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class Table in Migrate Plus 8.5

Same name in this branch
  1. 8.5 src/Plugin/migrate/source/Table.php \Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate\source\Table
  2. 8.5 src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Table.php \Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate\destination\Table
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Table.php \Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate\destination\Table
  2. 8.4 src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Table.php \Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate\destination\Table

Provides table destination plugin.

Use this plugin for a table not registered with Drupal Schema API.


    plugin: table
    # Key for the database connection to use for inserting records.
    database_key: roads_db
    # DB table for storage.
    table_name: roads
    # Maximum number of rows to insert in one query.
    batch_size: 3
    # Fields used by migrate to identify table rows uniquely. At least one
    # field is required.
        type: string
        type: string
        type: string
    # Mapping of column names to values set in migrate process.
      name: name
      owner: owner
      suburb: suburb
      ward: ward
      type: type

For numeric id fields, migrate can generate the values on-the-fly, by enabling use_auto_increment; in such case, the id field may be ommitted from the 'fields' section:

    plugin: table
    # ...
        type: integer
        use_auto_increment: true
    # ...
      non_my_id_field_1: non_my_id_field_1
      non_my_id_field_2: non_my_id_field_2

Plugin annotation

  id = "table"


Expanded class hierarchy of Table


src/Plugin/migrate/destination/Table.php, line 73


View source
class Table extends DestinationBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface, ImportAwareInterface {

   * The name of the destination table.
   * @var string
  protected $tableName;

   * IDMap compatible array of id fields.
   * @var array
  protected $idFields;

   * Array of fields present on the destination table.
   * @var array
  protected $fields;

   * The database connection.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $dbConnection;

   * Maximum number of rows to insert in one query.
   * @var int
  protected $batchSize;

   * The query object being built row-by-row.
   * @var array
  protected $rowsToInsert = [];

   * The highest ID seen or created so far on this table.
   * @var int
  protected $lastId = 0;

   * Constructs a new Table.
   * @param array $configuration
   *   A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The plugin_id for the plugin instance.
   * @param mixed $plugin_definition
   *   The plugin implementation definition.
   * @param \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface $migration
   *   The migration.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection
   *   The database connection.
  public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, MigrationInterface $migration, Connection $connection) {
    parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $migration);
    $this->dbConnection = $connection;
    $this->tableName = $configuration['table_name'];
    $this->idFields = $configuration['id_fields'];
    $this->fields = isset($configuration['fields']) ? $configuration['fields'] : [];
    $this->batchSize = isset($configuration['batch_size']) ? $configuration['batch_size'] : 1;
    $this->supportsRollback = TRUE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, MigrationInterface $migration = NULL) {
    $db_key = !empty($configuration['database_key']) ? $configuration['database_key'] : NULL;
    return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $migration, Database::getConnection('default', $db_key));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getIds() {
    if (empty($this->idFields)) {
      throw new MigrateException('Id fields are required for a table destination');
    return $this->idFields;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function fields(MigrationInterface $migration = NULL) {
    return $this->fields;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function import(Row $row, array $old_destination_id_values = []) {

    // Skip batching (if configured) for updates.
    $batch_inserts = $this->batchSize > 1 && empty($old_destination_id_values);
    $ids = [];
    foreach ($this->idFields as $field => $fieldInfo) {
      if ($row
        ->hasDestinationProperty($field)) {
        $ids[$field] = $row
      elseif (!$row
        ->hasDestinationProperty($field) && empty($fieldInfo['use_auto_increment'])) {
        throw new MigrateSkipProcessException('All the id fields are required for a table migration.');
      elseif ($batch_inserts && $fieldInfo['use_auto_increment']) {
        if (count($this->rowsToInsert) === 0) {

          // Get the highest existing ID, so we will create IDs above it.
          $this->lastId = $this->dbConnection
            ->query("SELECT MAX({$field}) AS MaxId FROM {{$this->tableName}}")
          if (!$this->lastId) {
            $this->lastId = 0;
        $id = ++$this->lastId;
        $ids[$field] = $id;
          ->setDestinationProperty($field, $id);

    // When batching, make sure we have the same properties in the same order
    // every time.
    $values = [];
    if ($batch_inserts) {
      $destination_properties = array_keys($this->migration
      $destination_properties = array_merge($destination_properties, array_keys($this->idFields));
      $destination_values = $row
      foreach ($destination_properties as $property_name) {
        $values[$property_name] = $destination_values[$property_name] ?? NULL;
    else {
      $values = $row
    if ($this->fields) {
      $values = array_intersect_key($values, $this->fields);
    if ($batch_inserts) {
      $this->rowsToInsert[] = $values;
      if (count($this->rowsToInsert) >= $this->batchSize) {
      $status = TRUE;
    elseif (count($ids) < count($this->idFields)) {
      $status = $id = $this->dbConnection
      foreach ($this->idFields as $field => $fieldInfo) {
        if (isset($fieldInfo['use_auto_increment']) && $fieldInfo['use_auto_increment'] === TRUE && !$row
          ->hasDestinationProperty($field)) {
            ->setDestinationProperty($field, $id);
          $ids[$field] = $id;
    else {
      $status = $this->dbConnection
    return $status ? $ids : NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function rollback(array $destination_identifier) {
    $delete = $this->dbConnection
    foreach ($destination_identifier as $field => $value) {
        ->condition($field, $value);

   * Execute the insert query and reset everything.
  public function flushInserts() {
    if (count($this->rowsToInsert) > 0) {
      $batch_query = $this->dbConnection
      foreach ($this->rowsToInsert as $row) {

      // Empty the queue first, so if the statement throws an error we don't
      // end up here trying to execute the same statement (plus one row).
      $this->rowsToInsert = [];

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function preImport(MigrateImportEvent $event) {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public function postImport(MigrateImportEvent $event) {

    // At the conclusion of a given migration, make sure batched inserts go in.

   * Make absolutely sure batched inserts are processed (especially for stubs).
  public function __destruct() {

    // At the conclusion of a given migration, make sure batched inserts go in.



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
DestinationBase::$migration protected property The migration.
DestinationBase::$rollbackAction protected property The rollback action to be saved for the last imported item.
DestinationBase::$supportsRollback protected property Indicates whether the destination can be rolled back.
DestinationBase::checkRequirements public function Checks if requirements for this plugin are OK. Overrides RequirementsInterface::checkRequirements
DestinationBase::getDestinationModule public function Gets the destination module handling the destination data. Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::getDestinationModule 1
DestinationBase::rollbackAction public function The rollback action for the last imported item. Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::rollbackAction
DestinationBase::setRollbackAction protected function For a destination item being updated, set the appropriate rollback action.
DestinationBase::supportsRollback public function Whether the destination can be rolled back or not. Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::supportsRollback
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
PluginBase::$configuration protected property Configuration information passed into the plugin. 1
PluginBase::$pluginDefinition protected property The plugin implementation definition. 1
PluginBase::$pluginId protected property The plugin_id.
PluginBase::DERIVATIVE_SEPARATOR constant A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID.
PluginBase::getBaseId public function Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getBaseId
PluginBase::getDerivativeId public function Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getDerivativeId
PluginBase::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition 3
PluginBase::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId
PluginBase::isConfigurable public function Determines if the plugin is configurable.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
Table::$batchSize protected property Maximum number of rows to insert in one query.
Table::$dbConnection protected property The database connection.
Table::$fields protected property Array of fields present on the destination table.
Table::$idFields protected property IDMap compatible array of id fields.
Table::$lastId protected property The highest ID seen or created so far on this table.
Table::$rowsToInsert protected property The query object being built row-by-row.
Table::$tableName protected property The name of the destination table.
Table::create public static function Creates an instance of the plugin. Overrides ContainerFactoryPluginInterface::create
Table::fields public function Returns an array of destination fields. Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::fields
Table::flushInserts public function Execute the insert query and reset everything.
Table::getIds public function Gets the destination IDs. Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::getIds
Table::import public function Import the row. Overrides MigrateDestinationInterface::import
Table::postImport public function Performs post-import tasks. Overrides ImportAwareInterface::postImport
Table::preImport public function Performs pre-import tasks. Overrides ImportAwareInterface::preImport
Table::rollback public function Delete the specified destination object from the target Drupal. Overrides DestinationBase::rollback
Table::__construct public function Constructs a new Table. Overrides DestinationBase::__construct
Table::__destruct public function Make absolutely sure batched inserts are processed (especially for stubs).