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class SpreadsheetIterator in Migrate Spreadsheet 2.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/SpreadsheetIterator.php \Drupal\migrate_spreadsheet\SpreadsheetIterator

Provides a spreadsheet iterator.


Expanded class hierarchy of SpreadsheetIterator

2 files declare their use of SpreadsheetIterator
Spreadsheet.php in src/Plugin/migrate/source/Spreadsheet.php
SpreadsheetIteratorTest.php in tests/src/Unit/SpreadsheetIteratorTest.php


src/SpreadsheetIterator.php, line 13


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class SpreadsheetIterator implements SpreadsheetIteratorInterface {

   * The iterator configuration.
   * @var array
  protected $configuration = [];

   * The 'zero based' relative index of the current row.
   * @var int
  protected $relativeRow = 0;

   * The absolute row index of the current row.
   * @var int
  protected $absoluteRow;

   * Static cache for some of the computed values.
   * @var array
  protected $cache = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function key() : array {
    if (empty($keys = $this
      ->getKeys())) {

      // If no keys were passed, use the spreadsheet current row position.
      if (!$this
        ->getRowIndexColumn()) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Row index should act as key but no name has been provided. Use SpreadsheetIterator::setRowIndexColumn() to provide a name for this column.");
      return [
    return array_values(array_map(function (string $col_letter) {
      $cell_reference = "{$col_letter}{$this->getAbsoluteRowIndex()}";
      if ($cell = $this
        ->getCell($cell_reference, FALSE)) {
        return $cell
      $key = array_search($col_letter, $this
      throw new \RuntimeException("Key column '{$key}' contains a null value at {$cell_reference}.");
    }, $keys));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function valid() : bool {
    return $this->relativeRow >= 0 && $this
      ->getAbsoluteRowIndex() <= $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function rewind() : void {
    $this->relativeRow = 0;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function current() : array {
    $keys = $this
    $all_columns = $keys + $this
    if ($row_index_column = $this
      ->getRowIndexColumn()) {

      // We set '@' here so that when it will be sorted, later, it will be the
      // first in the list. Ascii of '@' is lower than ascii of 'A'.
      $all_columns[$row_index_column] = '@';
    elseif (empty($keys)) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Row index should act as key but no name has been provided. Pass a string in \$config['row_index_column'] key when setting the configuration in SpreadsheetIterator::setConfiguration(\$config), to provide a name for this column.");

    // Arrange columns in their spreadsheet native order.
    return array_map(function (string $col_letter) {
      if ($col_letter === '@') {
        return $this
      elseif ($cell = $this
        ->getCell("{$col_letter}{$this->getAbsoluteRowIndex()}", FALSE)) {
        return $cell

      // Fall back to NULL.
      return NULL;
    }, $all_columns);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function next() : void {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setConfiguration(array $configuration) : SpreadsheetIteratorInterface {

    // Unset cached values.
    $this->configuration = $configuration;
    return $this;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfiguration() : array {
    return $this->configuration;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getWorksheet() : Worksheet {
    if (!isset($this->cache['worksheet'])) {
      if (empty($this->configuration['worksheet']) || !$this->configuration['worksheet'] instanceof Worksheet) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No valid 'worksheet' configuration.");
      $this->cache['worksheet'] = $this->configuration['worksheet'];
    return $this->cache['worksheet'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getOrigin() : string {
    if (!isset($this->cache['origin'])) {
      $config = $this
      if (empty($config['origin'])) {

        // Defaulting to a table where the first row contains the header and
        // data starts on the second row, column A.
        return 'A2';
      if ($coordinates = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($config['origin'])) {
        $row_count = $this
        $column_count = $this
        if ($coordinates[1] > $row_count || Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($coordinates[0]) > $column_count) {
          $max = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($column_count) . $row_count;
          throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Origin '{$config['origin']}' is out of bounds. Max value is '{$max}'.");
      $this->cache['origin'] = strtoupper($config['origin']);
    return $this->cache['origin'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getColumns() : array {
    if (!isset($this->cache['columns'])) {
      $headers = $this
      if (empty($this->configuration['columns'])) {

        // If no columns were passed, all columns will be used.
        $this->cache['columns'] = $headers;
      else {
        $this->cache['columns'] = [];
        foreach ($this->configuration['columns'] as $column) {
          $column = trim($column);
          if (!isset($headers[$column])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column '{$column}' doesn't exist in the table header.");
          $this->cache['columns'][$column] = $headers[$column];
    return $this->cache['columns'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getKeys() : array {
    if (!isset($this->cache['keys'])) {
      $this->cache['keys'] = [];
      if (!empty($this->configuration['keys'])) {
        $headers = $this
        foreach ($this->configuration['keys'] as $key) {
          if ($key != $this
            ->getRowIndexColumn() && !isset($headers[$key])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Key '{$key}' doesn't exist in the table header.");
          $this->cache['keys'][$key] = $headers[$key];
    return $this->cache['keys'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getHeaderRow() : ?int {
    if (!isset($this->cache['header_row'])) {
      $header_row = $this->configuration['header_row'] ?? NULL;
      if ($header_row !== NULL && (!is_numeric($this->configuration['header_row']) || $this->configuration['header_row'] < 1)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Wrong header_row value '{$this->configuration['header_row']}'.");
      $this->cache['header_row'] = $header_row;
    return $this->cache['header_row'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getRowIndexColumn() : ?string {
    $column = $this->configuration['row_index_column'] ?? NULL;
    if ($column) {
      $headers = $this
      if (isset($headers[$column])) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The header column '{$column}' cannot be used as 'row_index_column'. Chose a value for 'row_index_column' that doesn't exist in header cells.");
    return $column;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getHeaders() : array {
    if (!isset($this->cache['headers'])) {

      // Get the first column index (one based, A is 1).
      $first_col_index = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString(Coordinate::coordinateFromString($this
      for ($col_index = $first_col_index; $col_index <= $this
        ->getColumnsCount(); ++$col_index) {
        $col_letter = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($col_index);
        if ($header_row = $this
          ->getHeaderRow()) {
          $value = '';
          if ($cell = $this
            ->getCell("{$col_letter}{$header_row}", FALSE)) {
            $value = trim($cell
            if (isset($this->cache['headers'][$value])) {
              throw new \RuntimeException("Table header '{$value}' is duplicated.");
        else {
          $value = $col_letter;
        if (!empty($value)) {

          // Only non-empty cells can act as header.
          $this->cache['headers'][$value] = $col_letter;
    return $this->cache['headers'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getRowsCount() : int {
    if (!isset($this->cache['rows_count'])) {
      $this->cache['rows_count'] = $this
    return $this->cache['rows_count'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getColumnsCount() : int {
    if (!isset($this->cache['columns_count'])) {
      $this->cache['columns_count'] = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($this
    return $this->cache['columns_count'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function clearCache() : void {
    $this->cache = [];

   * Gets the absolute row index.
   * @return int
   *   The absolute row index.
   * @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
   *   On wrong coordinate string.
  protected function getAbsoluteRowIndex() : int {
    if (!isset($this->absoluteRow)) {
      $row = (int) Coordinate::coordinateFromString($this
      $this->absoluteRow = $row + $this->relativeRow;
    return $this->absoluteRow;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SpreadsheetIterator::$absoluteRow protected property The absolute row index of the current row.
SpreadsheetIterator::$cache protected property Static cache for some of the computed values.
SpreadsheetIterator::$configuration protected property The iterator configuration.
SpreadsheetIterator::$relativeRow protected property The 'zero based' relative index of the current row.
SpreadsheetIterator::clearCache public function Clears the iterator internal, static cache. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::clearCache
SpreadsheetIterator::current public function
SpreadsheetIterator::getAbsoluteRowIndex protected function Gets the absolute row index.
SpreadsheetIterator::getColumns public function Gets the list of columns. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getColumns
SpreadsheetIterator::getColumnsCount public function Gets the total number of columns in the worksheet. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getColumnsCount
SpreadsheetIterator::getConfiguration public function Gets the iterator configuration. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getConfiguration
SpreadsheetIterator::getHeaderRow public function Gets the header row index. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getHeaderRow
SpreadsheetIterator::getHeaders public function Retrieves a full list of headers. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getHeaders
SpreadsheetIterator::getKeys public function Gets the list of columns that are composing the primary key. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getKeys
SpreadsheetIterator::getOrigin public function Retrieves the top-left origin of data area. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getOrigin
SpreadsheetIterator::getRowIndexColumn public function Gets the name of the row index column. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getRowIndexColumn
SpreadsheetIterator::getRowsCount public function Gets the total number of rows in the worksheet. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getRowsCount
SpreadsheetIterator::getWorksheet public function Gets the worksheet. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::getWorksheet
SpreadsheetIterator::key public function
SpreadsheetIterator::next public function
SpreadsheetIterator::rewind public function
SpreadsheetIterator::setConfiguration public function Sets the iterator configuration. Overrides SpreadsheetIteratorInterface::setConfiguration
SpreadsheetIterator::valid public function