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public static function MimeMailFormatHelper::mimeMailAddress in Mime Mail 8

Formats an email address as a string.


string|array|\Drupal\user\UserInterface $address: MimeMailFormatHelper::mimeMailAddress() accepts addresses in one of four different formats:

  • A text email address, e.g.
  • An array where the values are each a text email address.
  • An associative array to represent one email address, containing keys:
    • mail: A text email address, as above.
    • (optional) name: A text name to accompany the email address, e.g. 'John Doe'.
  • A fully loaded object implementing \Drupal\user\UserInterface.

bool $simplify: Whether to simply the formatted email address. Defaults to FALSE.

Return value

string|false A RFC-2822 formatted email address string, or FALSE if the address parameter passed in is not one of the allowed data types.

5 calls to MimeMailFormatHelper::mimeMailAddress()
ExampleForm::submitForm in modules/mimemail_example/src/Form/ExampleForm.php
Form submission handler.
MimeMail::prepareMessage in src/Plugin/Mail/MimeMail.php
Prepares the message for sending.
MimeMailFormatHelper::mimeMailHeaders in src/Utility/MimeMailFormatHelper.php
Gives useful defaults for standard email headers.
MimeMailFormatHelperTest::testAddress in tests/src/Kernel/MimeMailFormatHelperTest.php
Tests formatting an address string.
MimeMailFormatHelperTest::testAddressUserObject in tests/src/Kernel/MimeMailFormatHelperTest.php
Tests MimeMailFormatHelper::mimeMailAddress() with user objects.


src/Utility/MimeMailFormatHelper.php, line 52


Utility methods for formatting MIME-encoded email messages.




public static function mimeMailAddress($address, $simplify = FALSE) {

  // It's an array containing 'mail' and/or 'name',
  // or it's an array of address items.
  if (is_array($address)) {

    // It's an array containing 'mail' and/or 'name'.
    if (isset($address['mail'])) {

      // Return full RFC2822 format only if we're NOT simplifying AND
      // the account name is NOT empty.
      if (!$simplify && !empty($address['name'])) {
        return Mail::formatDisplayName($address['name']) . ' <' . $address['mail'] . '>';

      // All other combinations, return a simple email.
      return $address['mail'];

    // It's an array of address items.
    $addresses = [];
    foreach ($address as $a) {
      $addresses[] = static::mimeMailAddress($a, $simplify);
    return $addresses;

  // It's a user object.
  if ($address instanceof UserInterface && $address
    ->getEmail()) {

    // Return full RFC2822 format only if we're NOT simplifying AND
    // the account name is NOT empty.
    if (!$simplify && !empty($address
      ->getAccountName())) {
      return Mail::formatDisplayName($address
        ->getAccountName()) . ' <' . $address
        ->getEmail() . '>';

    // All other combinations, return a simple email.
    return $address

  // It's a formatted or unformatted string.
  // The logic is a little different here because we didn't receive the
  // string already separated into parts like we had in the above cases.
  if (is_string($address)) {
    $pattern = '/(.*?)<(.*?)>/';
    preg_match_all($pattern, $address, $matches);

    // $name is the entire string before the first '<'.
    $name = isset($matches[1][0]) ? $matches[1][0] : '';

    // $bare_address is the string between the first '<' and the last '>'.
    $bare_address = isset($matches[2][0]) ? $matches[2][0] : $address;

    // If we're simplifying, we just need the bare address.
    if ($simplify) {
      return $bare_address;
    else {

      // If there is no $name, then assume what we've been given is already
      // in a valid RFC2822 format.
      if (empty(trim($name))) {
        return $address;

      // Put $address into full RFC2822 format only if we're NOT simplifying
      // AND the account name is NOT empty.
      return Mail::formatDisplayName(trim($name)) . ' <' . $bare_address . '>';
  return FALSE;