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function messaging_text_format_html in Messaging 6.4

Default html filter.

We use a fake 'messaging' format so all variables affecting this filtering can be overridden

  • filter_html_messaging = FILTER_HTML_STRIP || FILTER_HTML_ESCAPE
  • allowed_html_messaging, defaults to '<a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd>'
  • filter_url_length_messaging, defaults to 72
1 string reference to 'messaging_text_format_html'
_messaging_text_filter_info in includes/
Get built in filters info, will be provided on messaging_messaging('filter info')


includes/, line 118
Drupal Messaging Framework - Text filtering functions


function messaging_text_format_html($text, $format = 'messaging') {

  // Turn URLs into links
  $text = _filter_url($text, $format);

  // Filter out dangerous HTML.
  $text = _filter_html($text, $format);

  // Convert line breaks
  $text = _filter_autop($text);

  // Fix faulty HTML
  $text = _filter_htmlcorrector($text);
  return $text;