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class MigrateExecutable in Migrate Tools 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/MigrateExecutable.php \Drupal\migrate_tools\MigrateExecutable
  2. 8.2 src/MigrateExecutable.php \Drupal\migrate_tools\MigrateExecutable
  3. 8.3 src/MigrateExecutable.php \Drupal\migrate_tools\MigrateExecutable
  4. 8.4 src/MigrateExecutable.php \Drupal\migrate_tools\MigrateExecutable

Defines a migrate executable class for drush.


Expanded class hierarchy of MigrateExecutable

3 files declare their use of MigrateExecutable
MigrateImportTest.php in tests/src/Kernel/MigrateImportTest.php
MigrateRollbackTest.php in tests/src/Kernel/MigrateRollbackTest.php
MigrateToolsCommands.php in src/Commands/MigrateToolsCommands.php


src/MigrateExecutable.php, line 22


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class MigrateExecutable extends MigrateExecutableBase {

   * Counters of map statuses.
   * @var array
   *   Set of counters, keyed by MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_* constant.
  protected $saveCounters = [
    MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_FAILED => 0,
    MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IGNORED => 0,
    MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IMPORTED => 0,
    MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE => 0,

   * Counter of map saves, used to detect the item limit threshold.
   * @var int
  protected $itemLimitCounter = 0;

   * Counter of map deletions.
   * @var int
  protected $deleteCounter = 0;

   * Maximum number of items to process in this migration.
   * 0 indicates no limit is to be applied.
   * @var int
  protected $itemLimit = 0;

   * Frequency (in items) at which progress messages should be emitted.
   * @var int
  protected $feedback = 0;

   * List of specific source IDs to import.
   * @var array
  protected $idlist = [];

   * Count of number of items processed so far in this migration.
   * @var int
  protected $counter = 0;

   * Whether the destination item exists before saving.
   * @var bool
  protected $preExistingItem = FALSE;

   * List of event listeners we have registered.
   * @var array
  protected $listeners = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(MigrationInterface $migration, MigrateMessageInterface $message, array $options = []) {
    parent::__construct($migration, $message);
    if (isset($options['limit'])) {
      $this->itemLimit = $options['limit'];
    if (isset($options['feedback'])) {
      $this->feedback = $options['feedback'];
    if (isset($options['sync'])) {
        ->set('syncSource', $options['sync']);
    $this->idlist = MigrateTools::buildIdList($options);
    $this->listeners[MigrateEvents::MAP_SAVE] = [
    $this->listeners[MigrateEvents::MAP_DELETE] = [
    $this->listeners[MigrateEvents::POST_IMPORT] = [
    $this->listeners[MigrateEvents::POST_ROLLBACK] = [
    $this->listeners[MigrateEvents::PRE_ROW_SAVE] = [
    $this->listeners[MigrateEvents::POST_ROW_DELETE] = [
    $this->listeners[MigratePlusEvents::PREPARE_ROW] = [
    foreach ($this->listeners as $event => $listener) {
        ->addListener($event, $listener);

   * Count up any map save events.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateMapSaveEvent $event
   *   The map event.
  public function onMapSave(MigrateMapSaveEvent $event) {

    // Only count saves for this migration.
    if ($event
      ->getQualifiedMapTableName() == $this->migration
      ->getQualifiedMapTableName()) {
      $fields = $event

      // Distinguish between creation and update.
      if ($fields['source_row_status'] == MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IMPORTED && $this->preExistingItem) {
      else {

   * Count up any rollback events.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateMapDeleteEvent $event
   *   The map event.
  public function onMapDelete(MigrateMapDeleteEvent $event) {

   * Return the number of items created.
   * @return int
   *   The number of items created.
  public function getCreatedCount() {
    return $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IMPORTED];

   * Return the number of items updated.
   * @return int
   *   The updated count.
  public function getUpdatedCount() {
    return $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE];

   * Return the number of items ignored.
   * @return int
   *   The ignored count.
  public function getIgnoredCount() {
    return $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IGNORED];

   * Return the number of items that failed.
   * @return int
   *   The failed count.
  public function getFailedCount() {
    return $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_FAILED];

   * Return the total number of items processed.
   * Note that STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE is not counted, since this is typically set
   * on stubs created as side effects, not on the primary item being imported.
   * @return int
   *   The processed count.
  public function getProcessedCount() {
    return $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IMPORTED] + $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE] + $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IGNORED] + $this->saveCounters[MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_FAILED];

   * Return the number of items rolled back.
   * @return int
   *   The rollback count.
  public function getRollbackCount() {
    return $this->deleteCounter;

   * Reset all the per-status counters to 0.
  protected function resetCounters() {
    foreach ($this->saveCounters as $status => $count) {
      $this->saveCounters[$status] = 0;
    $this->deleteCounter = 0;

   * React to migration completion.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateImportEvent $event
   *   The map event.
  public function onPostImport(MigrateImportEvent $event) {
    $migrate_last_imported_store = \Drupal::keyValue('migrate_last_imported');
      ->id(), round(\Drupal::time()
      ->getCurrentMicroTime() * 1000));

   * Clean up all our event listeners.
  protected function removeListeners() {
    foreach ($this->listeners as $event => $listener) {

      // Don't remove the listener for the events that are currently being
      // dispatched.
      if ($event !== MigrateEvents::POST_IMPORT && $event !== MigrateEvents::POST_ROLLBACK) {
          ->removeListener($event, $listener);

   * Emit information on what we've done.
   * Either since the last feedback or the beginning of this migration.
   * @param bool $done
   *   TRUE if this is the last items to process. Otherwise FALSE.
  protected function progressMessage($done = TRUE) {
    $processed = $this
    if ($done) {
      $singular_message = "Processed 1 item (@created created, @updated updated, @failures failed, @ignored ignored) - done with '@name'";
      $plural_message = "Processed @numitems items (@created created, @updated updated, @failures failed, @ignored ignored) - done with '@name'";
    else {
      $singular_message = "Processed 1 item (@created created, @updated updated, @failures failed, @ignored ignored) - continuing with '@name'";
      $plural_message = "Processed @numitems items (@created created, @updated updated, @failures failed, @ignored ignored) - continuing with '@name'";
      ->formatPlural($processed, $singular_message, $plural_message, [
      '@numitems' => $processed,
      '@created' => $this
      '@updated' => $this
      '@failures' => $this
      '@ignored' => $this
      '@name' => $this->migration

   * React to rollback completion.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateRollbackEvent $event
   *   The map event.
  public function onPostRollback(MigrateRollbackEvent $event) {
    $migrate_last_imported_store = \Drupal::keyValue('migrate_last_imported');
      ->id(), FALSE);

    // If this is a sync import, then don't remove listeners or post import will
    // not be executed. Leave it to post import to remove listeners.
    if (empty($event
      ->getMigration()->syncSource)) {

   * Emit information on what we've done.
   * Either since the last feedback or the beginning of this migration.
   * @param bool $done
   *   TRUE if this is the last items to rollback. Otherwise FALSE.
  protected function rollbackMessage($done = TRUE) {
    $rolled_back = $this
    if ($done) {
      $singular_message = "Rolled back 1 item - done with '@name'";
      $plural_message = "Rolled back @numitems items - done with '@name'";
    else {
      $singular_message = "Rolled back 1 item - continuing with '@name'";
      $plural_message = "Rolled back @numitems items - continuing with '@name'";
      ->formatPlural($rolled_back, $singular_message, $plural_message, [
      '@numitems' => $rolled_back,
      '@name' => $this->migration

   * React to an item about to be imported.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigratePreRowSaveEvent $event
   *   The pre-save event.
  public function onPreRowSave(MigratePreRowSaveEvent $event) {
    $id_map = $event
    if (!empty($id_map['destid1'])) {
      $this->preExistingItem = TRUE;
    else {
      $this->preExistingItem = FALSE;

   * React to item rollback.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateRowDeleteEvent $event
   *   The post-save event.
  public function onPostRowDelete(MigrateRowDeleteEvent $event) {
    if ($this->feedback && $this->deleteCounter && $this->deleteCounter % $this->feedback == 0) {

   * React to a new row.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate_plus\Event\MigratePrepareRowEvent $event
   *   The prepare-row event.
   * @throws \Drupal\migrate\MigrateSkipRowException
  public function onPrepareRow(MigratePrepareRowEvent $event) {
    if ($this->feedback && $this->counter && $this->counter % $this->feedback == 0) {
    if ($this->itemLimit && $this->itemLimitCounter + 1 >= $this->itemLimit) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getSource() {
    return new SourceFilter(parent::getSource(), $this->idlist);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getIdMap() {
    return new IdMapFilter(parent::getIdMap(), $this->idlist);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MigrateExecutable::$counter protected property Count of number of items processed so far in this migration.
MigrateExecutable::$counts protected property An array of counts. Initially used for cache hit/miss tracking.
MigrateExecutable::$deleteCounter protected property Counter of map deletions.
MigrateExecutable::$eventDispatcher protected property The event dispatcher.
MigrateExecutable::$feedback protected property Frequency (in items) at which progress messages should be emitted.
MigrateExecutable::$idlist protected property List of specific source IDs to import.
MigrateExecutable::$itemLimit protected property Maximum number of items to process in this migration.
MigrateExecutable::$itemLimitCounter protected property Counter of map saves, used to detect the item limit threshold.
MigrateExecutable::$listeners protected property List of event listeners we have registered.
MigrateExecutable::$memoryLimit protected property The PHP memory_limit expressed in bytes.
MigrateExecutable::$memoryThreshold protected property The ratio of the memory limit at which an operation will be interrupted.
MigrateExecutable::$message public property Migration message service.
MigrateExecutable::$migration protected property The configuration of the migration to do.
MigrateExecutable::$preExistingItem protected property Whether the destination item exists before saving.
MigrateExecutable::$saveCounters protected property Counters of map statuses.
MigrateExecutable::$source protected property The source.
MigrateExecutable::$sourceIdValues protected property The configuration values of the source.
MigrateExecutable::$sourceRowStatus protected property Status of one row.
MigrateExecutable::attemptMemoryReclaim protected function Tries to reclaim memory. 1
MigrateExecutable::checkStatus protected function Checks for exceptional conditions, and display feedback.
MigrateExecutable::currentSourceIds protected function Fetches the key array for the current source record.
MigrateExecutable::formatSize protected function Generates a string representation for the given byte count. 1
MigrateExecutable::getCreatedCount public function Return the number of items created.
MigrateExecutable::getEventDispatcher protected function Gets the event dispatcher.
MigrateExecutable::getFailedCount public function Return the number of items that failed.
MigrateExecutable::getIdMap protected function Get the ID map from the current migration. Overrides MigrateExecutable::getIdMap
MigrateExecutable::getIgnoredCount public function Return the number of items ignored.
MigrateExecutable::getMemoryUsage protected function Returns the memory usage so far. 1
MigrateExecutable::getProcessedCount public function Return the total number of items processed.
MigrateExecutable::getRollbackCount public function Return the number of items rolled back.
MigrateExecutable::getSource protected function Returns the source. Overrides MigrateExecutable::getSource
MigrateExecutable::getUpdatedCount public function Return the number of items updated.
MigrateExecutable::handleException protected function Takes an Exception object and both saves and displays it. 1
MigrateExecutable::import public function Performs an import operation - migrate items from source to destination. Overrides MigrateExecutableInterface::import
MigrateExecutable::memoryExceeded protected function Tests whether we've exceeded the desired memory threshold. 1
MigrateExecutable::onMapDelete public function Count up any rollback events.
MigrateExecutable::onMapSave public function Count up any map save events.
MigrateExecutable::onPostImport public function React to migration completion.
MigrateExecutable::onPostRollback public function React to rollback completion.
MigrateExecutable::onPostRowDelete public function React to item rollback.
MigrateExecutable::onPrepareRow public function React to a new row.
MigrateExecutable::onPreRowSave public function React to an item about to be imported.
MigrateExecutable::processRow public function Processes a row. Overrides MigrateExecutableInterface::processRow
MigrateExecutable::progressMessage protected function Emit information on what we've done.
MigrateExecutable::removeListeners protected function Clean up all our event listeners.
MigrateExecutable::resetCounters protected function Reset all the per-status counters to 0.
MigrateExecutable::rollback public function Performs a rollback operation - remove previously-imported items. Overrides MigrateExecutableInterface::rollback
MigrateExecutable::rollbackMessage protected function Emit information on what we've done.
MigrateExecutable::saveMessage public function Passes messages through to the map class. Overrides MigrateExecutableInterface::saveMessage
MigrateExecutable::__construct public function Constructs a MigrateExecutable and verifies and sets the memory limit. Overrides MigrateExecutable::__construct 1
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.