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public function MetatagTagsTestBase::testTagsInputOutput in Metatag 8

Confirm that each tag can be saved and that the output is correct.

Each tag is passed in one at a time (using the dataProvider) to make it easier to distinguish when a problem occurs.

@dataProvider tagsInputOutputProvider


string $tag_name: The tag to test.


tests/src/Functional/MetatagTagsTestBase.php, line 126


Base class to test all of the meta tags that are in a specific module.




public function testTagsInputOutput($tag_name) {

  // Create a content type to test with.
    'type' => 'page',
    'title' => $this
      ->t('Hello, world!'),
    'type' => 'page',
  $session = $this

  // Test a non-entity path and an entity path. The non-entity path inherits
  // the global meta tags, the entity path inherits from its entity config.
  $paths = [
      'Saved the Global Metatag defaults.',
      'Saved the Content Metatag defaults',
  foreach ($paths as $item) {
    ] = $item;

    // Load the global config.

    // Update the Global defaults and test them.
    $all_values = $values = [];

    // Look for a custom method named "{$tagname}TestKey", if found use
    // that method to get the test string for this meta tag, otherwise it
    // defaults to the meta tag's name.
    $method = $this
      ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestKey');
    if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
      $test_key = $this
    else {
      $test_key = $tag_name;

    // Look for a custom method named "{$tagname}TestValue", if found use
    // that method to get the test string for this meta tag, otherwise it
    // defaults to just generating a random string.
    $method = $this
      ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestValue');
    if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
      $test_value = $this
    else {

      // Generate a random string. Generating two words of 8 characters each
      // with simple machine name -style strings.
      $test_value = $this
        ->randomMachineName() . ' ' . $this
    $values[$test_key] = $test_value;
    $all_values[$tag_name] = $test_value;
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $values, 'Save');

    // Load the test page.

    // Look for the values.
    // Look for a custom method named "{$tag_name}TestOutputXpath", if
    // found use that method to get the xpath definition for this meta tag,
    // otherwise it defaults to just looking for a meta tag matching:
    // {@code}
    // <$testTag $testNameAttribute=$tag_name $testValueAttribute=$value />
    // {@endcode}
    $method = $this
      ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestOutputXpath');
    if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
      $xpath_string = $this
    else {

      // Look for a custom method named "{$tag_name}TestTag", if
      // found use that method to get the xpath definition for this meta
      // tag, otherwise it defaults to $this->testTag.
      $method = $this
        ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestTag');
      if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
        $xpath_tag = $this
      else {
        $xpath_tag = $this->testTag;

      // Look for a custom method named "{$tag_name}TestNameAttribute",
      // if found use that method to get the xpath definition for this meta
      // tag, otherwise it defaults to $this->testNameAttribute.
      $method = $this
        ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestNameAttribute');
      if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
        $xpath_name_attribute = $this
      else {
        $xpath_name_attribute = $this->testNameAttribute;

      // Look for a custom method named "{$tag_name}TestTagName", if
      // found use that method to get the xpath definition for this meta
      // tag, otherwise it defaults to $tag_name.
      $method = $this
        ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestTagName');
      if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
        $xpath_name_tag = $this
      else {
        $xpath_name_tag = $this

      // Compile the xpath.
      $xpath_string = "//{$xpath_tag}[@{$xpath_name_attribute}='{$xpath_name_tag}']";

    // Look for a custom method named "{$tag_name}TestValueAttribute", if
    // found use that method to get the xpath definition for this meta tag,
    // otherwise it defaults to $this->testValueAttribute.
    $method = $this
      ->getMethodFromTagCallback($tag_name, 'TestValueAttribute');
    if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
      $xpath_value_attribute = $this
    else {
      $xpath_value_attribute = $this->testValueAttribute;

    // Extract the meta tag from the HTML.
    $xpath = $this
      ->assertCount(1, $xpath, new FormattableMarkup('One @tag tag found using @xpath.', [
      '@tag' => $tag_name,
      '@xpath' => $xpath_string,
    if (count($xpath) !== 1) {
        ->verbose($xpath, $tag_name . ': ' . $xpath_string);

    // Run various tests on the output variables.
    // Most meta tags have an attribute, but some don't.
    if (!empty($xpath_value_attribute)) {

      // Help with debugging.
      if (!$xpath[0]
        ->hasAttribute($xpath_value_attribute)) {
          ->verbose($xpath, $tag_name . ': ' . $xpath_string);
      else {
        if ((string) $xpath[0]
          ->getAttribute($xpath_value_attribute) != $all_values[$tag_name]) {
            ->verbose($xpath, $tag_name . ': ' . $xpath_string);
          ->getAttribute($xpath_value_attribute), $all_values[$tag_name], "The '{$tag_name}' tag was found with the expected value.");
    else {
        ->verbose($xpath, $tag_name . ': ' . $xpath_string);
        ->assertTrue((string) $xpath[0]);
        ->assertEquals((string) $xpath[0], $all_values[$tag_name], new FormattableMarkup("The '@tag' tag was found with the expected value '@value'.", [
        '@tag' => $tag_name,
        '@value' => $all_values[$tag_name],