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public function MigrateDestinationWebformSubmission::__construct in Migrate Extras 7.2

Constructs a destination for a given webform node.


object $node: A node object that's type has been enabled for webform use.

Overrides MigrateDestination::__construct


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Destination class for the webform_submissions table.


public function __construct($node) {
  if (empty($node)) {
    throw new Exception(t("You must provide a webform node"));

  // Make sure it's a webform node.
  $types = webform_variable_get('webform_node_types');
  if (!in_array($node->type, $types)) {
    throw new Exception(t("The node must be configured to accept webform submissions but %type was not", array(
      '%type' => $node->type,
  $this->node = $node;

  // Webform expects the component values to be keyed by cid, so we need a
  // hash to map prefixed field names to cid.
  $this->component_cids = array();
  foreach ($this->node->webform['components'] as $component) {
    $this->component_cids['data_' . $component['form_key']] = $component['cid'];

  // We use the functions in this file in import() but load it here so we
  // only do it once.
  module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');