function microdata_enabled in Microdata 7
Determine whether a field formatter can output microdata.
Output may be allowed for fields or properties of field. Whether or not microdata is enabled for a field is defined in hook_field_info for fields and the Entity property callback (part of Entity API) for properties.
array $info: The array of field or property info.
Return value
boolean TRUE if this field or property has microdata integration, FALSE otherwise.
3 calls to microdata_enabled()
- theme_microdata_mapping_admin in ./ - Theme function to output the table for a bundle's mappings.
- _microdata_get_field_properties in ./
microdata.module - Get the field's properties.
- _microdata_prepare_mapping in ./
microdata.module - Helper function to prepare a microdata mapping for use.
1 string reference to 'microdata_enabled'
- theme_microdata_mapping_admin in ./ - Theme function to output the table for a bundle's mappings.
- ./
microdata.module, line 839
function microdata_enabled($info) {
if (!empty($info['microdata'])) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;