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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Google Authenticator / 2 Factor Authentication - 2FA 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
AuthenticationAPIHandler class classes/AuthenticationAPIHandler.php
AuthenticationType class classes/AuthenticationType.php @file This class represents authentication type.
Miniorange2FASupport class classes/CustomerSupport.php This class represents support information for customer.
MiniorangeCustomerProfile class classes/CustomerProfile.php @file This class represents User Profile.
MiniorangeCustomerSetup class classes/CustomerSetup.php @file This class represents configuration for customer.
MiniorangeUser class classes/User.php
MoAuthConstants class classes/Constants.php @file This class represents constants used throughout project.
MoAuthLoginSettings class classes/LoginSettings.php
MoAuthPasswordValidator class classes/MoAuthPasswordValidator.php
MoAuthRBA class classes/MoAuthRBA.php
MoAuthUtilities class classes/Utilities.php @file This file is part of miniOrange 2FA module.
UsersAPIHandler class classes/UsersAPIHandler.php

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