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protected function MetatagTagsTestBase::getTestTagName in Metatag 8

Convert a tag's internal name to the string which is actually used in HTML.

The meta tag internal name will be machine names, i.e. only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and the underline character. Meta tag names will actually contain any possible character.


string $tag_name: The tag name to be converted.

Return value

string The converted tag name.

1 call to MetatagTagsTestBase::getTestTagName()
MetatagTagsTestBase::testTagsInputOutput in tests/src/Functional/MetatagTagsTestBase.php
Confirm that each tag can be saved and that the output is correct.
13 methods override MetatagTagsTestBase::getTestTagName()
MetatagAppLinksTagsTest::getTestTagName in metatag_app_links/tests/src/Functional/MetatagAppLinksTagsTest.php
Each of these meta tags has a different tag name vs its internal name.
MetatagDublinCoreAdvancedTagsTest::getTestTagName in metatag_dc_advanced/tests/src/Functional/MetatagDublinCoreAdvancedTagsTest.php
Each of these meta tags has a different tag name vs its internal name.
MetatagDublinCoreTagsTest::getTestTagName in metatag_dc/tests/src/Functional/MetatagDublinCoreTagsTest.php
Each of these meta tags has a different tag name vs its internal name.
MetatagFacebookTagsTest::getTestTagName in metatag_facebook/tests/src/Functional/MetatagFacebookTagsTest.php
Each of these meta tags has a different tag name vs its internal name.
MetatagGooglePlusTagsTest::getTestTagName in metatag_google_plus/tests/src/Functional/MetatagGooglePlusTagsTest.php
Each of these meta tags has a different tag name vs its internal name.

... See full list


tests/src/Functional/MetatagTagsTestBase.php, line 313


Base class to test all of the meta tags that are in a specific module.




protected function getTestTagName($tag_name) {
  return $tag_name;