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function taxonomy_migrate_prepare_node in Migrate 6

Implementation of hook_migrate_prepare_node().


modules/, line 185
Implementation of taxonomy destination handling


function taxonomy_migrate_prepare_node(&$node, $tblinfo, $row) {
  static $vocabs;
  if (!isset($vocabs) || !isset($vocabs[$node->type])) {
    $vocabs[$node->type] = taxonomy_get_vocabularies($node->type);
  if (!$vocabs[$node->type] || count($vocabs[$node->type]) < 1) {
  $multiple_separator = $tblinfo->multiple_separator;
  $taxonomy = array();

  // Here we will store the final taxonomy for this node.
  $errors = array();

  // Here we will store the errors for this node.
  // It is possible there appeared some terms magically already.
  if (isset($node->taxonomy)) {
    $taxonomy = is_array($node->taxonomy) ? $node->taxonomy : array();
  foreach ((array) $vocabs[$node->type] as $vocab) {
    $field = 'migrate_taxonomy_' . $vocab->vid;
    if (isset($field) && isset($node->{$field})) {
      $value = trim($node->{$field});
    else {
      $value = '';
    $vid = $vocab->vid;

    // Depending on the type of vocabulary, we need to handle this specially.
    if ($vocab->tags) {

      // 1. Free tagging vocabularies:
      //    $node->taxonomy['tags'] = array($vid1 => $text_value, $vid2 => $text_value, ...);
      //    note: we don't have to split the $text_value as taxonomy_node_save()
      //    will do that for us. So in this case, to specify multiple terms, you
      //    need to set it to "term 1, term 2, term 3" (separator = ',').
      $taxonomy['tags'] = isset($taxonomy['tags']) ? $taxonomy['tags'] : array();
      $taxonomy['tags'][$vid] = !empty($global_value) && !empty($value) ? ',' : '';
      $taxonomy['tags'][$vid] .= str_replace($multiple_separator, ',', $value);

      // Error if the vocabulary was required, but there are no terms.
      if ($vocab->required && empty($taxonomy['tags'][$vid])) {
        $errors[] = migrate_message(t('You need to assign at least one term of the vocabulary %name.', array(
          '%name' => theme('placeholder', $vocab->name),
    else {

      // 2. Other vocabularies:
      //    $node->taxonomy = array($tid1, $tid2, ...)
      //    or
      //    $node->taxonomy = array($vid1 => array($tid1, $tid2, ...), $vid2 => array(...), ...)
      //    We'll use the second form.
      $taxonomy[$vid] = isset($taxonomy[$vid]) ? $taxonomy[$vid] : array();
      if (isset($value) && !empty($value)) {

        // If the vocabulary allows multiple terms, explode the $value.
        if ($vocab->multiple) {
          $terms = array_map('trim', explode($multiple_separator, $value));
        else {
          $terms = array(

        // Now handle each term.
        foreach ($terms as $text) {
          if (!empty($text)) {
            $tid = _migrate_taxonomy_get_term($vocab, $text, 'warn');
            if ($tid >= 0) {

              // A $tid == 0 means that the term was not found, but will be created.
              // Because we check whether terms are assigned later on for required
              // vocabularies, we need to add it to the array.
              $taxonomy[$vid][] = $tid;
            elseif ($tid < 0) {
              $errors[] = migrate_message(t('The term %term does not exist in the %name vocabulary.', array(
                '%term' => theme('placeholder', $value),
                '%name' => theme('placeholder', $vocab->name),

      // Error if the vocabulary was required, but there are no terms.
      if ($vocab->required && count($taxonomy[$vid]) == 0) {
        $errors[] = migrate_message(t('You need to assign at least one term of the %name vocabulary.', array(
          '%name' => theme('placeholder', $vocab->name),

      // Make sure there are no duplicated entries and no '0' entries.
      $taxonomy[$vid] = array_filter(array_unique($taxonomy[$vid]));

      // If single select, the $taxonomy[$vid] should be an integer, not an array.
      if (!$vocab->multiple) {
        if (count($taxonomy[$vid]) == 1) {
          $taxonomy[$vid] = $taxonomy[$vid][0];
        else {
  if (module_exists('category')) {
    $node->category = $taxonomy;
  else {
    $node->taxonomy = $taxonomy;
  return $errors;