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function migrate_content_process_clear in Migrate 6

Clear migrated objects from the specified content set


$mcsid: ID of the content set to clear

$options: Keyed array of optional options: itemlimit - Maximum number of items to process timelimit - Unix timestamp after which to stop processing idlist - Comma-separated list of source IDs to process, instead of proceeding through all unmigrated rows feedback - Keyed array controlling status feedback to the caller function - PHP function to call, passing a message to be displayed frequency - How often to call the function frequency_unit - How to interpret frequency (items or seconds)

Return value

Status of the migration process:

2 calls to migrate_content_process_clear()
migrate_content_process_batch in ./migrate.module
Process all enabled migration processes in a browser, using the Batch API to break it into manageable chunks.
_drush_migrate_do_clear in ./


./migrate.module, line 401
This module provides tools at "administer >> content >> migrate" for analyzing data from various sources and importing them into Drupal tables.


function migrate_content_process_clear($mcsid, &$options = array()) {
  $itemlimit = isset($options['itemlimit']) ? $options['itemlimit'] : NULL;
  $timelimit = isset($options['timelimit']) ? $options['timelimit'] : NULL;
  $idlist = isset($options['idlist']) ? $options['idlist'] : NULL;
  $lastfeedback = time();
  if (isset($options['feedback'])) {
    $feedback = $options['feedback']['function'];
    $frequency = isset($options['feedback']['frequency']) ? $options['feedback']['frequency'] : NULL;
    $frequency_unit = isset($options['feedback']['frequency_unit']) ? $options['feedback']['frequency_unit'] : NULL;
  $result = db_query("SELECT *\n                      FROM {migrate_content_sets}\n                      WHERE mcsid=%d", $mcsid);
  $tblinfo = db_fetch_object($result);
  $tblinfo->maptable = $maptable;
  $description = $tblinfo->description;
  if ($tblinfo->status != MIGRATE_STATUS_IDLE) {
  else {
    db_query("UPDATE {migrate_content_sets} SET status=%d WHERE mcsid=%d", MIGRATE_STATUS_CLEARING, $mcsid);
  $desttype = $tblinfo->desttype;
  $contenttype = $tblinfo->contenttype;
  $sourcekey = $tblinfo->sourcekey;
  $maptable = migrate_map_table_name($mcsid);
  $msgtablename = migrate_message_table_name($mcsid);
  $processstart = microtime(TRUE);
  $memory_limit = _migrate_memory_limit();

  // If this content set is set up to update existing content, we don't
  // want to delete the content on clear, just the map/message tables
  $sql = "SELECT srcfield FROM {migrate_content_mappings}\n          WHERE mcsid=%d AND primary_key=1";
  $srcfield = db_result(db_query($sql, $mcsid));
  if ($srcfield) {
    $full_clear = FALSE;
  else {
    $full_clear = TRUE;

  // Assume success until proven otherwise
  $deleted = 0;
  $args = array();
  if ($idlist) {
    $args = array_map('trim', explode(',', $idlist));
    if (is_numeric($args[0])) {
      $placeholders = db_placeholders($args, 'int');
    else {
      $placeholders = db_placeholders($args, 'varchar');
    $sql = "SELECT sourceid,destid FROM {" . $maptable . "} WHERE sourceid IN ({$placeholders})";
  else {
    $sql = "SELECT sourceid,destid FROM {" . $maptable . "}";
  timer_start('delete query');
  if ($itemlimit) {
    $deletelist = db_query_range($sql, $args, 0, $itemlimit);
  else {
    $deletelist = db_query($sql, $args);
  timer_stop('delete query');
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($deletelist)) {

    // Recheck status - permits dynamic interruption of jobs
    $sql = "SELECT status FROM {migrate_content_sets} WHERE mcsid=%d";
    $status = db_result(db_query($sql, $mcsid));
    if ($status != MIGRATE_STATUS_CLEARING) {

    // Check for time out if there is time info present
    if (isset($timelimit) && time() >= $timelimit) {

    // Check for closeness to memory limit
    $usage = memory_get_usage();
    $pct_memory = $usage / $memory_limit;
    if ($pct_memory > MIGRATE_MEMORY_THRESHOLD) {
      if (isset($feedback)) {
        $feedback(t('Memory usage is !usage (!pct% of limit !limit), starting new batch', array(
          '!pct' => round($pct_memory * 100),
          '!usage' => $usage,
          '!limit' => $memory_limit,
    if (isset($feedback)) {
      if ($frequency_unit == 'seconds' && time() - $lastfeedback >= $frequency || $frequency_unit == 'items' && $deleted >= $frequency) {
        $message = _migrate_progress_message($lastfeedback, $deleted, $description, FALSE, MIGRATE_RESULT_INCOMPLETE);
        $lastfeedback = time();
        $deleted = 0;

    // @TODO: Should return success/failure. Problem: node_delete doesn't return anything...
    if ($full_clear) {
      timer_start('delete hooks');
      migrate_invoke_all("delete_{$contenttype}", $tblinfo, $row->destid);
      timer_stop('delete hooks');
    timer_start('clear map/msg');
    db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $maptable . "} WHERE sourceid='%s'", $row->sourceid);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $msgtablename . "} WHERE sourceid='%s' AND level=%d", $row->sourceid, MIGRATE_MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL);
    timer_stop('clear map/msg');

  // Mark that we're done
  $sql = "UPDATE {migrate_content_sets} SET status=%d WHERE mcsid=%d";
  db_query($sql, MIGRATE_STATUS_IDLE, $mcsid);

  // If we've completed a total clear, make sure all messages are gone
  if ($return == MIGRATE_RESULT_COMPLETED && !$idlist && !$itemlimit) {
    db_query('TRUNCATE TABLE {' . $msgtablename . '}');
  else {
    if ($return != MIGRATE_RESULT_INCOMPLETE) {

      // Remove old messages before beginning new import process
      db_query("DELETE FROM {" . $msgtablename . "} WHERE level <> %d", MIGRATE_MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL);
  $message = _migrate_progress_message($lastfeedback, $deleted, $description, FALSE, $return);
  if (isset($feedback)) {
  return $return;