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function messaging_text_check_plain in Messaging 6.4

HTML to text simple filtering.

  • Replace some tags with line endings: p, br, hr, li, h1, h2, h3, h4

Strip out all HTML tags and decode entities


$text: Text to clean up

$break: Optional character to replace tags for line breaks

$list: Optional item list marker, may be a dash '-' or an asterisk '*'

3 calls to messaging_text_check_plain()
messaging_check_plain in includes/
HTML to text simple filtering.
Messaging_Method::check_subject in includes/
Converts strings to plain utf-8 single line
messaging_text_filter in includes/
Apply filter to message text
1 string reference to 'messaging_text_check_plain'
_messaging_text_filter_info in includes/
Get built in filters info, will be provided on messaging_messaging('filter info')


includes/, line 19
Drupal Messaging Framework - Text filtering functions


function messaging_text_check_plain($text, $break = "\n", $list = '- ') {

  // This have to be done before the filtering because tag markers may have been previously parsed with check_plain
  $text = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $text);

  // Clean up the HTML and replace some tags with line endings
  if (isset($break)) {
    $text = _filter_htmlcorrector($text);
    $text = str_replace(array(
      '<br />',
      '<hr />',
    ), $break, $text);
    if (isset($list)) {
      $text = str_replace('<li>', $list, $text);

  // Final text clean up
  return messaging_text_clean($text);