptedData/ds:KeyInfo');
$method = $encryptedMethod[0]->firstChild->firstChild
$algo = Utilities::getEncryptionAlgorithm($method);
if (count($data) === 0) {
throw new Exception('Missing encrypted data in <saml:EncryptedAssertion>.');
elseif (count($data) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one encrypted data element in <saml:EncryptedAssertion>.');
$key = new XMLSecurityKey($algo, array(
'type' => 'private',
$base_module_path = drupal_get_path("module", "miniorange_saml");
$url = $base_module_path . '/resources/sp-key.key';
->loadKey($url, TRUE);
$alternateKey = new XMLSecurityKey($algo, array(
'type' => 'private',
$alternateKeyUrl = $base_module_path . '/resources/miniorange_sp_priv_key.key';
->loadKey($alternateKeyUrl, TRUE);
$blacklist = array();
$xml = Utilities::decryptElement($data[0], $key, $blacklist, $alternateKey);
if (!$xml
->hasAttribute('ID')) {
throw new Exception('Missing ID attribute on SAML assertion.');
$this->id = $xml
if ($xml
->getAttribute('Version') !== '2.0') {
/* Currently a very strict check. */
throw new Exception('Unsupported version: ' . $xml
$this->issueInstant = Utilities::xsDateTimeToTimestamp($xml
$issuer = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:Issuer');
if (empty($issuer)) {
throw new Exception('Missing <saml:Issuer> in assertion.');
$this->issuer = trim($issuer[0]->textContent);
* Parse subject in assertion.
* @param DOMElement $xml The assertion XML element.
* @throws Exception
private function parseSubject(DOMElement $xml) {
$subject = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:Subject');
if (empty($subject)) {
/* No Subject node. */
elseif (count($subject) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:Subject> in <saml:Assertion>.');
$subject = $subject[0];
$nameId = Utilities::xpQuery($subject, './saml_assertion:NameID | ./saml_assertion:EncryptedID/xenc:EncryptedData');
if (empty($nameId)) {
throw new Exception('Missing <saml:NameID> or <saml:EncryptedID> in <saml:Subject>.');
elseif (count($nameId) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:NameID> or <saml:EncryptedD> in <saml:Subject>.');
$nameId = $nameId[0];
if ($nameId->localName === 'EncryptedData') {
/* The NameID element is encrypted. */
$this->encryptedNameId = $nameId;
else {
$this->nameId = Utilities::parseNameId($nameId);
* Parse conditions in assertion.
* @param DOMElement $xml The assertion XML element.
* @throws Exception
private function parseConditions(DOMElement $xml) {
$conditions = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:Conditions');
if (empty($conditions)) {
/* No <saml:Conditions> node. */
elseif (count($conditions) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:Conditions> in <saml:Assertion>.');
$conditions = $conditions[0];
if ($conditions
->hasAttribute('NotBefore')) {
$notBefore = Utilities::xsDateTimeToTimestamp($conditions
if ($this->notBefore === NULL || $this->notBefore < $notBefore) {
$this->notBefore = $notBefore;
if ($conditions
->hasAttribute('NotOnOrAfter')) {
$notOnOrAfter = Utilities::xsDateTimeToTimestamp($conditions
if ($this->notOnOrAfter === NULL || $this->notOnOrAfter > $notOnOrAfter) {
$this->notOnOrAfter = $notOnOrAfter;
for ($node = $conditions->firstChild; $node !== NULL; $node = $node->nextSibling) {
if ($node instanceof DOMText) {
if ($node->namespaceURI !== 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion') {
throw new Exception('Unknown namespace of condition: ' . var_export($node->namespaceURI, TRUE));
switch ($node->localName) {
case 'AudienceRestriction':
$audiences = Utilities::extractStrings($node, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'Audience');
if ($this->validAudiences === NULL) {
/* The first (and probably last) AudienceRestriction element. */
$this->validAudiences = $audiences;
else {
* The set of AudienceRestriction are ANDed together, so we need
* the subset that are present in all of them.
$this->validAudiences = array_intersect($this->validAudiences, $audiences);
case 'OneTimeUse':
/* Currently ignored. */
case 'ProxyRestriction':
/* Currently ignored. */
throw new Exception('Unknown condition: ' . var_export($node->localName, TRUE));
* Parse AuthnStatement in assertion.
* @param DOMElement $xml The assertion XML element.
* @throws Exception
private function parseAuthnStatement(DOMElement $xml) {
$authnStatements = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:AuthnStatement');
if (empty($authnStatements)) {
$this->authnInstant = NULL;
elseif (count($authnStatements) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More that one <saml:AuthnStatement> in <saml:Assertion> not supported.');
$authnStatement = $authnStatements[0];
if (!$authnStatement
->hasAttribute('AuthnInstant')) {
throw new Exception('Missing required AuthnInstant attribute on <saml:AuthnStatement>.');
$this->authnInstant = Utilities::xsDateTimeToTimestamp($authnStatement
if ($authnStatement
->hasAttribute('SessionNotOnOrAfter')) {
$this->sessionNotOnOrAfter = Utilities::xsDateTimeToTimestamp($authnStatement
if ($authnStatement
->hasAttribute('SessionIndex')) {
$this->sessionIndex = $authnStatement
* Parse AuthnContext in AuthnStatement.
* @param DOMElement $authnStatementEl
* @throws Exception
private function parseAuthnContext(DOMElement $authnStatementEl) {
// Get the AuthnContext element
$authnContexts = Utilities::xpQuery($authnStatementEl, './saml_assertion:AuthnContext');
if (count($authnContexts) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:AuthnContext> in <saml:AuthnStatement>.');
elseif (empty($authnContexts)) {
throw new Exception('Missing required <saml:AuthnContext> in <saml:AuthnStatement>.');
$authnContextEl = $authnContexts[0];
// Get the AuthnContextDeclRef (if available)
$authnContextDeclRefs = Utilities::xpQuery($authnContextEl, './saml_assertion:AuthnContextDeclRef');
if (count($authnContextDeclRefs) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:AuthnContextDeclRef> found?');
elseif (count($authnContextDeclRefs) === 1) {
// Get the AuthnContextDecl (if available)
$authnContextDecls = Utilities::xpQuery($authnContextEl, './saml_assertion:AuthnContextDecl');
if (count($authnContextDecls) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:AuthnContextDecl> found?');
elseif (count($authnContextDecls) === 1) {
->setAuthnContextDecl(new SAML2_XML_Chunk($authnContextDecls[0]));
// Get the AuthnContextClassRef (if available)
$authnContextClassRefs = Utilities::xpQuery($authnContextEl, './saml_assertion:AuthnContextClassRef');
if (count($authnContextClassRefs) > 1) {
throw new Exception('More than one <saml:AuthnContextClassRef> in <saml:AuthnContext>.');
elseif (count($authnContextClassRefs) === 1) {
// Constraint from XSD: MUST have one of the three
if (empty($this->authnContextClassRef) && empty($this->authnContextDecl) && empty($this->authnContextDeclRef)) {
throw new Exception('Missing either <saml:AuthnContextClassRef> or <saml:AuthnContextDeclRef> or <saml:AuthnContextDecl>');
$this->AuthenticatingAuthority = Utilities::extractStrings($authnContextEl, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'AuthenticatingAuthority');
* Parse attribute statements in assertion.
* @param DOMElement $xml The XML element with the assertion.
* @throws Exception
private function parseAttributes(DOMElement $xml) {
$firstAttribute = TRUE;
$attributes = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:AttributeStatement/saml_assertion:Attribute');
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if (!$attribute
->hasAttribute('Name')) {
throw new Exception('Missing name on <saml:Attribute> element.');
$name = $attribute
if ($attribute
->hasAttribute('NameFormat')) {
$nameFormat = $attribute
else {
$nameFormat = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified';
if ($firstAttribute) {
$this->nameFormat = $nameFormat;
$firstAttribute = FALSE;
else {
if ($this->nameFormat !== $nameFormat) {
$this->nameFormat = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified';
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes)) {
$this->attributes[$name] = array();
$values = Utilities::xpQuery($attribute, './saml_assertion:AttributeValue');
foreach ($values as $value) {
$this->attributes[$name][] = trim($value->textContent);
* Parse encrypted attribute statements in assertion.
* @param DOMElement $xml The XML element with the assertion.
private function parseEncryptedAttributes(DOMElement $xml) {
$this->encryptedAttribute = Utilities::xpQuery($xml, './saml_assertion:AttributeStatement/saml_assertion:EncryptedAttribute');
* Parse signature on assertion.
* @param DOMElement $xml The assertion XML element.
private function parseSignature(DOMElement $xml) {
/* Validate the signature element of the message. */
$sig = Utilities::validateElement($xml);
if ($sig !== FALSE) {
$this->wasSignedAtConstruction = TRUE;
$this->certificates = $sig['Certificates'];
$this->signatureData = $sig;
* Validate this assertion against a public key.
* If no signature was present on the assertion, we will return FALSE.
* Otherwise, TRUE will be returned. An exception is thrown if the
* signature validation fails.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key The key we should check against.
* @return boolean TRUE if successful, FALSE if it is unsigned.
public function validate(XMLSecurityKey $key) {
assert('$key->type === XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1');
if ($this->signatureData === NULL) {
return FALSE;
Utilities::validateSignature($this->signatureData, $key);
return TRUE;
* Retrieve the identifier of this assertion.
* @return string The identifier of this assertion.
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
* Set the identifier of this assertion.
* @param string $id The new identifier of this assertion.
public function setId($id) {
$this->id = $id;
* Retrieve the issue timestamp of this assertion.
* @return int The issue timestamp of this assertion, as an UNIX timestamp.
public function getIssueInstant() {
return $this->issueInstant;
* Set the issue timestamp of this assertion.
* @param int $issueInstant The new issue timestamp of this assertion, as an UNIX timestamp.
public function setIssueInstant($issueInstant) {
$this->issueInstant = $issueInstant;
* Retrieve the issuer if this assertion.
* @return string The issuer of this assertion.
public function getIssuer() {
return $this->issuer;
* Set the issuer of this message.
* @param string $issuer The new issuer of this assertion.
public function setIssuer($issuer) {
$this->issuer = $issuer;
* Retrieve the NameId of the subject in the assertion.
* The returned NameId is in the format used by Utilities::addNameId().
* @see Utilities::addNameId()
* @return array|NULL The name identifier of the assertion.
* @throws Exception
public function getNameId() {
if ($this->encryptedNameId !== NULL) {
throw new Exception('Attempted to retrieve encrypted NameID without decrypting it first.');
return $this->nameId;
* Set the NameId of the subject in the assertion.
* The NameId must be in the format accepted by Utilities::addNameId().
* @see Utilities::addNameId()
* @param array|NULL $nameId The name identifier of the assertion.
public function setNameId($nameId) {
assert('is_array($nameId) || is_null($nameId)');
$this->nameId = $nameId;
* Check whether the NameId is encrypted.
* @return TRUE if the NameId is encrypted, FALSE if not.
public function isNameIdEncrypted() {
if ($this->encryptedNameId !== NULL) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Encrypt the NameID in the Assertion.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key The encryption key.
public function encryptNameId(XMLSecurityKey $key) {
/* First create a XML representation of the NameID. */
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$root = $doc
Utilities::addNameId($root, $this->nameId);
$nameId = $root->firstChild;
->debugMessage($nameId, 'encrypt');
/* Encrypt the NameID. */
$enc = new XMLSecEnc();
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
$enc->type = XMLSecEnc::Element;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
$symmetricKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::AES128_CBC);
->encryptKey($key, $symmetricKey);
$this->encryptedNameId = $enc
$this->nameId = NULL;
* Decrypt the NameId of the subject in the assertion.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key The decryption key.
* @param array $blacklist Blacklisted decryption algorithms.
public function decryptNameId(XMLSecurityKey $key, array $blacklist = array()) {
if ($this->encryptedNameId === NULL) {
/* No NameID to decrypt. */
$nameId = Utilities::decryptElement($this->encryptedNameId, $key, $blacklist);
->debugMessage($nameId, 'decrypt');
$this->nameId = Utilities::parseNameId($nameId);
$this->encryptedNameId = NULL;
* Decrypt the assertion attributes.
* @param XMLSecurityKey $key
* @param array $blacklist
* @throws Exception
public function decryptAttributes(XMLSecurityKey $key, array $blacklist = array()) {
if ($this->encryptedAttribute === NULL) {
$firstAttribute = TRUE;
$attributes = $this->encryptedAttribute;
foreach ($attributes as $attributeEnc) {
/*Decrypt node <EncryptedAttribute>*/
$attribute = Utilities::decryptElement($attributeEnc
->item(0), $key, $blacklist);
if (!$attribute
->hasAttribute('Name')) {
throw new Exception('Missing name on <saml:Attribute> element.');
$name = $attribute
if ($attribute
->hasAttribute('NameFormat')) {
$nameFormat = $attribute
else {
$nameFormat = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified';
if ($firstAttribute) {
$this->nameFormat = $nameFormat;
$firstAttribute = FALSE;
else {
if ($this->nameFormat !== $nameFormat) {
$this->nameFormat = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified';
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes)) {
$this->attributes[$name] = array();
$values = Utilities::xpQuery($attribute, './saml_assertion:AttributeValue');
foreach ($values as $value) {
$this->attributes[$name][] = trim($value->textContent);
* Retrieve the earliest timestamp this assertion is valid.
* This function returns NULL if there are no restrictions on how early the
* assertion can be used.
* @return int|NULL The earliest timestamp this assertion is valid.
public function getNotBefore() {
return $this->notBefore;
* Set the earliest timestamp this assertion can be used.
* Set this to NULL if no limit is required.
* @param int|NULL $notBefore The earliest timestamp this assertion is valid.
public function setNotBefore($notBefore) {
assert('is_int($notBefore) || is_null($notBefore)');
$this->notBefore = $notBefore;
* Retrieve the expiration timestamp of this assertion.
* This function returns NULL if there are no restrictions on how
* late the assertion can be used.
* @return int|NULL The latest timestamp this assertion is valid.
public function getNotOnOrAfter() {
return $this->notOnOrAfter;
* Set the expiration timestamp of this assertion.
* Set this to NULL if no limit is required.
* @param int|NULL $notOnOrAfter The latest timestamp this assertion is valid.
public function setNotOnOrAfter($notOnOrAfter) {
assert('is_int($notOnOrAfter) || is_null($notOnOrAfter)');
$this->notOnOrAfter = $notOnOrAfter;
* Set $EncryptedAttributes if attributes will send encrypted
* @param boolean $ea TRUE to encrypt attributes in the assertion.
public function setEncryptedAttributes($ea) {
$this->requiredEncAttributes = $ea;
* Retrieve the audiences that are allowed to receive this assertion.
* This may be NULL, in which case all audiences are allowed.
* @return array|NULL The allowed audiences.
public function getValidAudiences() {
return $this->validAudiences;
* Set the audiences that are allowed to receive this assertion.
* This may be NULL, in which case all audiences are allowed.
* @param array|NULL $validAudiences The allowed audiences.
public function setValidAudiences(array $validAudiences = NULL) {
$this->validAudiences = $validAudiences;
* Retrieve the AuthnInstant of the assertion.
* @return int|NULL The timestamp the user was authenticated, or NULL if the user isn't authenticated.
public function getAuthnInstant() {
return $this->authnInstant;
* Set the AuthnInstant of the assertion.
* @param int|NULL $authnInstant Timestamp the user was authenticated, or NULL if we don't want an AuthnStatement.
public function setAuthnInstant($authnInstant) {
assert('is_int($authnInstant) || is_null($authnInstant)');
$this->authnInstant = $authnInstant;
* Retrieve the session expiration timestamp.
* This function returns NULL if there are no restrictions on the
* session lifetime.
* @return int|NULL The latest timestamp this session is valid.
public function getSessionNotOnOrAfter() {
return $this->sessionNotOnOrAfter;
* Set the session expiration timestamp.
* Set this to NULL if no limit is required.
* @param int|NULL $sessionNotOnOrAfter The latest timestamp this session is valid.
public function setSessionNotOnOrAfter($sessionNotOnOrAfter) {
assert('is_int($sessionNotOnOrAfter) || is_null($sessionNotOnOrAfter)');
$this->sessionNotOnOrAfter = $sessionNotOnOrAfter;
* Retrieve the session index of the user at the IdP.
* @return string|NULL The session index of the user at the IdP.
public function getSessionIndex() {
return $this->sessionIndex;
* Set the session index of the user at the IdP.
* Note that the authentication context must be set before the
* session index can be inluded in the assertion.
* @param string|NULL $sessionIndex The session index of the user at the IdP.
public function setSessionIndex($sessionIndex) {
assert('is_string($sessionIndex) || is_null($sessionIndex)');
$this->sessionIndex = $sessionIndex;
* Retrieve the authentication method used to authenticate the user.
* This will return NULL if no authentication statement was
* included in the assertion.
* Note that this returns either the AuthnContextClassRef or the AuthnConextDeclRef, whose definition overlaps
* but is slightly different (consult the specification for more information).
* This was done to work around an old bug of Shibboleth ( ).
* Should no longer be required, please use either getAuthnConextClassRef or getAuthnContextDeclRef.
* @deprecated use getAuthnContextClassRef
* @return string|NULL The authentication method.
public function getAuthnContext() {
if (!empty($this->authnContextClassRef)) {
return $this->authnContextClassRef;
if (!empty($this->authnContextDeclRef)) {
return $this->authnContextDeclRef;
return NULL;
* Set the authentication method used to authenticate the user.
* If this is set to NULL, no authentication statement will be
* included in the assertion. The default is NULL.
* @deprecated use setAuthnContextClassRef
* @param string|NULL $authnContext The authentication method.
public function setAuthnContext($authnContext) {
* Retrieve the authentication method used to authenticate the user.
* This will return NULL if no authentication statement was
* included in the assertion.
* @return string|NULL The authentication method.
public function getAuthnContextClassRef() {
return $this->authnContextClassRef;
* Set the authentication method used to authenticate the user.
* If this is set to NULL, no authentication statement will be
* included in the assertion. The default is NULL.
* @param string|NULL $authnContextClassRef The authentication method.
public function setAuthnContextClassRef($authnContextClassRef) {
//assert('is_string($authnContextClassRef) || is_null($authnContextClassRef)');
$this->authnContextClassRef = $authnContextClassRef;
* Set the authentication context declaration.
* @param \SAML2_XML_Chunk $authnContextDecl
* @throws Exception
public function setAuthnContextDecl(SAML2_XML_Chunk $authnContextDecl) {
if (!empty($this->authnContextDeclRef)) {
throw new Exception('AuthnContextDeclRef is already registered! May only have either a Decl or a DeclRef, not both!');
$this->authnContextDecl = $authnContextDecl;
* Get the authentication context declaration.
* See:
* @url
* @return \SAML2_XML_Chunk|NULL
public function getAuthnContextDecl() {
return $this->authnContextDecl;
* Set the authentication context declaration reference.
* @param string $authnContextDeclRef
* @throws Exception
public function setAuthnContextDeclRef($authnContextDeclRef) {
if (!empty($this->authnContextDecl)) {
throw new Exception('AuthnContextDecl is already registered! May only have either a Decl or a DeclRef, not both!');
$this->authnContextDeclRef = $authnContextDeclRef;
* Get the authentication context declaration reference.
* URI reference that identifies an authentication context declaration.
* The URI reference MAY directly resolve into an XML document containing the referenced declaration.
* @return string
public function getAuthnContextDeclRef() {
return $this->authnContextDeclRef;
* Retrieve the AuthenticatingAuthority.
* @return array
public function getAuthenticatingAuthority() {
return $this->AuthenticatingAuthority;
* Set the AuthenticatingAuthority
* @param array.
public function setAuthenticatingAuthority($authenticatingAuthority) {
$this->AuthenticatingAuthority = $authenticatingAuthority;
* Retrieve all attributes.
* @return array All attributes, as an associative array.
public function getAttributes() {
return $this->attributes;
* Replace all attributes.
* @param array $attributes All new attributes, as an associative array.
public function setAttributes(array $attributes) {
$this->attributes = $attributes;
* Retrieve the NameFormat used on all attributes.
* If more than one NameFormat is used in the received attributes, this
* returns the unspecified NameFormat.
* @return string The NameFormat used on all attributes.
public function getAttributeNameFormat() {
return $this->nameFormat;
* Set the NameFormat used on all attributes.
* @param string $nameFormat The NameFormat used on all attributes.
public function setAttributeNameFormat($nameFormat) {
$this->nameFormat = $nameFormat;
* Retrieve the SubjectConfirmation elements we have in our Subject element.
* @return array Array of SAML2_XML_saml_SubjectConfirmation elements.
public function getSubjectConfirmation() {
return $this->SubjectConfirmation;
* Set the SubjectConfirmation elements that should be included in the assertion.
* @param array $SubjectConfirmation Array of SAML2_XML_saml_SubjectConfirmation elements.
public function setSubjectConfirmation(array $SubjectConfirmation) {
$this->SubjectConfirmation = $SubjectConfirmation;
* Retrieve the private key we should use to sign the assertion.
* @return XMLSecurityKey|NULL The key, or NULL if no key is specified.
public function getSignatureKey() {
return $this->signatureKey;
public function getSignatureData() {
return $this->signatureData;
* Set the private key we should use to sign the assertion.
* If the key is NULL, the assertion will be sent unsigned.
* @param XMLSecurityKey|NULL $signatureKey
public function setSignatureKey(XMLsecurityKey $signatureKey = NULL) {
$this->signatureKey = $signatureKey;
* Return the key we should use to encrypt the assertion.
* @return XMLSecurityKey|NULL The key, or NULL if no key is specified..
public function getEncryptionKey() {
return $this->encryptionKey;
* Set the private key we should use to encrypt the attributes.
* @param XMLSecurityKey|NULL $Key
public function setEncryptionKey(XMLSecurityKey $Key = NULL) {
$this->encryptionKey = $Key;
* Set the certificates that should be included in the assertion.
* The certificates should be strings with the PEM encoded data.
* @param array $certificates An array of certificates.
public function setCertificates(array $certificates) {
$this->certificates = $certificates;
* Retrieve the certificates that are included in the assertion.
* @return array An array of certificates.
public function getCertificates() {
return $this->certificates;
* @return bool
public function getWasSignedAtConstruction() {
return $this->wasSignedAtConstruction;
* Convert this assertion to an XML element.
* @param DOMNode|NULL $parentElement The DOM node the assertion should be created in.
* @return DOMElement This assertion.
public function toXML(DOMNode $parentElement = NULL) {
if ($parentElement === NULL) {
$document = new DOMDocument();
$parentElement = $document;
else {
$document = $parentElement->ownerDocument;
$root = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:' . 'Assertion');
/* Ugly hack to add another namespace declaration to the root element. */
->setAttributeNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol', 'samlp:tmp', 'tmp');
->removeAttributeNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol', 'tmp');
->setAttributeNS('', 'xsi:tmp', 'tmp');
->removeAttributeNS('', 'tmp');
->setAttributeNS('', 'xs:tmp', 'tmp');
->removeAttributeNS('', 'tmp');
->setAttribute('ID', $this->id);
->setAttribute('Version', '2.0');
->setAttribute('IssueInstant', gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $this->issueInstant));
$issuer = Utilities::addString($root, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:Issuer', $this->issuer);
if ($this->requiredEncAttributes == FALSE) {
else {
if ($this->signatureKey !== NULL) {
Utilities::insertSignature($this->signatureKey, $this->certificates, $root, $issuer->nextSibling);
return $root;
* Add a Subject-node to the assertion.
* @param DOMElement $root The assertion element we should add the subject to.
private function addSubject(DOMElement $root) {
if ($this->nameId === NULL && $this->encryptedNameId === NULL) {
/* We don't have anything to create a Subject node for. */
$subject = $root->ownerDocument
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:Subject');
if ($this->encryptedNameId === NULL) {
Utilities::addNameId($subject, $this->nameId);
else {
$eid = $subject->ownerDocument
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:' . 'EncryptedID');
->importNode($this->encryptedNameId, TRUE));
foreach ($this->SubjectConfirmation as $sc) {
* Add a Conditions-node to the assertion.
* @param DOMElement $root The assertion element we should add the conditions to.
private function addConditions(DOMElement $root) {
$document = $root->ownerDocument;
$conditions = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:Conditions');
if ($this->notBefore !== NULL) {
->setAttribute('NotBefore', gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $this->notBefore));
if ($this->notOnOrAfter !== NULL) {
->setAttribute('NotOnOrAfter', gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $this->notOnOrAfter));
if ($this->validAudiences !== NULL) {
$ar = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AudienceRestriction');
Utilities::addStrings($ar, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:Audience', FALSE, $this->validAudiences);
* Add a AuthnStatement-node to the assertion.
* @param DOMElement $root The assertion element we should add the authentication statement to.
private function addAuthnStatement(DOMElement $root) {
if ($this->authnInstant === NULL || $this->authnContextClassRef === NULL && $this->authnContextDecl === NULL && $this->authnContextDeclRef === NULL) {
/* No authentication context or AuthnInstant => no authentication statement. */
$document = $root->ownerDocument;
$authnStatementEl = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AuthnStatement');
->setAttribute('AuthnInstant', gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $this->authnInstant));
if ($this->sessionNotOnOrAfter !== NULL) {
->setAttribute('SessionNotOnOrAfter', gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $this->sessionNotOnOrAfter));
if ($this->sessionIndex !== NULL) {
->setAttribute('SessionIndex', $this->sessionIndex);
$authnContextEl = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AuthnContext');
if (!empty($this->authnContextClassRef)) {
Utilities::addString($authnContextEl, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AuthnContextClassRef', $this->authnContextClassRef);
if (!empty($this->authnContextDecl)) {
if (!empty($this->authnContextDeclRef)) {
Utilities::addString($authnContextEl, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AuthnContextDeclRef', $this->authnContextDeclRef);
Utilities::addStrings($authnContextEl, 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AuthenticatingAuthority', FALSE, $this->AuthenticatingAuthority);
* Add an AttributeStatement-node to the assertion.
* @param DOMElement $root The assertion element we should add the subject to.
private function addAttributeStatement(DOMElement $root) {
if (empty($this->attributes)) {
$document = $root->ownerDocument;
$attributeStatement = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AttributeStatement');
foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $values) {
$attribute = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:Attribute');
->setAttribute('Name', $name);
if ($this->nameFormat !== 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified') {
->setAttribute('NameFormat', $this->nameFormat);
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$type = 'xs:string';
elseif (is_int($value)) {
$type = 'xs:integer';
else {
$type = NULL;
$attributeValue = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AttributeValue');
if ($type !== NULL) {
->setAttributeNS('', 'xsi:type', $type);
if (is_null($value)) {
->setAttributeNS('', 'xsi:nil', 'true');
if ($value instanceof DOMNodeList) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $value->length; $i++) {
$node = $document
->item($i), TRUE);
else {
* Add an EncryptedAttribute Statement-node to the assertion.
* @param DOMElement $root The assertion element we should add the Encrypted Attribute Statement to.
private function addEncryptedAttributeStatement(DOMElement $root) {
if ($this->requiredEncAttributes == FALSE) {
$document = $root->ownerDocument;
$attributeStatement = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AttributeStatement');
foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $values) {
$document2 = new DOMDocument();
$attribute = $document2
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:Attribute');
->setAttribute('Name', $name);
if ($this->nameFormat !== 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified') {
->setAttribute('NameFormat', $this->nameFormat);
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$type = 'xs:string';
elseif (is_int($value)) {
$type = 'xs:integer';
else {
$type = NULL;
$attributeValue = $document2
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:AttributeValue');
if ($type !== NULL) {
->setAttributeNS('', 'xsi:type', $type);
if ($value instanceof DOMNodeList) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $value->length; $i++) {
$node = $document2
->item($i), TRUE);
else {
/*Once the attribute nodes are built, the are encrypted*/
$EncAssert = new XMLSecEnc();
$EncAssert->type = '';
* Attributes are encrypted with a session key and this one with
* $EncryptionKey
$symmetricKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::AES256_CBC);
->encryptKey($this->encryptionKey, $symmetricKey);
$EncrNode = $EncAssert
$EncAttribute = $document
->createElementNS('urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion', 'saml:EncryptedAttribute');
$n = $document
->importNode($EncrNode, TRUE);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
protected | property | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Add an AttributeStatement-node to the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Add a AuthnStatement-node to the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Add a Conditions-node to the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Add an EncryptedAttribute Statement-node to the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Add a Subject-node to the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Decrypt the assertion attributes. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Decrypt the NameId of the subject in the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Encrypt the NameID in the Assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the NameFormat used on all attributes. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve all attributes. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the AuthenticatingAuthority. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the authentication method used to authenticate the user. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the authentication method used to authenticate the user. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Get the authentication context declaration. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Get the authentication context declaration reference. URI reference that identifies an authentication context declaration. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the AuthnInstant of the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the certificates that are included in the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Return the key we should use to encrypt the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the identifier of this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the issue timestamp of this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the issuer if this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the NameId of the subject in the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the earliest timestamp this assertion is valid. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the expiration timestamp of this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the session index of the user at the IdP. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the session expiration timestamp. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the private key we should use to sign the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the SubjectConfirmation elements we have in our Subject element. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Retrieve the audiences that are allowed to receive this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | ||
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Check whether the NameId is encrypted. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse attribute statements in assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse AuthnContext in AuthnStatement. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse AuthnStatement in assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse conditions in assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse encrypted attribute statements in assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse signature on assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
private | function | Parse subject in assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the NameFormat used on all attributes. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Replace all attributes. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the AuthenticatingAuthority | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the authentication method used to authenticate the user. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the authentication method used to authenticate the user. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the authentication context declaration. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the authentication context declaration reference. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the AuthnInstant of the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the certificates that should be included in the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set $EncryptedAttributes if attributes will send encrypted | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the private key we should use to encrypt the attributes. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the identifier of this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the issue timestamp of this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the issuer of this message. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the NameId of the subject in the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the earliest timestamp this assertion can be used. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the expiration timestamp of this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the session index of the user at the IdP. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the session expiration timestamp. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the private key we should use to sign the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the SubjectConfirmation elements that should be included in the assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Set the audiences that are allowed to receive this assertion. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Convert this assertion to an XML element. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function | Validate this assertion against a public key. | |
SAML2_Assertion:: |
public | function |