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function metatag_entity_base_field_info in Metatag 8

Implements hook_entity_base_field_info().


./metatag.module, line 601
Contains metatag.module.


function metatag_entity_base_field_info(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
  $fields = [];
  $base_table = $entity_type
  $canonical_template_exists = $entity_type

  // Certain classes are just not supported.
  $original_class = $entity_type
  $classes_to_skip = [

  // If the entity type doesn't have a base table, has no link template then
  // there's no point in supporting it.
  if (!empty($base_table) && $canonical_template_exists && !in_array($original_class, $classes_to_skip)) {
    $fields['metatag'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('map')
      ->setLabel(t('Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)'))
      ->setDescription(t('The meta tags for the entity.'))
  return $fields;