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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Migrate Extras 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
MigrateCckPhoneHandler class ./ Primary value passed to this field must be the two letter ISO country code of the phone number.
MigrateDestinationEntityAPI class ./ Destination class implementing migration into entity types.
MigrateDestinationFlagSimple class ./ Destination class implementing when you want just an insert into flag_content table.
MigrateDestinationMedia class ./ Destination class implementing migration into media entities.
MigrateDestinationPrivateMsg class ./ @file Privatemag module integration
MigrateDestinationProfile2 class ./ Destination class implementing migration into nodes.
MigrateDestinationUserRelationships class ./ Destination class implementing migration into user_relationships table.
MigrateDestinationVotingapi class ./ Destination class for the votingapi_vote table.
MigrateDestinationWebformSubmission class ./ Destination class for the webform_submissions table.
MigrateExampleMediaImageMigration class migrate_extras_examples/migrate_extras_media/ Migration class for media images.
MigrateExampleMediaNodeMigration class migrate_extras_examples/migrate_extras_media/ Migration class for nodes with media fields.
MigrateExampleMediaVideoMigration class migrate_extras_examples/migrate_extras_media/ Migration class for media_youtube entities.
MigrateExamplePathautoMigration class migrate_extras_examples/migrate_extras_pathauto/ Migration class to test import with Pathauto enabled.
MigrateExampleProfile2Migration class migrate_extras_examples/migrate_extras_profile2/ Migration class to test import of various date fields.
MigrateExtrasFileYoutube class ./ Class for creating Youtube file entities.
MigrateExtrasFlagHandler abstract class ./ Field handler - this will expose flags as fields on the object they're attached to, and set the flag to the value mapped in addFieldMapping(). 2
MigrateExtrasNodeFlagHandler class ./ Because we can't identify what kind of entity is passed to complete, we implement a separate handler for each type.
MigrateExtrasPathautoUnitTest class tests/pathauto.test Test pathauto migration.
MigrateExtrasUserFlagHandler class ./
MigrateGeoFieldHandler class ./ Primary value passed to this field must be the geometry type of the geofield: Point, LineString, Polygon
MigrateIntervalFieldHandler class ./ Primary value passed to this field must be interval value itself (number of periods).
MigrateMediaFieldHandler class ./
MigrateNameHandler class ./ Primary value passed to this field must be the 'given' name. it cannot be NULL, but may be an empty string.
MigratePathautoHandler class ./ Field handler.

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