micon_content_type.module in Micon 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Contains micon_content_type.module.
micon_content_type/micon_content_type.moduleView source
* @file
* Contains micon_content_type.module.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* Adds icon options to the node type form.
* @see NodeTypeForm::form()
* @see menu_ui_form_node_type_form_submit()
function micon_content_type_form_node_type_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
/** @var \Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface $type */
$type = $form_state
$form['icon'] = [
'#type' => 'micon',
'#title' => t('Icon'),
'#default_value' => micon_content_type_icon($type),
'#weight' => 0,
$form['#entity_builders'][] = 'micon_content_type_form_node_type_form_builder';
* Entity builder for the node type form with menu options.
* @see menu_ui_form_node_type_form_alter()
function micon_content_type_form_node_type_form_builder($entity_type, NodeTypeInterface $type, &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
->setThirdPartySetting('micon_content_type', 'icon', $form_state
* Helper function for retrieving the icon from a node type.
* @var \Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface $type
* The content type.
function micon_content_type_icon(NodeTypeInterface $type) {
return $type
->getThirdPartySetting('micon_content_type', 'icon');
* Implements hook_micon_icons_alter().
function micon_content_type_micon_icons_alter(&$icons) {
$defaults = [
'text' => '',
'regex' => '',
'weight' => 0,
'provider' => 'micon_content_type',
$types = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
foreach ($types as $type) {
if ($icon = micon_content_type_icon($type)) {
$id = 'content_type.' . $type
$icons[$id] = [
'text' => 'content_type.' . strtolower($type
'icon' => $icon,
'id' => $id,
] + $defaults;
$icons[$id . '_bundle'] = [
'text' => 'content_type.' . $type
'icon' => $icon,
'id' => $id,
] + $defaults;
* Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function micon_content_type_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
/* @var $entity_types \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface[] */
Name![]() |
Description |
micon_content_type_entity_type_alter | Implements hook_entity_type_alter(). |
micon_content_type_form_node_type_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
micon_content_type_form_node_type_form_builder | Entity builder for the node type form with menu options. |
micon_content_type_icon | Helper function for retrieving the icon from a node type. |
micon_content_type_micon_icons_alter | Implements hook_micon_icons_alter(). |