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abstract class MigrateDestinationEntity in Migrate 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 plugins/destinations/ \MigrateDestinationEntity

Abstract base class for entity-based destination handling. Holds common Field API-related functions.


Expanded class hierarchy of MigrateDestinationEntity


plugins/destinations/, line 14
Defines base for migration destinations implemented as Drupal entities. Drupal 6 note: Yes, there is no "entity" in D6. We maintain this intermediate class to simplify keeping the D6 and D7 implementations in sync.

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abstract class MigrateDestinationEntity extends MigrateDestination {

   * The entity type (node, user, taxonomy_term, etc.) of the destination.
   * @var string
  protected $entityType;
  public function getEntityType() {
    return $this->entityType;

   * The bundle (node type, vocabulary, etc.) of the destination.
   * @var string
  protected $bundle;
  public function getBundle() {
    return $this->bundle;

   * Default language for text fields in this destination.
   * @var string
  protected $language;
  public function getLanguage() {
    return $this->language;

   * Default input format for text fields in this destination.
   * @var int
  protected $textFormat;
  public function getTextFormat() {
    return $this->textFormat;

   * Simply save the key schema.
   * @param array $key_schema
  public function __construct($entity_type, $bundle, array $options = array()) {
    $this->entityType = $entity_type;
    $this->bundle = $bundle;
    $this->language = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language'] : LANGUAGE_NONE;
    $this->textFormat = isset($options['text_format']) ? $options['text_format'] : filter_fallback_format();
  public function __toString() {

    // TODO: Link to configuration page
    if ($this->entityType == $this->bundle) {
      $output = t('%type', array(
        '%type' => $this->entityType,
    else {
      $output = t('%type (%bundle)', array(
        '%type' => $this->entityType,
        '%bundle' => $this->bundle,

    // TODO: Non-default language, input format
    return $output;

   * Give handlers a shot at cleaning up before an entity has been rolled back.
   * @param $entity_id
   *  ID of the entity about to be deleted..
  public function prepareRollback($entity_id) {
    $migration = Migration::currentMigration();

    // Call any general entity handlers (in particular, the builtin field handler)
    migrate_handler_invoke_all('Entity', 'prepareRollback', $entity_id);

    // Then call any entity-specific handlers
    migrate_handler_invoke_all($this->entityType, 'prepareRollback', $entity_id);

    // Then call any prepare handler for this specific Migration.
    if (method_exists($migration, 'prepareRollback')) {

   * Give handlers a shot at cleaning up after an entity has been rolled back.
   * @param $entity_id
   *  ID of the entity which has been deleted.
  public function completeRollback($entity_id) {
    $migration = Migration::currentMigration();

    // Call any general entity handlers (in particular, the builtin field handler)
    migrate_handler_invoke_all('Entity', 'completeRollback', $entity_id);

    // Then call any entity-specific handlers
    migrate_handler_invoke_all($this->entityType, 'completeRollback', $entity_id);

    // Then call any complete handler for this specific Migration.
    if (method_exists($migration, 'completeRollback')) {

   * Give handlers a shot at modifying the object before saving it.
   * @param $entity
   *  Entity object to build. Prefilled with any fields mapped in the Migration.
   * @param $source_row
   *  Raw source data object - passed through to prepare handlers.
  public function prepare($entity, stdClass $source_row) {

    // Add source keys for debugging and identification of migrated data by hooks.

    /* TODO: Restore
       foreach ($migration->sourceKeyMap() as $field_name => $key_name) {
         $keys[$key_name] = $source_row->$field_name;
    $migration = Migration::currentMigration();
    $entity->migrate = array(
      //      'source_keys' => $keys,
      'machineName' => $migration

    // Call any general entity handlers (in particular, the builtin field handler)
    migrate_handler_invoke_all('Entity', 'prepare', $entity, $source_row);

    // Then call any entity-specific handlers
    migrate_handler_invoke_all($this->entityType, 'prepare', $entity, $source_row);

    // Then call any prepare handler for this specific Migration.
    if (method_exists($migration, 'prepare')) {
        ->prepare($entity, $source_row);

   * Give handlers a shot at modifying the object (or taking additional action)
   * after saving it.
   * @param $object
   *  Entity object to build. This is the complete object after saving.
   * @param $source_row
   *  Raw source data object - passed through to complete handlers.
  public function complete($entity, stdClass $source_row) {

    // Call any general entity handlers (in particular, the builtin field handler)
    migrate_handler_invoke_all('Entity', 'complete', $entity, $source_row);

    // Then call any entity-specific handlers
    migrate_handler_invoke_all($this->entityType, 'complete', $entity, $source_row);

    // Then call any complete handler for this specific Migration.
    $migration = Migration::currentMigration();
    if (method_exists($migration, 'complete')) {
      try {
          ->complete($entity, $source_row);
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // If we catch any errors here, save the messages without letting
        // the exception prevent the saving of the entity being recorded.



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MigrateDestination::$numCreated protected property Maintain stats on the number of destination objects created or updated.
MigrateDestination::$numUpdated protected property
MigrateDestination::fields abstract public function Derived classes must implement fields(), returning a list of available destination fields. 6
MigrateDestination::getCreated public function
MigrateDestination::getUpdated public function
MigrateDestination::import abstract public function Derived classes must implement import(), to construct one new object (pre-pppulated using field mappings in the Migration). It is expected to call prepare and complete handlers, passing them $row (the raw data from the source). 6
MigrateDestination::resetStats public function Reset numCreated and numUpdated back to 0.
MigrateDestinationEntity::$bundle protected property The bundle (node type, vocabulary, etc.) of the destination.
MigrateDestinationEntity::$entityType protected property The entity type (node, user, taxonomy_term, etc.) of the destination.
MigrateDestinationEntity::$language protected property Default language for text fields in this destination.
MigrateDestinationEntity::$textFormat protected property Default input format for text fields in this destination.
MigrateDestinationEntity::complete public function Give handlers a shot at modifying the object (or taking additional action) after saving it.
MigrateDestinationEntity::completeRollback public function Give handlers a shot at cleaning up after an entity has been rolled back.
MigrateDestinationEntity::getBundle public function
MigrateDestinationEntity::getEntityType public function
MigrateDestinationEntity::getLanguage public function
MigrateDestinationEntity::getTextFormat public function
MigrateDestinationEntity::prepare public function Give handlers a shot at modifying the object before saving it.
MigrateDestinationEntity::prepareRollback public function Give handlers a shot at cleaning up before an entity has been rolled back.
MigrateDestinationEntity::__construct public function Simply save the key schema. Overrides MigrateDestination::__construct 4
MigrateDestinationEntity::__toString public function Derived classes must implement __toString(). Overrides MigrateDestination::__toString