function minifyhtml_minify_html in Minify Source HTML 7
Helper function to minify the HTML.
string $page: The HTML source of the page.
1 call to minifyhtml_minify_html()
- minifyhtml_minify in ./
minifyhtml.module - Helper function to minify HTML.
- ./
minifyhtml.module, line 371 - Hook and helper functions for the Minify HTML module.
function minifyhtml_minify_html(&$page) {
$search = array();
$replace = array();
// Remove whitespaces after tags, except space.
$search[] = '/\\>[^\\S ]+/s';
$replace[] = '>';
// Remove whitespaces before tags, except space.
$search[] = '/[^\\S ]+\\</s';
$replace[] = '<';
// Shorten multiple whitespace sequences.
$search[] = '/(\\s)+/s';
$replace[] = '\\1';
// Remove whitespaces around block/undisplayed elements.
$search[] = '/\\s+(<\\/?(?:area|base(?:font)?|blockquote|body' . '|caption|center|col(?:group)?|dd|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|form' . '|frame(?:set)?|h[1-6]|head|hr|html|legend|li|link|map|menu|meta' . '|ol|opt(?:group|ion)|p|param|t(?:able|body|head|d|h||r|foot|itle)' . '|ul)\\b[^>]*>)/i';
$replace[] = '$1';
// Trim each line.
$search[] = '/^\\s+|\\s+$/m';
$replace[] = '';
$page = preg_replace($search, $replace, $page);