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function minify_js_alter in Minify 7

Implements hook_js_alter().


./minify.module, line 246


function minify_js_alter(&$scripts) {
  $cache = variable_get('minify_captured_js', array());
  $updated = false;
  foreach ($scripts as $file_path => $file_details) {
    if ('file' == $file_details['type'] && is_file(drupal_realpath($file_path))) {

      /* Set JavaScript entry into cache array if it not exist in cache */
      if (!_minify_javascript_exist($file_path, $cache)) {
        $updated = true;
        $cache[$file_path]['file_path'] = $file_path;
        $cache[$file_path]['file_name'] = drupal_basename($file_path);
        $cache[$file_path]['version'] = isset($file_details['version']) ? $file_details['version'] : '';
        $cache[$file_path]['minified_file_path'] = null;
        $cache[$file_path]['minified_size'] = 0;
        $cache[$file_path]['status'] = false;
        $cache[$file_path]['last_minify_at'] = 0;
        $cache[$file_path]['error'] = false;
        $cache[$file_path]['error_msg'] = null;
        $cache[$file_path]['skip'] = false;
        $cache[$file_path]['md5'] = md5_file(drupal_realpath($file_path));

  /* If any change in existing array update cache */
  if ($updated) {
    variable_set('minify_captured_js', $cache);
  if (intval(variable_get('minify_js', 0))) {

    /* Replace the JavaScript path by minified path into $scripts without changing the order */
    foreach ($cache as $key => $value) {
      if (isset($scripts[$key]) && $value['status']) {
        $scripts[$key]['data'] = $value['minified_file_path'];
        $scripts = _minify_replace_array_key($scripts, $key, $value['minified_file_path']);